Amusement Vision President talks about F-Zero GC/AC and shows off new footage.
The first Tokyo International Computer Graphics Festival (TIGRAF) was held for three days from October 28 to 30. On the 30th, the event featured a game special composed of three segments. One of the segment featured Toshihiro Nagoshi (Super Monkey Ball, Daytona USA and Scud Race) regarding the evolution of driving games and his current involvement with F-Zero GC/AC.
The event kicked off with Mr. Nagoshi walking the audience through the
history of driving games showing off clips from games such as Daytona USA, Scud Race, and Sega GT Rally. He discussed about the challenges his team faced when moving to new hardware. Finally, he shows off for the first time footage of the eagerly anticipated title, F-Zero GC/AC, Sega's second game to run on the Triforce hardware. Regarding the development, he mentioned his focus on the element of movement and the speed. Click here to download the footage.

After his presentation, a panel discussion was held between Mr. Hamada
(Famitsu's editor), Mr. Sudo (Auto Modelista), Mr. Imaeda (Sega Rally GT 2002), and Mr. Nagoshi. During the panel discussion, they show off a slightly modified version of the footage, and Mr. Nagoshi commented that he is focusing on the interface and rhythm of the game.

F-Zero GC/AC is still the working title.
More details as it develops. For now, get a load of these two absolutely breathtaking clips from the upcoming F-Zero game. (Right-Click the movies and choose "Save As ...")
F-Zero GC/AC:
Movie 1 (15MB MPEG)
Movie 2 (5.5MB MPEG)