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Doom, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Coming to Switch; Skyrim Release Date Revealed

by Bryan Rose - September 13, 2017, 4:06 pm EDT
Total comments: 16 Source: Nintendo Direct

Bethesda is bringing their top titles to the Nintendo Switch very soon.

Along with the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Bethesda is also bringing Doom and Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus to the Nintendo Switch within the next year.

Not a lot of information was shown regarding the latter two titles, but it was mentioned that both will feature online play. Skyrim will come with its previous downloadable content as well as Amiibo functionality, though you'll also be able to find The Legend of Zelda content without the amiibos as well.

Skyrim was given a release date of November 17. Doom will be out this holiday season, and Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus will be out next year.



LemonadeSeptember 13, 2017

This is an extremely good sign for third party support on Switch. I wasnt completely sold on Wolfenstein before, but I will definitely buy it on Switch. Im also looking forward to Skyrim. I would get Doom too, if I didnt already have it on Xbox One.

KhushrenadaSeptember 13, 2017

Quote from: Lemonade

This is an extremely good sign for third party support on Switch.

Unprecedented. Bethesda is putting EA to shame. I just hopes things work out good for Bethesda's participation on Switch as I imagine other 3rd parties will probably be watching their performance closely in making the decision of whether they are going to start supporting and porting more stuff over or not. They will be the canary in the coal mine.

LemonadeSeptember 13, 2017

I really hope they sell well then

ShyGuySeptember 13, 2017

Quote from: Khushrenada

Quote from: Lemonade

This is an extremely good sign for third party support on Switch.

Unprecedented. Bethesda is putting EA to shame. I just hopes things work out good for Bethesda's participation on Switch as I imagine other 3rd parties will probably be watching their performance closely in making the decision of whether they are going to start supporting and porting more stuff over or not. They will be the canary in the coal mine.

The sad thing is that Bethesda is putting Capcom to shame.

CaterkillerMatthew Osborne, Contributing WriterSeptember 14, 2017


Do you guys feel it? The times, they are a'changin'.

I had Doom on the N64 when I was younger but was afraid to play it. I had Wolfenstein on PC as a kid but didn't understand how to play FPS games.

I'm getting both of these because I really want to know what I've avoided since I was a kid.

Getting Skyrim too because people won't shut up about it.

GG Bethesda.

MASBSeptember 14, 2017

The graphics on Skyrim look well done. I don't know how it compares to the PS4 version of the game, but it seems like they are pushing the Switch to its limits. At least, it'll have years of bugfixes compared to the original versions!

Great to see Doom and Wolfenstein II coming. I do wonder how the lag time from the other versions will affect sales. Hopefully, the portable nature of the Switch versions will counteract lost sales from releasing late.

AdrockSeptember 14, 2017

I'm not interested in either game, but this is great news. I wish I could play first person shooters.

KeyBillySeptember 14, 2017

These types of games are perfect for a portable, and actually make sense to buy on Switch over more capable consoles for many.  I know that the portability has made me consider games I wouldn't normally buy.  This is great.

Mop it upSeptember 14, 2017

These seems like a good get for the system.

Quote from: Caterkiller

I had Doom on the N64 when I was younger but was afraid to play it.

DooM 64 is a different game than DooM 1. It's more like the real DooM 3.

nickmitchSeptember 14, 2017

I'm pretty interested in Skyrim, despite being prone to motion sickness.  Doom and Wolfenstein might be a different story.

broodwarsSeptember 14, 2017

Been seeing some comparison screenshots of Doom Switch floating around and...it looks awful by comparison, grayer & fuzzier. For the sake of Switch owners, I hope Machinegames found a better way to port Wolfenstein 2.

Quote from: broodwars

Been seeing some comparison screenshots of Doom Switch floating around and...it looks awful by comparison, grayer & fuzzier. For the sake of Switch owners, I hope Machinegames found a better way to port Wolfenstein 2.

To be fair those screenshots are from a variable bitrate stream. What we've seen with other games directly from nintendo is that they seem to make the handheld version first (this was very obvious in splatoon 2's early 720p performance vs its current variable resolution) The handheld has less juice so that version has to be worked out first then it can be polished further for the docked version. That being said we can't expect a version that matches PS4. We're looking at a top of the line 8th gen engine being ported to what is, from a numbers perspective, 7th gen tech. significant sacrifices will have to be made. Unlike Skyrim there is no 7th engine to fall back on. Given Doom's emphasis on fast paced action and high frame rate I'd imagine we'll see detail and image quality drop (likely below 720p on handheld) in favor of those high frame rates. Not unlike how Fast Racing Neo managed things on Wii U. We'll have to wait and see but I'm hopeful and eager to see what they can do.

also, Wolfenstein runs in the same engine as Doom so Doom's performance will be very telling of what we can expect from Wolfenstein.

BlackNMild2k1September 15, 2017

I think I'm picking up the Odyssey bundle next month, and will Doom and Skyrim are 2 of the 3rd party games I was picking up. Wolfie might be too, but I honestly haven't seen that game since Wolfenstein 3D back in the day...

(also grabbing MK3D, Zelda, and something else my daughter would like... taking suggestions)

But back on topic, I really hope DOOM and Wolfie (and Skyrim) all do waaay above expectation on Switch. and I hope that the shame puts EA, Capcom, Konami, and all the other "wait and see, this late port at full price is a test for support that we never really planned on providing" dev/publishers in a scramble to bring their latest and greatest to the table too.

To be fair, an eventually OK Bomberman was probably the best we could have expected from Konami before casino gaming is legal in Japan.

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