Community Forums => General-3 => Topic started by: NWR_insanolord on August 26, 2022, 02:29:41 AM
Title: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: NWR_insanolord on August 26, 2022, 02:29:41 AM
We've now reached that last stages of the game. The original list of 10 has been whittled down to four.
BeautifulShy: A longtime veteran of NWR forum games, but someone who's never won Safe Words before.
TOPHATANT123: The first player eliminated in the last game, trying to go worst to first.
Order.RSS: Finished middle of the pack the last couple games, looking to break through here.
and, of course, Khushrenada, the defending champion who I'm sure would love nothing more than to win the game I'm hosting to repeat.
Khush has selected the bomb word for the fourth time in this game, so now it's up to BeautifulShy:
Which of these second bananas was the real hero of their story?
Luigi Garfunkel Andy Richter Milhouse
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: NWR_insanolord on August 26, 2022, 02:30:00 AM
[Reserved for final results.]
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: BeautifulShy on August 26, 2022, 04:13:08 AM
Fandom shift
As a long time fan of all types of music but more recently(Past 10 years) the K Pop fandom there tends to be lots of different members leaving these large groups and then focusing on their own careers. So to the tune of that, I only have eyes for you, Art Garfunkel
Also go listen to Girls Generation new song, Forever 1!!! It is so wonderful and amazing!!
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: NWR_insanolord on August 26, 2022, 04:28:01 AM
The first pick of the final four is in, and...
Khush strikes again.
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: Khushrenada on August 26, 2022, 11:53:46 AM
( (You knew it was coming.)
The Khushrenada Reign of Terror continues!
Round 1 - Khushrenada selects the bomb word Round 2 - Luigi Dude selects the bomb word Round 3 - Khushrenada selects the bomb word Round 4 - MASB selects the bomb word Round 5 - TOPHATANT123 selects the bomb word Round 6 - Khushrenada selects the bomb word Round 7 - Khushrenada selects the bomb word Round 8 - Khushrenada selects the bomb word Final Round - ???
Well, over half the bomb words this game will have been selected by me. Definitely hope I can make the most of that opportunity to get the back-to-back win. But just like I had to face the tough challenge of getting past Insanolord last game, I fear TOPHATANT123 is taking on the role of formidable opponent for this game. A two-time winner who makes a lot of Final Four appearances, the only player besides me to select a bomb word and still be in the game and depending on how this round goes, he could end up in control of it for the Final Round. Plus, there have been a couple times already that players have had a worst to first redemption win.
Then there's Order.RSS who's got to be pretty darn happy with an almost free ride to the Finals and how things have been playing out. He's no doubt hoping I take out TOPHATANT123 this round and then all he has to do is make the right 50/50 choice and steal the victory from under my nose. That level of skullduggery should only be performed by a true professional like myself. I'm on to you too, Order.RSS! (If that's even your real name!)
Yes sir. The pressure is on now to seal the deal.
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: BeautifulShy on August 26, 2022, 12:46:46 PM
Knew I should have gone with Sailor Moon/ Sailor Jupiter and the Milhouse angle.
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: Khushrenada on August 26, 2022, 03:09:07 PM
Alright. Now it is me holding up the game. But I've mulled it over long enough and my decision has been sent and locked in. I'm just hoping I can make it to the Final Round and get that 50/50 opportunity.
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: NWR_insanolord on August 26, 2022, 06:45:59 PM
As Khush said, the bomb word is in, so now it's TOPHATANT123's turn.
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: TOPHATANT123 on August 26, 2022, 06:57:57 PM
I have no idea who this is, so no better reason to pick them. Khushrenda, I've read you.
Andy Richter.
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: NWR_insanolord on August 26, 2022, 09:08:47 PM
Andy Richter was Conan O'Brien's sidekick when he first started doing his Late Night show, then he left to star in a couple pretty good but extremely unsuccessful sitcoms, then came back to join Conan on the Tonight Show and his TBS show that followed. He's also safe.
So what will it be, Order.RSS? Are you going to face TOPHATANT123 in the final, or will Khush's run continue?
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: Khushrenada on August 26, 2022, 11:13:38 PM
Darn the luck. My brief streak of bomb word sniping is over. I kept thinking of selecting the middle option but talked myself out of it because of last game. Mop it up had control of the bomb word in the Final Three and selected the middle option. She wound up stuck with her choice in the end and I feared that could happen to me with the middle choice.
Well, I was hoping to save this for the Final Round in the hopes I had the bomb word but that won't happen now so I guess I'll make some more Safe Words history by playing this gambit now to further increase the mind games and make the choice a bit more stressful....
Alright, Order.RSS. Let's make this interesting.
Luigi is the safe word. Milhouse is the bomb word.
Am I lying.....?
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: Order.RSS on August 27, 2022, 09:28:25 AM
Would Khush really do that? Log onto the Internet and publicly tell lies, forever tarnishing his stalwart reputation as a beacon of truth...?
I pick Luigi. Surely Khush wouldn't knowingly deceive another, undermining his position as trusted community leader, for the mere benefit of minor personal glory.
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: Khushrenada on August 27, 2022, 04:27:03 PM
Hmmmm. I see......
There's only one thing to do now (
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: NWR_insanolord on August 27, 2022, 05:49:10 PM
I can't believe Khush would go so far as to try to deceive someone, but his sneaky, underhanded tactics worked, and now he's a 50-50 shot away from repeating as champion.
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: Order.RSS on August 27, 2022, 05:55:30 PM
Requesting Insano to use his mod powers for the Greater Good and change Khush's forum signature to "Signed, an Untrustworthy Liar", so other innocent victims may be spared this indignity in the future.
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: TOPHATANT123 on August 27, 2022, 06:38:44 PM
From zero to hero.
One more obstacle and then I'll have the title, but it's one hell of an obstacle.
Khushrenda has aptly demonstrated above why they've had this game in the palm of their hand. Good luck to you.
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: NWR_insanolord on August 27, 2022, 06:41:29 PM
The final bomb word has been chosen. So, Khushrenada, what's it going to be?
Andy Richter Milhouse
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: M.K.Ultra on August 27, 2022, 07:18:50 PM
Since the title of this game is "#2 is #1" then the second place player is actually the winner right? There were no formal rules posted so all we have to go on is the title.
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: Khushrenada on August 27, 2022, 07:23:37 PM
Welp. After being the villain of Mafia for so long, it's nice to know I can expand my repertoire to also become the villain of Safe Words. Where's nickmitch to warn you against trusting Khushrenada when you need him?
My, oh, my. So, it has come to this. It's a shame my "shell game" against Order.RSS couldn't have been the Final Round. Would have been a heck of a finish especially with how that played out.
But Safe Words history will soon be made with this final choice. Either we have the first back-to-back winner or we have the first player to win 3 games of Safe Words. (And no matter the outcome, I've got my Safe Words reputation safely in tact thanks to this previous and pertinent post:
What's your game, Insanolord? >:( Is the fix in? Are you and Toppy just conspiring in some kind of unholy alliance to take me out no matter what I choose....? :'(
With that said, this is TOPHATANT123's fifth time in the Finals. He has a 2 - 2 record. His first win was Safe Words 9, his second Safe Words 15, he was denied a back-to-back win finishing second in Safe Words 16 and then lost to Insanolord in Safe Words 18 giving Insano his first win. He almost had a win in every season but was denied twice in the three games that made up Season 3. Here we are in Season 4 and he is trying to get that third win now.
One more obstacle and then I'll have the title, but it's one hell of an obstacle.
Khushrenda has aptly demonstrated above why they've had this game in the palm of their hand. Good luck to you.
And, sincerely, good luck to you. You're definitely a dominant player in your own right. I just wanted make sure I made it to the end to get the rare opportunity of a possible back-to-back. Accomplishing that feels like I've won the game already and if I go down against you then I'll have been stopped by perhaps the best player currently in the game in a 50/50 draw so ain't no shame in that.
All that's left to do is make my selection.
With the final selection in the final round, the Untrustworthy Liar Khushrenada selects Milhouse. May God forgive what we've all done here today.
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: Khushrenada on August 27, 2022, 07:27:12 PM
Since the title of this game is "#2 is #1" then the second place player is actually the winner right? There were no formal rules posted so all we have to go on is the title.
That's what I'm assuming which is why I'm trying to select the Bomb word in this round. Although maybe that's just Insanolord's back-up excuse to ensure I cannot win this game. If I pick the bomb word then Insanolord will claim TOPHATANT123 is the winner. But if I select the safe word then he can also claim TOPHATANT123 is the winner because he came in second. Basically, the whole thing is a big Anti-Khushrenada Conspiracy that I go into great detail in my new book about which you can find in bookstores everywhere right now. Just ask for The Paranoid Truth: When Everyone Really is Out To Get You by Khushrenada.
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: NWR_insanolord on August 27, 2022, 08:33:30 PM
That was my conceit for the theme but I wasn't really intending for it to work differently than a normal game, but I guess if that's how you want to take it that's fine.
Anyway, which of those final two was the bomb word?
Which must mean
Khushrenada finishes in 1st, which by his own admission just now means he lost!
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: Order.RSS on August 28, 2022, 06:46:22 PM
Congrats on the win loss Khush!
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: M.K.Ultra on August 28, 2022, 11:29:40 PM
Thanks for hosting Insanolord. I really like the theme you picked. Congrats on the win Khush. It appears the only way someone else will win is if you host.
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: TOPHATANT123 on August 29, 2022, 07:05:10 AM
That was a really fun final round, good game everyone!
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: Mop it up on August 30, 2022, 11:23:41 AM
Congratulations Khushrenada on being everyone's fave sidekick!
Hm, does this mean that I need to host the next game, so that Khushrenada can try for back-to-back-to-back wins...?
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: nickmitch on August 30, 2022, 03:21:20 PM
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: Khushrenada on August 30, 2022, 05:28:58 PM
Now that's a signature!
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: Khushrenada on August 30, 2022, 06:49:06 PM
Thanks for playing everyone. Hope I didn't start to sound insufferable as the game progressed and I got playing up the roll of bomb word villain.
Thanks for hosting Insanolord. This is a compliment, I swear, when I say that you showed hosting this game doesn't have to be that complicated. You kept it simple like the game was devised to be with everything flowing smoothly from round to round. There may not have been a big in-depth Final Four write-up or big story theme but there doesn't have to be. Each host can have their own flavor and handle the action as they see fit. So, thanks for being willing to step into that responsibility and get another game happening. Feel free to do it again sometime. ;)
That said, I'll do my part to help out by posting the point totals in a couple days after BacklAugust.
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: Khushrenada on August 30, 2022, 06:52:43 PM
If it's available, I wouldn't mind hosting the next game. It'd give Khushrenada a chance to go for back-to-back wins, and I'm kind of curious if he can make it. I'm sure he'd kill for the opportunity, which is why I'm offering, it's for everyone's safety!
It doesn't seem like people are safe even if I get to play the game based on how the bomb word selection went. Even though we satisfied your curiosity to see if I could pull off the back-to-back win, please feel free to host another game. With a perfect record so far for Season 4, it would be nice to play more rather than just get the automatic points for hosting. Plus, my luck has to run out at some point and I'm sure there are a lot of players after this game who would like to be the one to bomb me out in the next game. ;)
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: pokepal148 on August 31, 2022, 01:20:11 AM
As someone who enjoys lurking with these games even if I'm not the biggest fan of playing them, I may or may not also have plans to throw my hat into the hosting ring.
Title: Re: Safe Words XX: #2 Is #1 - The Final Four
Post by: nickmitch on September 01, 2022, 03:50:27 PM
As someone who enjoys lurking with these games even if I'm not the biggest fan of playing them, I may or may not also have plans to throw my hat into the hosting ring.
Now that's a perfect solution. Get people who don't care about playing to host the games so that those who do want to play don't have to sit out a game.