What's the box like, and what's this t-shirt all about?
Today, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D arrived. Needless to say, my pre-E3 weekend and air travel is accounted for. Will the 3DS battery last six hours on a cross-country flight? Probably not. My flight better have power outlets! Anyway, here's the box, complete with my new kitty. Her name is Bowie, and she is by no means challenging Louie's throne.

Here's the instruction manual, which is kind of weird. It folds open, much like those old fold-out instruction manuals that sometimes had maps. This doesn't have a map, but it's got a lot of colorful instructions. I hope this is the future of instruction manuals, and not the black-and-white tear-inducing things that come with most games.
Here's the bit of swag that came with the game, with NWR Contributing Writer Lauren Lewandoski modeling it for y'all. Nintendo must have a thing for wrap-around t-shirts. The Spirit Tracks shirt had a similar setup.