He didn't earn the Chaotic nickname for nothing.
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We start the show this week with YOUR Listener Mail. It is YOUR segment, so if its bad that's on you. Luckily, this week it isn't. Instead we talk about how Embracer Group keeps buying everyone and take some lessons in bad video game names. You can ask us the unknowable by hiding your question in a pallet of unsold EA games and email it to us.
After a break we dive into New Business. This week, Gui still isn't sure how to say Live A Live, Jon fights Scottish men in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, and Greg continues his more nuanced pace with Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and pursues our Water World visions in the N64 Online Games release of Wave Race 64.
This episode was edited by Guillaume Veillette. The "Men of Leisure" theme song was produced exclusively for Radio Free Nintendo by Perry Burkum. Hear more at Perry's SoundCloud. The Radio Free Nintendo logo was produced by Connor Strickland. See what he's up to at his website.
This episode's ending music is Ribbi Flats (Day) from Xenoblade Chronicles 3. It was requested by Regmcfly. All rights reserved by Nintendo Co. Ltd;.