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2007 NWR Awards

DS - Best Sound

by James Jones - March 6, 2008, 3:04 pm EST

Nintendo World Report (finally) honors 2007's best games.

With the completion of the Wii awards, we move on to the Nintendo DS.

Sometimes it's a wonder what comes out of the two little speakers that flank the DS' top screen. Despite being a handheld, 2007 saw some developers getting some really good sound out of the DS.

DS - Best Sound

The NWR Award

Contra 4

There are a number of ways to win a best sound award. Contra 4 wins largely because of the strength of its soundtrack, which is an integral part of the game's appeal. The depth of the music probably caters to more savvy listeners, often requiring multiple listens before it really sinks in, but that's a good thing considering how many times you'll have to replay the levels in Contra 4.

Runner-up: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations reaches the greatest heights for memorable themes. Each character, place, and situation has the perfect backing track, creating atmosphere and suspense exactly where it's needed. From the powerful new courtroom theme to the jazzy tones of the new prosecutor, the soundtrack quality goes beyond that of previous games in the series. In fact, the soundtrack for the series has been released in Japan with an orchestral arrangement - a testament to its enduring quality.

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