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Soul Calibur 2 European Release Date Revealed

by Mike Orlando - March 3, 2003, 2:13 pm EST
Total comments: 6 Source: Nintendo Europe

Nintendo has announced the European release date of Soul Calibur 2 for the GameCube.

Nintendo Europe has announced that Soul Calibur 2, the sequel to one of the most acclaimed fighting games in recent memory, will see release in Europe this year. Citing Autumn (2003) as the official launch date, the title is destined to be co-published by both Namco and Nintendo in Europe, an apparent sign of the strengthened relationship between the two companies. Nintendo Europe will distribute the title across the continent.


DjunknownMarch 03, 2003

Looks like European gamers are in for a treat. The U.S release is around the same time, so all Westerners rejoice. "yay...."

Perhaps theyr'e developing both versions at the same time?

What's does NTSC and PAL stand for anyway?

EL Pollo DIablosMarch 04, 2003

USA has other TV standards then Europe.
More lines are visible on the screen so the games have to be adjusted to the screen otherwis ull get black bars.
USA release around same time?? I really wanna know why they choose Spawn for the Xbox version.
Maybe Spawn will get an Xbox exclusive game which is good for one-- face-icon-small-happy.gif-- part and to bad--face-icon-small-sad.gif-- for the other.

EL Pollo Diablos

DjunknownMarch 04, 2003

No doubt this may have been already covered but just to refresh some facts:

Todd Mcfarlene (Creator of Spawn) helped design the 'hidden' character Necrid, exculisve to all console versions. Now whether this is related to including Link or not; perhaps Namco thought it was unfair to have 2 'hidden characters' on Gamecube but not on PS2 or XboX. While including HeiHaChi in the PS2 version was a pleasant surprise (So far it seems he's unarmed by default), what to include in the XboX version may have been a riddle McFarlene and Namco had to figure out.

Why not Spawn? A little promotion never hurt anyone face-icon-small-wink.gif

This seems logical, but I could be mistaken

ThePermMarch 04, 2003

"exculisve to all console versions"....if its on all consoles its not exclusive......merely available.

Dolphin64XMarch 05, 2003

Exclusive as compared to the arcade, I believe.

EL Pollo DIablosMarch 06, 2003

Yeah but when a game is "exclusive"to a console in the last few months it actually means 'avaible in 3 months on other consoles'.
But that's aside. Thanks for explaing the Todd Macfarlane story.

EL Pollo Diablos

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