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2007 NWR Awards

Game We Would Most Like to See on the Virtual Console

by James Jones - March 7, 2008, 12:27 am EST

Nintendo World Report (finally) honors 2007's best games.

Even with the huge number of games already available, pretty much everyone has a favorite game they desperately want released on the Virtual Console. Here's our picks.

Game We Would Most Like to See on the Virtual Console

The NWR Award

Super Mario RPG

Some people would have you believe that Squaresoft’s best SNES game was Chrono Trigger, but those people are chowderheads. Super Mario RPG is not just one of the best RPGs and best Squaresoft games ever made, it is also one of greatest SNES games ever produced. SMRPG is notable for several things, chief among them a turn-based battle system in which the player is an active participant. Paper Mario and the Mario & Luigi games would later add to (or perhaps take away from) this system, but in essence the player could use timed button presses to add damage to an attack or block enemy attacks. SMRPG's graphics were top-notch for the system - rivaled only by the Donkey Kong Country franchise - and its music is infective and peppy. Best of all, Bowser joins Mario’s cause and becomes a playable character (as does Peach!). Super Mario RPG still spends time in my SNES, but I would buy it in a heartbeat on the Virtual Console.

Runner-up: GoldenEye 007

1997’s Goldeneye 007 is perhaps one of the most unique titles in Nintendo’s entire library. It’s an extremely rare combination of a great license, a superb game engine, unbelievably tight gameplay , stellar single-player and multi-player modes, and a high level of difficulty. It’s also published by Nintendo, the last company you’d ever expect to release a seminal first-person shooter. One of 007’s coolest aspects is how it’s steeped in “Bondness”; it features tons of villains from the Bond series, lots of cool weapons (including one of the earliest FPS inclusions of a Sniper Rifle with a zoomable scope), and levels ripped straight from the series canon. Goldeneye 007 isn’t just a Bond game, it’s the Bond game.

While one might think that the continuing evolution of the console first-person shooter genre has made Goldeneye 007 irrelevant, nothing could be further from the truth. Assuming the role of James Bond and fighting Alex Trevelyan on top of the Cradle is still as fun as ever, and executing a perfect headshot is still a blast. The split-screen multiplayer is a little archaic in these days of online gaming, but that won’t stop us from wanting to see Goldeneye 007 arrive on the Virtual Console. Now if only we could get 007 to take care of the licensing issues between Nintendo and Microsoft…

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