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February 9, 2016

The Surprises Will Remain Spoiled WiiU

by Donald Theriault - 8:34 am EST
Total comments: 26

If you want to wait for Nintendo to speak, that's fine. But it'd make for a really boring website.

Last week's revelations that Mother 3 is pretty much ready to go set off some interesting reactions. Aside from a great Nintendo voice leaving the sphere prematurely (we miss you, Emily!), a surprising reaction came from a small minority: anger that we and others were “spoiling the surprise.”


January 20, 2016

Market Research Surveys Aren’t Leaking the NX

by Donald Theriault - 10:27 am EST
Total comments: 2

As the NX’s silly season begins, a word of caution regarding some rumors.

This morning, several people began posting the front page of a survey from leading market research firm GfK for the NX that contained the following “in the box” for the NX:

NX Console Sensor Bar Game Controller HDMI Cable

The same rumor states that “gameplay flows between the NX handheld... Read more...

January 8, 2016

Animal Crossing Amiibo Win Greatest Tank Battles WiiU

by Donald Theriault - 5:18 pm EST
Total comments: 23

Selling about as well as the game they were designed for.

We’re about a year removed from the mania over Smash Bros. Amiibo, and now Nintendo has a different problem on their hands: there are too many Amiibo for a November release. In this case, it’s Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival and their sea of boxes clogging up retail stores.

This shouldn’t...

November 17, 2015

Why A Theatrhythm Star In Smash Makes Sense 3DSDSGBAWiiU

by Donald Theriault - 5:03 pm EST
Total comments: 9

It seems odd that a Kingdom Hearts character is in Super Smash Bros, but work with me here.

So last week, the newest character for Super Smash Bros Wii U and 3DS was announced. This made a lot of people upset and was widely regarded as a bad, or at least questionable move. Cloud Strife - the spiky haired swordsman of Final Fantasy VII infamy – came into the Smash Bros roster like a bat... Read more...

November 2, 2015

Nintendo Directs: What Works, And What Might Change

by Donald Theriault - 5:38 pm EST
Total comments: 2

We know they draw, we know they're about to change. But what would bring eyeballs directly to Nintendo?

Recently, Nintendo President Tatsumi Kimishima announced that the Nintendo Direct videos would return from a hiatus caused by the death of his predecessor Satoru Iwata, and would do so before the end of the year. He followed up with the Wall Street Journal by stating that this year’s last Direct would be the last under the current format, with a new method to roll out next year.


October 15, 2015

The NintenDo List: 2015 Edition

by Donald Theriault - 4:24 am EDT
Total comments: 4

There's a giant backlog of rumors and announcements for Nintendo to clear really quickly.

We’ve been getting some news recently from unexpected sources for Nintendo. Normally a tight ship, recent days have had partners revealing stuff “soon”, hackers spoiling an ungodly number of Virtual Console releases and way too much smoke about game updates. Nintendo's "honey-do list" is getting to be quite lengthy.


October 5, 2015

On Death, Despair and Pandering Games 3DS

by Donald Theriault - 4:46 am EDT
Total comments: 8

Ultra Despair Girls makes Donald wonder just where a certain class of games can end up.

At the recent Eurogamer Expo (EGX), Sony President of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida was asked about the possibility of a successor handheld following the PlayStation Vita. Yoshida’s response was simple, yet obvious: “The climate is not healthy right now”. This statement isn’t new to anyone... Read more...

September 26, 2015

Pokemon Shuffle Mobile Stacks the Deck 3DS

by Donald Theriault - 7:24 am EDT
Total comments: 6

The mobile port of the 3DS title goes headlong into making you spend money

A few months ago, Neal lauded Pokémon Shuffle's ability to create an enjoyable, if time-limited, game without spending money. The CEO of The Pokémon Company, Tsunekazu Ishihara, recently gave an interview to Famitsu in which he mentioned that the 3DS version is aimed at middle schoolers, and that... Read more...

September 18, 2015

Things I Think I Think About Star Fox Zero's Delay WiiU

by Donald Theriault - 6:34 am EDT
Total comments: 6

Caution: Contains large quantities of Amiibo.

Seeing a Twitter direct message from Neal about Star Fox Zero's delay is a hell of a thing to wake up to.

Nintendo's announcement last night of the delay of Star Fox Zero to Q1 2016 is not without precedent. Recall that in 2013, Super Mario 3D World was moved up to the November slot as Donkey Kong... Read more...

August 21, 2015

The Pokkén Tournament Wish Book WiiU

by Donald Theriault - 5:22 pm EDT
Total comments: 1

It exists on Wii U and we know the date, but the final game needs a few things.

It wasn't an RPG, but there was a major announcement at the Pokémon World Championships as many expected. The launch of Pokkén Tournament for Wii U in Spring 2016 - you can probably pencil in May 27 for North America - portends to another busy summer for me following the launches of Mario Kart and Splatoon the last two years.


August 11, 2015

Temper Your Expectations For N64 Virtual Console WiiU

by Donald Theriault - 10:00 am EDT
Total comments: 11

Yes, Microsoft has an advantage right now. And even once it corrects, it's still going to be close.

The release of Rare Replay on Xbox One, with a full quarter of its catalogue being N64 titles, immediately sent the internet into a frenzy over Nintendo's lack of Virtual Console N64 releases to this point. Kotaku editor-in-chief Stephen Totilo mentioned in his review of Rare Replay that there were more N64 games on Xbox One than on the Wii U.


July 28, 2015

Dragon Quest XI Says Everything And Nothing About The NX Switch3DS

by Donald Theriault - 8:52 am EDT
Total comments: 1

Square Enix’s consideration doesn’t shed any more clues on just what the NX is.

It was just thrown in at the end of today’s Dragon Quest announcement-a-thon: Dragon Quest X and XI would be coming to the NX. As happened the last time a Dragon Quest announcement was made, Square Enix immediately walked it back by stating that the project was under “consideration”, but it seems to be a pretty much open secret that whatever the NX is, it’ll have at least two Dragon Quest games on it.


July 6, 2015

Examining The 2015 Nintendo Shareholder Q&A

by Donald Theriault - 6:01 pm EDT
Total comments: 4

A look at software development, licensing and the politics of baseball number retirement.

Nintendo held their annual shareholder's meeting on June 26, and before the re-election of the board there was the traditional Q&A session with shareholders. Some of the questions over the years in these sessions have been banal at best, as in the shareholder who took the time to complain about... Read more...

June 3, 2015

Why Pokken Might Be the Secret Weapon at E3 ARC

by Donald Theriault - 4:55 pm EDT
Total comments: 7

A confluence of factors could see the Pokémon fighter get a massive push in Los Angeles

For the last couple of years, Nintendo has had a major tentpole Wii U release at the end of May with major online functionality, DLC plans, and (later) Amiibo support that has set the tone for the entire year. 2014 saw the ludicrously (in Wii U terms) successful Mario Kart 8, and early reports have... Read more...

May 29, 2015

Six Amiibo in Search of an Author WiiU

by Justin Berube, Neal Ronaghan, and Donald Theriault - 2:22 pm EDT
Total comments: 19

The NWR staff chats about the fourth wave of Amiibo.

Today is a big day for Nintendo fans as the fourth wave of Smash Bros. Amiibo figures are available in North America. If you’re lucky, you can go get Pac-Man, Charizard, Wario, Lucina, Robin, Greninja (only at Toys”R”Us), Jigglypuff (only at Target), Ness (only at GameStop), Inkling Boy, Inkling... Read more...

May 18, 2015

Key Takeaways From The Nintendo Investor Q&A

by Donald Theriault - 5:56 pm EDT
Total comments: 3

A case study in mobile game design and alliance building

Nintendo recently released their investor Q&A session in English and the report gives some interesting information about how Nintendo will conduct business going forward.

Nintendo Isn't Doing Mobile Like Everyone Else

As would be expected, a full third of the questions are focused on Nintendo's... Read more...

April 21, 2015

StreetPass Premium Is A Solution Looking For A Problem 3DS

by Donald Theriault - 3:43 am EDT
Total comments: 9

Not recommended, even for Kairon.

Nintendo has done a good job so far with providing value with their downloadable expansions for software. The Mario Kart and Hyrule Warriors DLC packs are filled with good content (depending on your threshold for Tingle and Baby Park). Then there's the recent update for the StreetPass Mii Plaza, which... Read more...

April 17, 2015

Frustrations Of A New Fire Emblem Fan 3DSWiiU

by Donald Theriault - 4:08 am EDT
Total comments: 20

Between impossible to obtain merchandise and doing a bad Pokémon impression, Fire Emblem may be cut off at its peak.

Among the Fire Emblem intelligentsia, I’m probably considered one of the casuals. Although I loved Fire Emblem Awakening, I turned off permanent death and wouldn’t touch Lunatic+ with a 39 ½ foot pole. Apparently, a lot of people agreed with me, since Awakening marked the highest sales ever for the franchise that was at risk of going the way of Intelligent Systems’ other strategy series Advance Wars before.


March 31, 2015

April 2015 Nintendo Direct Predictions WiiU3DS

by Donald Theriault - 5:36 pm EDT
Total comments: 6

Will Mewtwo, Zelda Wii U or the Virtual Console actually show up?

Now that a Nintendo Direct has been announced and the brake lines have been cut on the hype train, everyone wants to know what to expect tomorrow. Based on the timing of the Direct and some other knowledge, the Direct falls into 4 camps. (As always, all predictions wrong or your money back.)

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