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March 28, 2001

Why Consumers Will Buy the NGC

by Jon Lindemann - 4:58 pm EST

What will compel consumers to buy Nintendo's GameCube? Veteran writer Jon Lindemann offers this analysis as his first contribution to PGC.

This fall, consumers are going to have the opportunity to choose between Sony's Playstation 2, Microsoft's X-Box, and Nintendo's Gamecube. All of these systems are extremely powerful and capable of playing some incredible games, but those among us who aren't rock stars or professional ballplayers... Read more...

March 15, 2001

Delaying to Death

by Patrick Lake - 3:38 am EST

Patrick Lake was active in online journalism and game retail during the heydey of N64. With GameCube looming, he stresses and scolds: "Delay NOT OK" for future Nintendo games.

Last year, back in September I was in our front yard relaxing in the sun with my brother, Max. Wasting the afternoon away, we began to reflect back on many good times we’ve shared growing up together. Inevitably, video games came up, as “playing Nintendo” figured very largely into our childhood.... Read more...

March 7, 2001

The 8cm Solution

by David Trammell - 6:50 pm EST

Have you ever questioned why Nintendo chose to use mini optical disks instead of full sized DVDs? There are more reasons than you think.

Many people around the world are having a great time bashing Nintendo's choice of using 1.5 Gig optical discs, rather than a movie-capable DVD drive in its next generation system. Everyone wants to watch movies, and most can't see any good reason why Nintendo is using these little eight-centimeter... Read more...

March 2, 2001

X Marks the Spot

by Rick Powers - 2:22 pm EST

Can a new player survive in a market dominated by the old-line, even if that new player is a big-name like Microsoft? Rick explains how they will survive, and the exact plan for domination.

If there’s one thing Microsoft needs right now, it’s something to distract the public from their legal troubles. A corporate legal battle hasn’t been this big since the AT&T breakup in 1982, and Microsoft is getting smeared in the press. More than that, it seems that the company just needs... Read more...

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Switch Capes May 29

Switch Dreamland Solitaire: Dark Prophecy May 29

Switch Echoes May 29

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Switch A Cat & His Boy May 30

Switch Astor: Blade of the Monolith May 30

Switch Boing Boing May 30

Switch Burst Hero May 30

Switch Cook 'Til Escape: Nyanzou and Kumakichi Escape Game May 30

Switch Cue Brick May 30

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