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Episode 821: Can You Get Brain Damage in the Afterlife?

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jonathan Metts, and Guillaume Veillette - May 7, 2023, 6:24 pm EDT
Total comments: 2

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Guillaume is back! He's off the moving bus and back into our moving hearts.

Jon's out again, because of course, so in his stead we're joined again by former host Jonathan Metts. I'm writing this on a tablet, so there's going to be remarkably less wordplay than usual in this week's article.

We start the show with a corrections-tinged revisit of last week's "games that wouldn't be the same on mute" conversation. We then roll into new Listener Mail: why are game prices so fixed in North America/so variable in Europe and what Nintendo franchises are ready for the TV show treatment. You can get your email [re]visited by sending it here.

Gui's return means he leads New Business. A brief chat about Pikmin Bloom leads to lag-impacted conversations about 3DS titles Phoenix Wright: Spirit of Justice and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. He concludes his New Business with some thoughts on Mario Kart Arcade GP, and retriggers old arguments about Mario Kart's reprehensible "numbering." Jonny has been playing the Final Fantasy III Pixel Remaster, now on Switch. It leads to a broader look at the franchise as a whole. Finally, Greg and James close out New Business with spoiler-free impressions of Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed.

At this point, we dismissed Jonny and Gui (and anyone who hasn't explored the Xenoblade canon to the fullest) to have a Greg and James Future Redeemed "10 minute" spoilercast. It goes over an hour, but if you've already beaten it, join us!

Last call for Wind Waker Retroactive submissions. Put them here. We'll be recording it this week.

This episode was edited by Guillaume Veillette. The "Men of Leisure" theme song was produced exclusively for Radio Free Nintendo by Perry Burkum. Hear more at Perry's SoundCloud. The Radio Free Nintendo logo was produced by Connor Strickland. See what he's up to at his website.

This episode's ending music is Hyrule Castle (Exterior) The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It was selected by Greg. All rights reserved by Nintendo Co., Ltd.


DoomsDayDonutMay 07, 2023

Guillaume is truly a man of the people. The King in the North, if you will

pdoksusMay 10, 2023

Two other show ideas:
Metroid - Samus as a V-Tuber exploring the galaxy looking for the glitter metroid.
Animal Crossing - Gritty live-action with Tom Nook as a loanshark breaking the kneecaps of anyone who can't make their loan payment.

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