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November 29, 2000

Step Back and Think

by Jonathan Metts - 3:39 pm EST
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Jon takes a look at the logics behind the Eternal Darkness and Dino Planet GameCube rumours...

Lately a lot of talk has been going around regarding the future of a few key N64 titles. Some people seem to think that Eternal Darkness, Dinosaur Planet, and maybe even Conker's Bad Fur Day are destined to shift from N64 development over to the GameCube launch. Fair enough; I can see why they might... Read more...

November 10, 2000

Hasta La Vista, FMV!

by Jonathan Metts - 3:45 pm EST

With all of the Shiny New Game Consoles coming out, will there still be a need for Pre-rendered movie scenes? Jon says "NO!" and here's his explanation why...

Say goodbye to full-motion video, better known as FMV to gamers, in the next generation of videogame systems. It had its time in the limelight, and some people would say it was a major creative force in the 32-bit era. Nearly all gaming FMV was recorded footage of very high-quality computer-generated... Read more...

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