If you didn't fear genius babies before, you will after you have met this character.
Despite its negative stance among fans, I really loved Twilight Princess, especially the story and characters. It may not have been the extreme revolution fans were hoping this game would be, but it was in the end very entertaining and highly polished.
It also had some of the weirdest characters to ever grace the series. I could easily fill this entire feature with characters from that game, but alas we need the variety. The one character from Twilight Princess that surprised me the most was Malo, a young toddler originating from Link's village.
At first glance, he looks like a typical baby/toddler character. Cute, big headed and with some very large eyes. It's Hyrule's answer to a “My Precious Moments” character! But all illusion is gone when he speaks. Most of the time, he will be standing by his siblings, providing snarky commentary on the events going on around him in a deadpan manner.

Ambition and greed at such a young age
The one thing that made Malo such an outstanding character, though, was his smarts. During your adventures, Malo rants about how unfair the shop at Hyrule Castle is, damning them for their high prices and elitist attitudes towards their customers.
You would think that a baby/toddler is powerless against an established store. That's where Link comes in. After Male sends Link on a series of side quests and errands, Malo gains the power to that store, and appropriately calls it the Malo Mart.

It begins...
Not only does he become the boss of people far older than him, he humiliates them by having them wear colorful outfits that bear his face, constantly dance around to very catchy music and ALWAYS BE SMILING.
So yes, Malo was so intent on destroying this store he buys it and changes its policies, he made those employees miserable for the rest of their lives. All while listening to one of Twilight Princess's catchiest songs!
Malo makes Stewie from Family Guy look like a poser when it comes to intelligence. He is barely learning to walk, and has already learned the basics of commerce and is likely smarter than Princess Zelda and Ganondorf COMBINED.

Oh sure, he may be smiling, but on the inside he is one miserable soul
If either of them aren't careful, Link may just be fighting with or against Hyrule's future ruler...
And that's why I love Malo as a character. The writers took what could have been yet another archetype character to pad out the cast and turned him into an unforgettable character that defies convention and is pretty funny to boot.