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New The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Trailer

by Jared Rosenberg - July 20, 2011, 11:09 pm EDT
Total comments: 52

The new Skyward Sword trailer for Comic Con reveals that Gorons will once again be inhabiting the game world.

Nintendo has released a new The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword trailer for Comic Con.

While the trailer does feature quite a bit of the same footage found in the E3 trailer, there are a few new moments, including Link swinging from vines and the first look at a Goron in the game.

Check out the trailer below (as well as the trailer in reverse if you would prefer to hear Zelda's Lullaby).


King of TwitchJuly 21, 2011

waiter? i didn't order the annoying mario galaxy ball rolling, retarded leaf person, or slowww vine swinging in my zelda.  :-[

KDR_11kJuly 21, 2011

Nintendo: No idea from previous games left behind!

Aonuma loves talking about surprise yet he recycles OOT themes like mad.

broodwarsJuly 21, 2011

Oh look, Zelda's shown to be nearly useless and easy to kidnap for likely most of the game.  ::)  This is completely unprecedented.  You keep bringing that Innovation and Shaking Up the Formula, Aonuma!

And Gorons?  Really?  I enjoyed them in Ocarina and Majora (and tolerated them in Twilight Princess and Wind Waker), but could we perhaps get a new race of people to interact with (and this goes for the Zoras, too, who we will likely also see in the game)?  I guess Aonuma's crew used up all their imagination on the city in the sky.  *sigh*  It's really looking like this franchise needs to be completely scrapped and rebuilt from the ground-up, as this game is looking very far from the "new and exciting" game that would shake-up the status quo that Aonuma promised all those years ago.

Killer_Man_JaroTom Malina, Associate Editor (Europe)July 21, 2011

Right, so because the game includes a race you've seen before, the entire product is therefore completely devoid of imagination and creativity. I've heard of jumping to conclusions, but...

This trailer seems to be almost identical to the E3 one, albeit with a few additional clips. Honestly, I'd rather keep it that way - it's so rare these days to be able to go into a game cold turkey.

broodwarsJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: Killer_Man_Jaro

Right, so because the game includes a race you've seen before, the entire product is therefore completely devoid of imagination and creativity.

No, the inclusion of the Gorons is symptomatic of the overall stagnation of the franchise, but the game really started to show that when gameplay footage came out these last two E3s.  Usually when Nintendo has something new and creative/gimmicky to show off, they can't help but splash it all over the trailers and gameplay demos.  So far, the two things they've shown off is that you can steer a bird around using a completely unnecessary Wiimote control method, and when you swing the remote you get a sword-swing that roughly approximates your movement so long as it conforms to certain specified angles.

What we've seen so far in these trailers and footage (aside from the Beetle item, which does look like it has interesting possibilities) just looks like more of the same, and that's disappointing so far.  Even the Motion Plus swordplay looks like it's going to be used the same way that the horizontal/vertical/stabbing slices were used in previous Zelda game, rather than something more free-form and personalized.

Killer_Man_JaroTom Malina, Associate Editor (Europe)July 21, 2011

Quote from: broodwars

Usually when Nintendo has something new and creative/gimmicky to show off, they can't help but splash it all over the trailers and gameplay demos.

That, I do agree with. So far, they've shown nothing of the overworld and very little of the dungeons, which are perhaps elements that are difficult to demonstrate during a short play session at E3. I would like to keep it that way for the reasons I explained before. For once, I don't want to know too much about a game before I play it.

In the past, combat was never something that I thought Legend of Zelda titles particularly excelled at. Even though it's not the thing I most enjoy about this franchise, if they can make each encounter interesting in Skyward Sword, each enemy somewhat of a puzzle, I'm all for it.

Luigi DudeJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: broodwars

Oh look, Zelda's shown to be nearly useless and easy to kidnap for likely most of the game.  ::)  This is completely unprecedented.  You keep bringing that Innovation and Shaking Up the Formula, Aonuma!

And Gorons?  Really?  I enjoyed them in Ocarina and Majora (and tolerated them in Twilight Princess and Wind Waker), but could we perhaps get a new race of people to interact with (and this goes for the Zoras, too, who we will likely also see in the game)?  I guess Aonuma's crew used up all their imagination on the city in the sky.  *sigh*  It's really looking like this franchise needs to be completely scrapped and rebuilt from the ground-up, as this game is looking very far from the "new and exciting" game that would shake-up the status quo that Aonuma promised all those years ago.

Oh give me a f*cking break.  Just because a Goron is in the game, it's suddenly a rehash?  Never mind the fact that the same damn trailer shows a new race of mole type people that live in the ground and some type of fuzzy forest creature that's never been in previous Zelda's either.  By you logic every Mario game is a rehash of the original because Bowser is in them.

Quote from: broodwars

No, the inclusion of the Gorons is symptomatic of the overall problem, but the game really started to show that when gameplay footage came out these last two E3s.  Usually when Nintendo has something new and creative/gimmicky to show off, they can't help but splash it all over the trailers and gameplay demos.  What we've seen so far (aside from the Beetle item, which does look like it has interesting possibilities) just looks like more of the same, and that's disappointing.  Even the Motion Plus swordplay looks like it's going to be used the same way that the horizontal/vertical/stabbing slices were used in previous Zelda game.

Only it's not considering you have to actually target certain parts of enemies to hurt them now because a lot of them block, which makes the combat a lot more strategic then any of the previous 3D Zelda's.

But to you, because Link wears green and swings a sword it's an instant rehash.  ::)

Your entire argument revolves solely around the fact Link looks like he does from previous Zelda's and swings a sword.  Never mind the fact the actual combat is quite different now, the overworld and dungeon structure has been completely changed up from previous Zelda's, and we've already seen quite a few new enemies and characters that have never appeared in other Zelda's.  So far, the new in Skyward Sword out ways the old by about 98%, but because Link wears green, has a sword, and there's a random Goron standing in the woods, you declare the game nothing more then an expansion pack of Twilight Princess and demand the serious be started over again.

Go to 4chan if you want to do that type of pathetic trolling.

EnnerJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: Luigi

Go to 4chan if you want to do that type of pathetic trolling.

Hey now. It was way too many words for that place.

Though I'm really excited for Skyward Sword, I can understand the desire for radical change and disdain for the lack of apparent change in the Zelda. While there are other game series that haven't changed much within them, Zelda has the burden of 25 years of characters, tropes, systems, and other devices shadowing it. It is understandable that there is fatigue for the series especially when some took Twilight Princess as too much deja vu.

That said, I'm eager to play Skyward Sword once it comes out. I hope that Nintendo has learned that it's not okay to pad a game and that it's okay for a Zelda to be shorter and tighter experience.

CericJuly 21, 2011

I thought it looks quiet different for the most part.  IS anyone really surprised to see the ball from Galaxy?  It almost screamed Zelda puzzle tool.  Not sure I like the look of this Zelda.

Anyone else thought that most of the trailer worked pretty darn well backwards?

TrueNerdJuly 21, 2011

Maybe I'm a shallower gamer than I originally thought, but I'm sold on this game on the beauty of the visuals alone. This game looks STUNNING.

TanshinJuly 21, 2011

I have to say, watching that trailer backwards was really satisfying (both because of Zelda's Lullaby and because it was backwards :P ). At first I was really thrown by the art style, but now that I'm watching it doesn't seem so bad. Link definitely looks best when he has the tunic on, and I think this applied in Twilight Princess as well. I still can't get past the size of his lips though...

I'm also unsure about this whole "Zelda is a childhood friend thing." I've always kinda wanted them to be friends but, does this mean that she isn't any form of nobility? I always preferred it when she was.

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJuly 21, 2011

The Link/Zelda in Minish Cap were strongly implied - if not outright said - to have been friends for a long time as well.

TanshinJuly 21, 2011

reminds himself to go try Minish Cap...

martyJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: broodwars

Oh look, Zelda's shown to be nearly useless and easy to kidnap for likely most of the game.  ::)  This is completely unprecedented.  You keep bringing that Innovation and Shaking Up the Formula, Aonuma!

Isn't Aonuma on record saying that he gave up on playing Zelda 1 and LttP because they were too tough?  He probably never even played Zelda 2.  Why is this guy in charge of this series?  Zelda games used to be CHALLENGING ACTION GAMES.  Aonuma's games are easy and dull.  I don't know who likes these puzzles he keeps putting in these games, but they bore the sh** out of me.  Shoot the glowing thing.  Throw the boomerang at the glowing things.  Put these boots on, they slow you down--go walk a mile in them.  Go run bull***t errands for NPCs.  NONE of this is fun.  Is it surprising?  Not in any good way.  Yeah, I'm always surprised how dull and pointless Aonuma has made the Zelda series, but that's a terrible surprise, Nintendo.

I'm not claiming that these games are bad, but they're not interesting to me, a Zelda fan that was with the series at the start.

Chocobo_RiderJuly 21, 2011

I don't know what some of you guys were watching, this trailer has put a lot of my fears to rest about this game.  It looks amazing!!

TanshinJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: NinSage

I don't know what some of you guys were watching, this trailer has put a lot of my fears to rest about this game.  It looks amazing!!

Agreed. As time is going on I'm becoming more and more confident about the game.

CaterkillerMatthew Osborne, Contributing WriterJuly 21, 2011

New footage hooray!

We see one Goron and people are complaining? It looks like another traveling salesmen, maybe like in Wind Waker there would be a total of 4 Gorons in the entire game, would that make you happier? Like Luigi Dude said above, we get new monsters, mole men, and bulbasuar plant guy yet folks want to complain they see a Goron?

As for combat, who here has played the game and knows it feels vastly different from previous 3D Zelda games? *raises hand* 

People just need to wait for the entire game to come out then judge if it is all a rehash. 

CericJuly 21, 2011

Though I do have to say Parts of that trailer make me feel Claustrophobic.

martyJuly 21, 2011

History, rather than hype, is a far better indicator of how good this game will be.  Aonuma hasn't matched or topped Oot or LttP.  I expect him to continue ****ing around with the wrong things since he doesn't understand what the series was founded on.  This guy hasn't been good for the series and I really hope Nintendo takes it away from him and gives it to someone that at least played through the NES and SNES games.

Ian SaneJuly 21, 2011

Upon hearing that Gorons are in the game my first thought was "no shit".  It was not at all surprising.

Though I wouldn't declare the game a rehash before I play it, I do find the presence of Gorons to be incredibly uninteresting and borderline lame.  These guys were not even in the first four Zelda games.  They are by no means a mandatory inclusion.  In fact part of the appeal of their appearance in Ocarina of Time is that they were totally new.  "Hey cool!  Rock guys!"  A lot of videogame devs lose sight of the fact that the novelty of something when it was new was a big reason why it was popular in the first place and that replicating it over and over again does not create the same feeling with players.  I don't want Gorons as much of what Gorons were in OoT - a new race to discover.  You can put them in and they won't really hurt the game but if it is just Gorons and Zoras it will hurt the game because the lack of novelty removes the thrill of exploration and exploring the world is a big part of Zelda's appeal.

I find Nintendo's storyline elements to be ridiculously stale.  The videogame industry as a whole is a bad for this and yet I would consider Nintendo one of the worst offenders.  They can still bust out fresh new gameplay ideas as Super Mario Galaxy demonstrates.  But I'm sick of fighting Bowser, Ridley or Ganon.  Sick of the same princesses getting kidnapped.  Sick of always fighting Goombas, Spaces Pirates and Moblins.  I'm not a little kid who is impressed by routine.  I need something creative from a storyline and setting perspective to grab my interest.  I also need new gameplay ideas.  I need both.

If it's the same Hyrule and the same Ganon and the same Gorons and Zoras and the same Karkariko Village and Death Mountain the game is going to lose my interest very quickly.  Those elements are played out.  For all Nintendo's talk about being original and creative they basically are doing the exact same plot from 25 year old NES games.  They introduce one plot in the first game and recycle it forever and ever and I'm at a point where I don't give a shit anymore.  It comes across as lazy game design.

The inclusion of Gorons does not indicate that the game will be a rehash but it isn't at all a surprising revelation that they're there.  Nintendo's reputation is such that when you find out an existing trope is in the game, you think "of course".  There is no expectation that things will be shaken up.  I think we're all waiting to find out if Ganon is the last boss.

holtmanJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: marty

History, rather than hype, is a far better indicator of how good this game will be.  Aonuma hasn't matched or topped Oot or LttP.  I expect him to continue ****ing around with the wrong things since he doesn't understand what the series was founded on.  This guy hasn't been good for the series and I really hope Nintendo takes it away from him and gives it to someone that at least played through the NES and SNES games.

What are you talking about. Aonuma has created some of greatest games ever.

broodwarsJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: marty

History, rather than hype, is a far better indicator of how good this game will be.  Aonuma hasn't matched or topped Oot or LttP.  I expect him to continue ****ing around with the wrong things since he doesn't understand what the series was founded on.  This guy hasn't been good for the series and I really hope Nintendo takes it away from him and gives it to someone that at least played through the NES and SNES games.

Wow, did Sean Malstrom just invade the forums?  :Q

I have issues with how he has guided the Zelda franchise of late, but Aonuma did create my favorite Zelda game: Majora's Mask, a game that was just completely "out there" as a concept.  I wonder what happened to all that creativity we saw in Majora, because it hasn't manifested itself to that extent in the series since (though Wind Waker was pretty cool, too).

Ian SaneJuly 21, 2011


I wonder what happened to all that creativity we saw in Majora, because it hasn't manifested itself to that extent in the series since (though Wind Waker was pretty cool, too).

Majora's Mask is one of my favourite games but it certainly isn't for everyone.  I get why some people don't like it.  I wonder if that was Aonuma being creative but then Nintendo wasn't thrilled that MM didn't have the universal appeal that OoT had and told him to make things a little more conventional in the future, and he just isn't quite sure how to do that without things being too samey.

The Mario Galaxy ball concerns me for the same reasons that motion control bird does.  In Mario Galaxy I hated these levels because they controlled like ****.  But I could skip them because the way the game is set up you don't have to have to complete every single level to proceed.  Zelda however doesn't usually have optional parts, except for heart pieces and such.  If they throw one of these things into a dungeon it will be a choke point.  I will HAVE to complete it in order to proceed.  I don't look forward to that at all.  I might even get outright stuck.

CalibanJuly 21, 2011

I'mma smack down all you Goron haterz.

StogiJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: broodwars

I wonder what happened to all that creativity we saw in Majora, because it hasn't manifested itself to that extent in the series since (though Wind Waker was pretty cool, too)

Unlike some people, I actually think this is the game to do that. Wind Waker was too much of a diversion from the original formula for both graphics and gameplay, so what did Nintendo do? They made TP. People complained that TP was too much like OOT (even though the similarities end at the overworld), so what is Nintendo doing? Giving us both.

I, for one, am psyched by the newest addition - upgradeable weapons. That means scouting out a chest just to find some rupees will not happen anymore or that the rupees you find will actually be useful.

martyJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: broodwars

Wow, did Sean Malstrom just invade the forums?  :Q

I have issues with how he has guided the Zelda franchise of late, but Aonuma did create my favorite Zelda game: Majora's Mask, a game that was just completely "out there" as a concept.  I wonder what happened to all that creativity we saw in Majora, because it hasn't manifested itself to that extent in the series since.

I'm not a libertarian crank, so to answer that first question, no.  Other's here have also stated the same, so maybe sr. malstrom is here... i just don't know or care.

MM is an "interesting" game much the same way the Killer 7 is an "interesting" game--I just find that they're not very fun to play.  I liked the doomy atmosphere (in MM) but the running around and fetching and repetition got old so I had my fill long before the game was over.  "Interesting" doesn't count for much after the first hour--fun has to carry a game the rest of the way.

CericJuly 21, 2011

I haven't read where they say upgradeable weapons.  I hope we start with a wood sword from an old man.

StogiJuly 21, 2011


Second to last paragraph

CericJuly 21, 2011

Come on Yo-Yo Sword.

Luigi DudeJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: marty

History, rather than hype, is a far better indicator of how good this game will be.  Aonuma hasn't matched or topped Oot or LttP.  I expect him to continue ****ing around with the wrong things since he doesn't understand what the series was founded on.  This guy hasn't been good for the series and I really hope Nintendo takes it away from him and gives it to someone that at least played through the NES and SNES games.

First of all Majora's Mask is better then OoT and LttP, but second of all, it's pointless to complain about Aonuma since he's not the one making Skyward Sword.  Hidemaro Fujibayashi who directed Oracle of Ages/Season and Minish Cap is the director of this game.  Yes Aonuma is still a producer who's overlooking the game, but Fujibayashi is the person in charge of actually creating all the content in the game and making sure all the different gameplay mechanics work right.

If your going to blame Aonuma for how you think Skyward Sword might end up, then you have to blame Miyamoto for how Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess ended up since Miyamoto had the same job as producer for those three games that Aonuma currently has for Skyward Sword.

Fatty The HuttJuly 21, 2011

I'm really digging the visuals of this game right now. It looks like maybe they have polished them a bit since we last saw them? Or maybe NWR's video quality is just good? I dunno.

But I'm getting a sort of Dragon Quest VIII vibe off of these visuals. I like them.

Chocobo_RiderJuly 21, 2011

In the last console game Link turned into a friggin' wolf.  I'm not sure how he wasn't crucified for it like Sonic was... but it went over just fine.  And still some people think that the Zelda games don't take risks/try new things?

Other M was a very radical departure for the franchise and half the audience hated it - half loved it.

So you can't blame companies for only taking small steps over their boundaries....

I'm in a rush so this was a half-formed thought... I'll add more later!

martyJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: Luigi

First of all Majora's Mask is better then OoT and LttP, but second of all, it's pointless to complain about Aonuma since he's not the one making Skyward Sword.  Hidemaro Fujibayashi who directed Oracle of Ages/Season and Minish Cap is the director of this game.  Yes Aonuma is still a producer who's overlooking the game, but Fujibayashi is the person in charge of actually creating all the content in the game and making sure all the different gameplay mechanics work right.

If your going to blame Aonuma for how you think Skyward Sword might end up, then you have to blame Miyamoto for how Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess ended up since Miyamoto had the same job as producer for those three games that Aonuma currently has for Skyward Sword.

I'm not asserting anything other than personal opinion when I say that LttP is the best and that OoT was the last Zelda game worth playing through--sales and popularity might agree with me too, but that's not really important.  Disagreeing with me doesn't change the fact that MM didn't hold my attention like the previous 5 Zelda games I played did.  You like it best, whatever. 

I blame Nintendo for the current state of Zelda-- Miyamoto et al, if that helps.  I just know Miyamoto stepped down as director after OoT and that every subsequent game hasn't been as good--and the DS games are ***.  Like I said, history, more than hype, tells me what to expect from post OoT Zelda games.  If you're thrilled at the prospect of talking to Gorons and running errands for NPCs and solving puzzle after puzzle, good for you--to me, that sounds like good way to further **** up a once beloved franchise and a waste of time.

TJ SpykeJuly 21, 2011

I am glad you said it was your opinion, because I think The Wink Waker is vastly superior to any of the previous Zelda games, and Twilight Princess is great too.

Aonuma has been great for the Zelda series (other than the awful Majora's Mask) and I hope he stays with the series for a long time since he improved the series.

CericJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: TJ

I am glad you said it was your opinion, because I think The Wink Waker is vastly superior to any of the previous Zelda games, and Twilight Princess is great too.

Aonuma has been great for the Zelda series (other than the awful Majora's Mask) and I hope he stays with the series for a long time since he improved the series.

Wink Waker.  Hyrule has lost the ability to Wink.  You are on a legendary quest to bring back the Winkiness.  With Cho-Aniki Inspired game content this is the Legend of Zelda that makes Wind Waker look like the Sunday Brunch of the Series.  A Zelda you won't take to your Mother.  Wink Waker Coming soon to WiiU with Facial integration.

TJ SpykeJuly 21, 2011

LOL, I need to slow down sometimes when I am typing.

martyJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: Ceric

Quote from: TJ

I am glad you said it was your opinion, because I think The Wink Waker is vastly superior to any of the previous Zelda games, and Twilight Princess is great too.

Aonuma has been great for the Zelda series (other than the awful Majora's Mask) and I hope he stays with the series for a long time since he improved the series.

Wink Waker.  Hyrule has lost the ability to Wink.  You are on a legendary quest to bring back the Winkiness.  With Cho-Aniki Inspired game content this is the Legend of Zelda that makes Wind Waker look like the Sunday Brunch of the Series.  A Zelda you won't take to your Mother.  Wink Waker Coming soon to WiiU with Facial integration.

Scarily accurate.

CaterkillerMatthew Osborne, Contributing WriterJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: nikohesus

To all the idiots complaining about Aonuma, he isn't even directing this game. Which looks fantastic.

The comments on this page are the most idiotic I've ever read.

You must have never taken a visit to IGN.

Chocobo_RiderJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: Caterkiller

Quote from: nikohesus

To all the idiots complaining about Aonuma, he isn't even directing this game. Which looks fantastic.

The comments on this page are the most idiotic I've ever read.

You must have never taken a visit to IGN.

Why would anyone go there? =P

AVJuly 21, 2011

I'm disappointed that this trailer has like 20% new content compared to E3 Trailer.

ShyGuyJuly 21, 2011


broodwarsJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: ShyGuy


Of course, the opposite of that statement would also be considered equally ridiculous: going onto message boards and praising games you've never played.

As for Other M, that game's problem wasn't that it tried radically new things, but that it didn't do them particularly well.  It tried to craft a compelling narrative and add dimensions to the Samus character, but the storytelling was so terrible and the characterization was so insulting to fans of the character that it backfired.  It tried to streamline the experience with less of a focus on backtracking, but it made the world feel very artificial and less interesting than usual.  It tried to meld the 1st and 3rd person perspectives, but the gameplay constraints between the two didn't make a lot of sense and had issues for some with being triggered on command.  I'm happy that Other M tried to expand beyond what had previously been done with the franchise.  I just would have preferred the project had been handed to people who knew how to make these elements compelling (i.e. someone other than Sakamoto).

BranDonk KongJuly 21, 2011

God forbid that the greatest game series of all time includes things from earlier games in said series.

ShyGuyJuly 21, 2011

Link is now called Markus and the master sword is a chainsaw gun. INNOVATION

Chocobo_RiderJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: ShyGuy

Link is now called Markus and the master sword is a chainsaw gun. INNOVATION


broodwarsJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: ShyGuy

Link is now called Markus and the master sword is a chainsaw gun. INNOVATION

Hey, it's easy to mock the concept for sounding truly absurd, but what if Nintendo did something that radical?  What if instead of a sword/shield-wielding elf from a quasi-medieval world, Nintendo played with the concept and set it in a different kind of universe?  The core concept of the "legend" in the Legend of Zelda is "unknown kid goes on a quest to save the world and become a hero, usually saving a princess and defeating great evil in the process".  Maybe Nintendo could go all Star Wars/Firefly/Outlaw Star-y and make Link a backwater urchin living on a Frontier Space-Colony who hears the call to adventure and saves the universe from great peril.  Maybe he's a rancher in a Red Dead Redemption-esque Western.  Maybe he's a kid off the streets in a contemporary setting.  It's not like Nintendo hasn't considered this in the past, considering the alleged story Link's Crossbow Training was originally going to have with a gun falling through a time portal.

With a concept as broad as Zelda's, there's no reason we couldn't see Nintendo do something truly bizarre and new with it like they have Mario and Kirby.  Why not?  Nintendo's already set the Zelda Universe several times in Waterworld, once in Groundhog Day, and one game with a magic train (Galaxy Express 999?).  Maybe something like that could work, and maybe it would be a spectacular failure.  I'll still gladly take something that ambitious and risky over another game like Twilight Princess.  It's not like Nintendo doesn't have money to throw around at grand experiments like that.

It would be cool if they did all of the above in the same game, with the Links ultimately cooperating across time to battle some greater evil.

broodwarsJuly 21, 2011

Quote from: MegaByte

It would be cool if they did all of the above in the same game, with the Links ultimately cooperating across time to battle some greater evil.

Indeed.  Or how about an even greater step (though this is too big to be just a Zelda game): maybe in that Sci-Fi universe, you can go on missions with the Star Fox team; hunt bounties with Samus Aran; or meet up with Capt. Falcon for a quick F-Zero race.  Maybe it's one big Kingdom Hearts-esque Nintendo universe, but hey...that's just the Nintendo fan in me.  There are just so many possibilities that could be explored with this franchise that we've only scratched the surface of, and it's not like Time Travel or Parallel Universes are strangers to the Zelda franchise.

StogiJuly 22, 2011

Quote from: MegaByte

It would be cool if they did all of the above in the same game, with the Links ultimately cooperating across time to battle some greater evil.

The Legend of Zelda's Eternal Darkness: Link's Requiem. Sign me up.

Chocobo_RiderJuly 22, 2011

Good luck with those Zelda games, guys.  =P

Let me know when your pitchfork-proof vests arrive in the mail =) haha

UrkelJuly 23, 2011

Quote from: Ian

I find Nintendo's storyline elements to be ridiculously stale.

Well I think I know where Nintendo should look for inspiration.


thomas_1996July 24, 2011

    Oh my god you guys!  Obviously over time Nintendo has to appeal to more people, making the temples a little easier to follow where as OoT was somewhat impossible without a walk through for a 12 year old.  Honestly shut up.  And by all means complain about a simple Goron traveler- do note this is a prequel to OoT- and maybe the mole people can only be found in the sky regions.  Aonuma created Majora's Mask,  which was great, and he helped with all the great games in between Oot and now.  He has definitely not ruined the franchise. Also, by chainging the series completely, perhaps it will lose its spark.  Many new things are introduced as well, such as the spirit who is Link's sword, which he points at the sky to gain power in the blade- VERY NEW.  I think this game looks amazing!  CAN'T WAIT!

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