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Rock Band Coming to Wii June 22

March 24, 2008, 12:08 pm EDT
Total comments: 49

Wii version to feature 63 songs, with five exclusive bonus songs; no word on downloadable content.

Wii Will Rock You!

MTV Games, Harmonix and EA Announce Rock Band™ for Wii on June 22, 2008

The number one selling game in February 2008 is coming to Wii!

Cambridge, MA - March 24, 2007-- Harmonix, the leading developer of music-based games, and MTV Games, a division of MTV Networks, which is a division of Viacom (NYSE: VIA, VIA.B), along with distribution partner Electronic Arts, Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS), today announced plans to release the award-winning music video game Rock Band on the Wii™ home video game system from Nintendo in the U.S. and Canada on June 22, 2008 for the suggested retail price of $169.99.

Rock Band for Wii will be released as a Special Edition bundle including the software, drums, microphone and a wireless guitar. Stand alone instruments will also be available on June 22nd for people who want to build their band one instrument at a time or want to play the drum versus drum game mode. The game will feature 63 songs including five bonus songs for Wii gamers to enjoy.

"The Wii's success among casual and core gamers of all ages makes it an ideal match for the cross-generational appeal of the music featured in Rock Band," says Bob Picunko, Vice President of Electronic Games and Interactive Products, MTV

"The social interaction and addictive nature of the Rock Band experience is a perfect fit for the Wii and will undoubtedly be fun for the entire family," says Steve Singer, licensing VP from Nintendo.

Rock Band is an all-new platform for music fans and gamers to interact with music like never before. The game challenges players to put together a band and tour for fame and fortune - all while learning to master lead/bass guitar, drums and vocals. Featuring the most master recordings of any music game ever by the world's biggest rock artists, Rock Band includes tracks that span every genre of rock ranging from alternative and classic rock to heavy metal and punk. Rock Band has garnered over 40 awards this year including Game Critics Award: Best of Show E3 2007 and three awards at The 11th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards including Outstanding Innovation in Gaming, Family Game of the Year, and Outstanding Achievement in Soundtrack.

Rock Band is rated "T" for Teen (lyrics, mild suggestive themes) by the ESRB.


PaleMike Gamin, Contributing EditorMarch 24, 2008

I wonder what the chances are of the GH3 guitars working with the game....

We probably won't find out until after the game launches and someone tries it...

Actually, on the same note, I wonder if they are taking the wiimote snap in tactic or the boring usb hub tactic....  If it's a USB hub, there is no way in hell the GH3 controller will work.  Lame.

Welcome new staff member!

Also, jeezus this is expensive... T_T There goes my entire savings plan...

Nick DiMolaNick DiMola, Staff AlumnusMarch 24, 2008

Well I am definitely going to hold out on this until it comes down in price and features downloadable songs. Neither of the two are likely, so I will probably pick it up second hand for the 360 in the future.

This is scary, I was just thinking about how I may soon have $170 to spend and I was wondering what I should get.

Quote from: Mr.

Well I am definitely going to hold out on this until it comes down in price and features downloadable songs. Neither of the two are likely, so I will probably pick it up second hand for the 360 in the future.


Bu...bu...bu... 3rd party games!!!! /cry

How much does a used Rockband with all the pieces go for anyways?

Quote from: Pale

I wonder what the chances are of the GH3 guitars working with the game....

We probably won't find out until after the game launches and someone tries it...

Actually, on the same note, I wonder if they are taking the wiimote snap in tactic or the boring usb hub tactic....  If it's a USB hub, there is no way in hell the GH3 controller will work.  Lame.

But the USB port on the back...does it do anything?

Quote from: Crimm

Quote from: Pale

I wonder what the chances are of the GH3 guitars working with the game....

We probably won't find out until after the game launches and someone tries it...

Actually, on the same note, I wonder if they are taking the wiimote snap in tactic or the boring usb hub tactic....  If it's a USB hub, there is no way in hell the GH3 controller will work.  Lame.

But the USB port on the back...does it do anything?

It accepts Keyboard input.

It charges an iPod.

MorariMarch 24, 2008


--Bureau of Internet Morality

BranDonk KongMarch 24, 2008

There's no reason not to use the Wiimote plug-in tactic. If anything, it's the only logical solution, since the controllers provide the power and the connection to the system. The only hiccup would be the need for 4 Wiimotes. GH3 guitars are almost guaranteed to work as well, since they do on Xbx 360, PS3 and PS2 (only guitars on the PS2 version work). With the attach rate for Wii Play, it guarantees that most Wii owners have at least 2 Wiimotes.

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorMarch 24, 2008

I didn't think PS3 Guitar Hero Controllers worked on the PS3 Rock Band...

PaleMike Gamin, Contributing EditorMarch 24, 2008

They don't.

I thought they patched it so they would.

theratMarch 24, 2008

no GH compatibility, no online, no DLC, no reason to release this. Almost as sad of news as the wii fit costing 90$... should only be like 70$. Nintendo FTL =(

theratMarch 24, 2008

oooh, source for my news

im sanewave on the shack, god i love that site =)

GoldenPhoenixMarch 24, 2008

Yeah for Staff Jack.

NinGurl69 *hugglesMarch 24, 2008

Paying full price to get a port of a stripped-down port?  OK

I take back every nice thing I've said about EA. If this is how they're going to do things they can go to hell.

CalibanMarch 24, 2008

No DLC? Well that sucks. It's Nintendo's fault anyway.

CericMarch 24, 2008

Quote from: insanolord

It charges an iPod.

It also works well to charge my PS3 controller and run the fan in my Wii stand :)

theratMarch 24, 2008

ima make a pissed off youtube video tonight to get to the bottom of this aged old question.... No DLC.... Nintendos fault of lazy developers fault, i want to know....NOW

Quote from: Caliban

No DLC? Well that sucks. It's Nintendo's fault anyway.

No it's not.

NWR_pap64Pedro Hernandez, Contributing WriterMarch 24, 2008

Now the question is; XBOX 360 and PS3 fans bought Rock Band despite the price. Will Wii fans do the same?

GH 3 on the Wii was a huge success despite audio issues and lack of DLC. Rock Band might have a chance, but it all depends if fans ignore the price.

CalibanMarch 24, 2008

Quote from: insanolord

Quote from: Caliban

No DLC? Well that sucks. It's Nintendo's fault anyway.

No it's not.

My apologies. I meant it in the sense that Nintendo does not allow us to have a bigger, external harddrive for use with the Wii, or at least direct access to the SD card. See, it's still Nintendo's fault.

NinGurl69 *hugglesMarch 24, 2008

$170 is nearly enough to buy 3 other third-party games that get onrine right. (LOL there's something illogical about that statement)

NeoThunderMarch 24, 2008

will we have wireless instruments where we just stick the Wiimote into them. (microphone probley the exception)

animecyberratMarch 24, 2008

As long as the drums don't break within the first week or two it might be cool.

Quote from: NinGurl

$170 is nearly enough to buy 3 other third-party games that get onrine right. (LOL there's something illogical about that statement)

That's an astoundingly good argument for me not to buy Rockband. *shock*

Quote from: Kairon

Quote from: NinGurl

$170 is nearly enough to buy 3 other third-party games that get onrine right. (LOL there's something illogical about that statement)

That's an astoundingly good argument for me not to buy Rockband. *shock*

Indeed it is.

EasyCureMarch 24, 2008

I dunno.. i'll still probably get it. It comes out right before my birthday so maybe i'll have someone pick it up for me so i dont spend the money on a gimped game

BranDonk KongMarch 24, 2008

Wow, this is really fucking stupid. They should have released this 3 months ago if they were going to do such a HORRIBLE port. There is absolutely no reason to buy this game, just get the PS2 version and save $10 if you are waiting for this one.

raptorspikeMarch 24, 2008

I was waiting for this game since its inception. Now that I realize that Harmonix is a bunch of slackers, I have no reason to put $170 of my hard earned money in their pockets

NWR_pap64Pedro Hernandez, Contributing WriterMarch 24, 2008

Gee, Nintendo fanboys upset at third parties for releasing ports of games with missing features...Why am I not surprised?

animecyberratMarch 24, 2008

And if you don't have a PS2, then getting that version isn't really an option either.

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorMarch 24, 2008

Quote from: pap64

Gee, Nintendo fanboys upset at third parties for releasing ports of games with missing features...Why am I not surprised?

Gee, Third parties upset that Nintendo fanboys aren't buying their games... Why am I not surprised?

DjunknownMarch 24, 2008

Congrats to Mr.Jack! I guess the Forum 'bot has been de-activated?

Normally I'd say that at least we're getting something, but then again, the Wii is more or less very close to the top spot and deserve 'Rock star' treatment...

I guess a nice way of saying mea culpa would be to offer all the DLC released to date as an expansion disc or included in this bundle. But that's some pie-in-the-sky vision, so don't mind me...

BranDonk KongMarch 24, 2008

True. The Wii version should have more like 100+ songs on it. It should at the very least include the Metallica pack, and some of the other top sellers. There's no 5.1 surround, and no HD videos, so there's plenty of extra space on the disc for more songs, especially since the DLC songs are so small to begin with.

It's $170 DOLLARS! You don't cut out features when it costs ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY DOLLARS!!!

Oh geez... oh geez... this is really testing my ability to care about third parties.

TanookisuitMarch 24, 2008

Eh, I'll probably get it.  It's fun.  As long as I can play with 4 friends in the room, that sounds great to me. 

Nick DiMolaNick DiMola, Staff AlumnusMarch 25, 2008

BTW, just wanted to say thanks for the warm welcome guys! I'm really excited to start contributing to the site, and I'm sure you'll be seeing more from me very soon!

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorMarch 25, 2008

Kotaku is reporting that we are supposedly getting a PS2 port (No DLC, of course, but also no World Tour Mode and no Create-a-Character mode), the game won't have any Wii-Remote exclusives (like Guitar Hero) and won't work with the Guitar Hero guitar.

So... we wait about six months and get nothing for it.  Thanks EA!

PaleMike Gamin, Contributing EditorMarch 25, 2008

Yeah, there is no way I'm going to want this, especially with my PS3 sitting there.  I really wanted to support Wii with this game too.

Hell, now I may not get it at all.

Nick DiMolaNick DiMola, Staff AlumnusMarch 25, 2008

Quote from: Pale

Yeah, there is no way I'm going to want this, especially with my PS3 sitting there.  I really wanted to support Wii with this game too.

Hell, now I may not get it at all.

Personally, I don't think the game is all that fun unless you have a whole band assembled. Plus at this point, I am totally burnt out on Guitar Hero and I really don't even want to bother with another rhythm game.

NWR_pap64Pedro Hernandez, Contributing WriterMarch 25, 2008

The sad part is that fans will probably eat this one up, just like they did with the issue riddled, friend code-tastic version of Guitar Hero III. That is IF the price doesn't prove to be an issue (people bought it on the 360 and PS3 despite that, but it will be a harder sell on the Wii).

I may to an extend be "defending" the game and criticizing its haters, but I do understand that a the late port treatment will hurt it.

170 bucks for a game isn't a purchase, its an investment. If people already paid that much the first time, I doubt they'll do it again for the Wii version.

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorMarch 26, 2008

From: http://www.joystiq.com/2008/03/24/rock-band-wii-drum-kit-pictured-nagging-questions-answered


When developing Rock Band for the Wii platform, we focused on tailoring it specifically to the strengths of the platform.


Rock Band for the Wii will have functionality similar to the PS2 version.

BranDonk KongJuly 02, 2008

Well I played the Wii version just for shits and giggles, and I'd have to say that I completely disagree with the "negative" reviews it's been getting. It should be getting at least the same score as the PS2 version, but maybe a tad higher since the videos are in 16:9. It sounds great, and even though the performances are just FMVs, they still look pretty damn good, even on a 52" LCD (IGN is flat out wrong when they say you won't want to play it on a big screen). I guess you have to take into account that the GH3 guitar doesn't work on it, so that sucks, but other than that, DLC aside, it's just as much fun as any other version of the game.

Nick DiMolaNick DiMola, Staff AlumnusJuly 02, 2008

I'd say most people are jumping on the negative bandwagon due solely to DLC, and I don't entirely blame them. Without it the game loses half of its appeal which is playing new songs all the time with the consistent DLC.

BranDonk KongJuly 02, 2008

That is true - but if you only own a Wii, then the lack of DLC shouldn't stop you from buying the game. Remember there are going to be expansion discs too.

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