Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: joshnickerson on March 26, 2004, 04:43:36 PM

Title: It's official...
Post by: joshnickerson on March 26, 2004, 04:43:36 PM

Discuss. Personally, I think the boxart looks lame compared to Japan's, plus twenty bucks a cart? No thanks. But I am tempted to pick up that SP...
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: Koopa Troopa on March 26, 2004, 07:22:36 PM
I'd love to have the GBA and all the games. But I don't have enough money ::weeps::
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: Ian Sane on March 26, 2004, 08:19:13 PM
"twenty bucks a cart? No thanks."

Ditto.  I wouldn't pay that for the NES versions of those games which are likely superior.  $20 is how much Midway Arcade Treasures costs and that comes with like 20 games.  Plus most of these games are easily attainable in other formats.  Some of them are available in e-Reader format for MUCH cheaper and some of them are available in Animal Crossing which in itself is a great game that's a Player's Choice title and thus less than the cost of two of these GBA games.  Super Mario Bros is already available in an arguably superior portable version in Super Mario Bros DX and Zelda is available on the Zelda Collector's disk which also has three other games.  The NES re-releases are a neat idea in theory but the cost is just too much unless you REALLY want to play these games in portable form and feel the multiplayer options not available in the e-Reader versions are worth it.  Of course even then some of the games like Donkey Kong and Pac-Man aren't affected by multiplayer.

Oh and doesn't it bother the hell out of you that twenty years after the Famicom version came out Nintendo STILL hasn't added the missing level to Donkey Kong.  Talk about lazy.  Who cares if it's technically not the NES version the arcade version is superior.

I will admit however that I think the NES GBA SP looks pretty swank.
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: KDR_11k on March 26, 2004, 08:28:08 PM
Missing level? Which one would that be?
Title: RE:It's official...
Post by: joshnickerson on March 27, 2004, 03:19:24 AM
The Pie level. It is available to play in Donkey Kong '94 however...
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: ib2kool4u912 on March 27, 2004, 03:20:30 AM
KDR, there was a conveyor belt level which was in the arcade version but not the NES one.  
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: DrZoidberg on March 27, 2004, 04:08:21 AM
the arcade version is available in Donkey Kong 64, i actually spent the majority of my time in that game playing the arcade version of Donkey Kong, it's worth it for that and JetPack alone, DK64 was pretty meh-ish
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: Bill Aurion on March 27, 2004, 06:12:23 AM
I'm definitely picking up LoZ because having it portable is a must for me...I might get Bomberman and Ice Climber as well if I'm up to it...
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: KDR_11k on March 27, 2004, 08:01:06 AM
Hm, both of the versions I have (C64, SGB) have that level...
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: Ian Sane on March 27, 2004, 03:04:58 PM
In my opinion Donkey Kong '94 doesn't really count because it's more of an enhanced remake than an arcade port.  I'm aware that DK64 had a perfect version.  I have it and it's great.  My complaint is that when Nintendo re-releases the NES version which they've done THREE times recently (AC, e-Reader, GBA) they should add the extra level.  Three level Donkey Kong shouldn't be released at all anymore.
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: Uncle Rich AiAi on March 27, 2004, 08:58:26 PM
I would really like to pick up LoZ, but damn, USD$20 is too much....
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: Edisim on March 28, 2004, 12:19:47 PM
Am I the only one here more interested in Perrin Kaplan's quote than the re-releases? I mean, that quote is PRICELESS! If it's real... it's getting to close to April 1 to be sure, but.. damn.  "And if you aren't just dying to get your hands on the gnarly new Classic NES Limited Edition GBA SP, you're a total dweeb." --Perrin "Mallrat" Kaplan, Nintendo vice president of marketing.

But to get back on issue... Nintendo is definitely being a bit greedy/stingy here. Sure, $20 isn't a lot for a great game like Legend of Zelda, but still... they should be releasing these things in something like 2 packs, or 4 packs.. that is, 2 games for twenty bucks with the (front) boxart of the original games, one on each side of the gba box. or maybe 4 games, with all the front art on the front, and back art on the back, divided into four quadrants of course. hell, it's not like it cost nintendo much to re-release these games.. or am i wrong about that? sure, carts aren't cheap, compared to cds and the like, but $20 a pop?
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: kennyb27 on March 28, 2004, 12:35:21 PM
I think the carts run anywhere from $8 to $12.
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: Gibdo Master on March 28, 2004, 07:48:42 PM
Why didn't they just put all these games on one cart and charge $20 for that? Most of these games, while fun, don't have enough content to be worth paying $5 for. I mean, Donkey Kong has only like 5 levels or so, right? I would love to pick up LoZ, SM, and Excite Bike but that's $60 bucks right there. Screw that.  
Title: RE:It's official...
Post by: evil intentions on March 31, 2004, 08:46:17 AM

Originally posted by: Koopa Troopa
I'd love to have the GBA and all the games. But I don't have enough money ::weeps::

Don't we all.

I wish I was rich and had a cool car too.
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: Berny on March 31, 2004, 11:41:14 AM
I'm a dweeb.

Meh, I really should play those games but they are SO expensive when added together. And DK was on DK 64, I have the original Zelda on the collector's disk. The others I could go for though.
Title: RE:It's official...
Post by: The Omen on April 04, 2004, 08:22:12 AM

Am I the only one here more interested in Perrin Kaplan's quote than the re-releases? I mean, that quote is PRICELESS! If it's real... it's getting to close to April 1 to be sure, but.. damn. "And if you aren't just dying to get your hands on the gnarly new Classic NES Limited Edition GBA SP, you're a total dweeb." --Perrin "Mallrat" Kaplan, Nintendo vice president of marketing.

That's how people 'spoke' in the 80's, and these games are from the 80's. hence her annoying attempt at 80's humor.   I loathe her even more now.
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: StrikerObi on April 04, 2004, 07:49:52 PM
Don't forget. The games are $19.99 so you will be able to score them for $15 at Best Buy after the Gamer's Gift Card.
Title: RE:It's official...
Post by: Krazie26 on April 24, 2004, 05:13:04 AM

"I mean, Donkey Kong and Pac-Man? These are, like, the best games ever," says Perrin "Mallrat" Kaplan, Nintendo of America's vice president, marketing and corporate affairs. "And if you aren't just dying to get your hands on the gnarly new Classic NES Limited Edition GBA SP, you're a total dweeb." Yep, that's a real quote, folks.

Seems a bit desperate, because, seriously, who is gonna pay $20.00 for pac-man?
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: Bill Aurion on April 24, 2004, 05:23:24 AM
Um, those who want to play it on the go?
Title: RE:It's official...
Post by: Aussie Ben PGC on April 25, 2004, 04:26:58 AM
Yeah, I'll get the SP, but at $20...sorry, AU$50 (but NAL will probably be nice and round it up to $70 so it matches the price of Super Mario Advance!), I simply cannot justify paying for Super Mario Bros., and Donkey Kong, and Legend of Zelda, for...what -- the fourth time now?  Maybe the Japanese can justify paying US$100+ for twenty year old games, but bringing these games out locally and asking for that price is obscene.  Other companies celebrate their older games by releasing them in compilations or by updating them, or even both!  Nintendo's solution is to re-release the exact same games (don't worry, they're TIMELESS! And besides, they have BATTERY SAVE NOW!) individually and slap a $20 tag on them.


Oh, who cares.  It's either this or a Rare game, or Vicarious Visions' ingenous Crash and Spyro tie-in games, or one of the other countlessly creative games that come out but get ignored because they're not 'Nintendo'.  No prize for guessing which games the Nintendo fans are going to pick.  (Here's a hint -- it's not the Rare game.  It's a blunt instrument in the eye for you if you mention one here!)
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: Flames_of_chaos on June 05, 2004, 07:58:46 AM
Ehh id rather go bargin shopping for those titles i would fork over 9.99 - 14.99 tops for those titles.
Title: RE:It's official...
Post by: mouse_clicker on June 05, 2004, 08:00:45 AM

Um, those who want to play it on the go?

Call me frugal, but I'll save my $20 and play the game at home.
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: Bill Aurion on June 05, 2004, 09:34:38 AM
When you are on vacation guess where you are not?
Title: RE:It's official...
Post by: chrisb on June 08, 2004, 11:27:18 PM
I'm in Japan at the moment and I've been picking up a few of the Famicom Minis. Yes, some of them are stupid and only rabid retro fanboys will buy them (Ice Climbers and Mappy come to mind). However, I had absolutely no problem shelling out 2000 yen for Legend of Zelda, Super Mario or Bomberman. I got as much fun and playtime out of those games as I did from any new game I've bought recently.

Is Nintendo being greedy? Yeah, definitely. It's a stroke of evil genius, really, to get people to pay for something that has cost Nintendo absolutely *nothing* to make: any money they've spent on these games was spent, as someone said, 20 years ago.

That said, are we all gonna go buy Zelda? Damn straight we are.
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: Berny on June 10, 2004, 12:28:56 PM
I may pick up a few of these, but I mean, I have the NES Zeldas on my Cube and Metroid as well, but that hasn't been GBA'd yet. I'm curious about Excitebike and Ice Climbers though.  
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: darknight06 on June 14, 2004, 12:58:11 PM
I could get a used e-reader and about 5 of those games for that price.  Seriously though, the only reason I can see anyone wanting any of these is if they have no other way of getting them, or they just want to collect them. Other than that, no point.
Title: RE: It's official...
Post by: Bartman3010 on June 19, 2004, 07:48:56 PM
I'll wait for them to drop at those insane clearance prices =P
Title: RE:It's official...
Post by: evil intentions on June 19, 2004, 07:57:37 PM

Originally posted by: Bill
When you are on vacation guess where you are not?

But when you get home, it'll be all more sweeter to play.