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NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: Webmalfunction on April 11, 2018, 04:17:00 PM

Title: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch) PAX East 2018 Preview
Post by: Webmalfunction on April 11, 2018, 04:17:00 PM

It’s-a me, Solaire of Astora!

With the Nintendo Switch version of Dark Souls Remastered, the feverishly popular action RPG series enters two uncharted territories for the first time.

For one, this is the first time that the Souls series has made its way to a Nintendo platform, but I’m more excited about the other first--that Dark Souls is now on a handheld video game console. I’ve always felt that handheld gaming reflects the coziest way to play, and I can’t wait to explore Blighttown from the comfort of my own bed.

It doesn’t hurt that the game both looks and feels really good, and I say that as someone who played it exclusively in handheld mode during my demo. It looks better than I remember on PS3, and from playing the game’s introduction, I’m glad to say that the game ran both smooth and stable. Of course, I say this following reports that the game runs at 720p in handheld mode (and 1080p docked) at 30fps, but if my demo was any indication, I have nothing to worry about on the technical side of things.

That said, playing the game on Switch did take some getting used to. As I reacclimated myself to the haunting world of Dark Souls on new hardware and with a Nintendo controller, I struggled a bit on the first boss getting situated. Playing with a Sony controller feels different from playing with a Nintendo one, and my brain had to come to grips with that even though the button layout is identical. But once I did get acclimated, I was speeding out of the tutorial area and into Undead Burg.

This is the same Dark Souls I fell in love with some years ago, and the new way to play makes me hopeful that I can fall in love with it all over again. It looks and feels significantly better than I remember it, and more than that, it’s an opportunity to play an all-time classic in a new way with a revitalized online community. I think that’s going to be enough for me when the game comes out on May 25.