Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: Jonnyboy117 on August 29, 2002, 06:56:13 AM

Title: Major C2 Engine Update
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on August 29, 2002, 06:56:13 AM
Not a huge leap in technology this time, but rather content.  It now seems to imitate a certain rowdy PS2 game that Nintendo fans would love to be playing...

AGB Games has updated their C2 engine once again, only now the "racing" demo is looking more and more like a Grand Theft Auto 3 clone.  You can click the link above to see screenshots, and they'll have video up this weekend.  But check out this description of the added content:

Basically we've added a few features to the demo including the ability to fight in the street, run people over, hijack every vehicle within the environment, blow everything up using a rocket launcher. 4 camera modes. additional vehicles and people, guys that shoot back, sound effects and music. Oh and an RPG style text information display and lots of new character anims.