Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: TheYoungerPlumber on September 21, 2004, 09:47:30 AM

Title: Second Sight Ships
Post by: TheYoungerPlumber on September 21, 2004, 09:47:30 AM
Use your supernatural powers to buy this game in stores before it arrives!


Free Radical Design¹s Multi-platform Stealth Action Thriller Now Shipping

New York ­ Sept. 21, 2004 ­ John Vattic¹s quest to solve the military conspiracy behind his imprisonment has begun. Codemasters announced today the anticipated stealth action title Second Sight has shipped to retail outlets nationwide for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, the XboxÒ videogame system from Microsoft and the Nintendo GameCube.

John Vattic awakens to find himself held captive in a medical facility and the subject of bizarre experimentation.  He doesn't know his name, he can't remember his past, all he knows is that his only hope for survival is to escape and unravel the mystery that has led to his imprisonment.  Second Sight introduces a unique dual-time narrative where flashbacks are experienced as fully playable episodes. Actions that take place in these flashbacks can alter events when Vattic returns to the present, creating an original and dynamic storyline structure.

³True to Free Radical form, Second Sight delivers a refreshing gaming experience with action-packed game play, a rich storyline and engaging characters,² said Codemasters North American President Marc Bennett. ³Whether relying on stealth, paranormal abilities, a high-powered arsenal or a combination of all three, Second Sight gives action buffs and thrill seekers freedom to choose how they want to experience the game.²

Second Sight combines an atmospheric, psychological thriller narrative with stealth exploration and intense shooter action. Developed by Free Radical Design, the creators of TimeSplitters, the game features 13 different weapons including pistols, SMGs, tranquilizer guns and a sniper rifle, all supplemented by paranormal powers. Locations in Second Sight span the globe from the Siberian tundra to the streets of New York City and an Asylum in Vermont.

Second Sight is rated T for Teen by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board and carries a suggested retail price of $39.99. For more information visit the Second Sight web site at

Title: RE: Second Sight Ships
Post by: KDR_11k on September 21, 2004, 11:49:50 PM
Use your supernatural powers to buy this game in stores before it arrives!

If we consider living in Europe a "supernatural power"...

40USD? Bastards, they're expecting us to pay 60EUR for it.
Title: RE:Second Sight Ships
Post by: Shift Key on September 23, 2004, 06:07:39 PM
Totally unrelated, perhaps, but the PS2 version has hit Australian shores for AU$100 last week. No signs of other versions though.
Title: RE: Second Sight Ships
Post by: Pale on September 23, 2004, 07:42:38 PM
:: Pale votes for a Shift Key avvy change ::