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X Gameplay Revealed, Battle System Based on Xenoblade Chronicles

by Justin Baker - February 13, 2014, 2:45 pm EST
Total comments: 21 Source: (Nintendo Direct)

More Mecha than you can handle.

A gameplay trailer for Monolith Soft’s X was revealed during today’s Nintendo Direct. The trailer showed a battle system that appeared very similar to the one present in Xenoblade Chronicles. 

Iwata confirmed after the trailer that the battle system was indeed originally based on Monolith Soft's previous game, but has undergone some tweaks. Also shown in the trailer was the ability to enter mecha at will and engage in battles with larger enemies.

There was no mention of a release date for North America.


BlackNMild2k1February 13, 2014

Are they using the "Infinite Detail" engine to get all that lush greenery on the ground?

AdrockFebruary 13, 2014

They're using the When-You-Give-Shit-Wii-U-Games-Look-Bangarang engine.

sweetfeatheryFebruary 13, 2014

The characters were labelled "Player 1" "Player 2" "Player 3" do we know if this game is going to be a multiplayer game? Or are we just looking at default names given to the npcs?

Pixelated PixiesFebruary 13, 2014

This game looks incredible. Barring the existence of a new Metroid, X is probably the game most likely to get me to buy a Wii U.

Also, why would you ever want to leave the mech? I mean, I assume it overheats or becomes unusable if it takes too much damage or something, right? Because otherwise I'd be flying about in that thing constantly.

Disco StuFebruary 13, 2014

Quote from: sweetfeathery

The characters were labelled "Player 1" "Player 2" "Player 3" do we know if this game is going to be a multiplayer game? Or are we just looking at default names given to the npcs?

That is the big question.  Hope they explain more details at E3.

SorenFebruary 13, 2014

Now it's Reyn time?

Kytim89February 13, 2014

Nintendo should have just released the name of the game at this point to help word of mouth push interest in it.

azekeFebruary 13, 2014

Battle system is mostly the same as Xenoblade but they also have some timing mechanic added to it. Think Active Reload from Gear of War. It works for some moves and even for getting inside robot.

It was kinda weird how mechs were just laying around there and not just one but for all your NPCs too. Also weird how the giant monkey was just sitting there on a cliff while heroes were killing smaller monkey. It's probably because it was all test footage.

I still have to start play Xenoblade properly and will probably commit to play it this year, but impressions of how HUEG this game is don't help.

sweetfeatheryFebruary 13, 2014

Quote from: Pixelated

This game looks incredible. Barring the existence of a new Metroid, X is probably the game most likely to get me to buy a Wii U.

Also, why would you ever want to leave the mech? I mean, I assume it overheats or becomes unusable if it takes too much damage or something, right? Because otherwise I'd be flying about in that thing constantly.

Maybee its works on a cool-down. Or whoever builds their dps up to a certain point gets to ride in it for a short time.

CericFebruary 13, 2014

From that footage it looks like everyone goes around in your mech and you can go in and out like... Titanfall.

Though I'm hoping that this really means that there is a Multiplayer mode ala Phantasy Star Online.

OblivionFebruary 13, 2014

This game was confirmed to have an online multiplayer aspect back when it was first announced. It even had a chat box in the first trailer.

OblivionFebruary 13, 2014

Quote from: azeke

It was kinda weird how mechs were just laying around there and not just one but for all your NPCs too. Also weird how the giant monkey was just sitting there on a cliff while heroes were killing smaller monkey. It's probably because it was all test footage.

No, that's how Xenoblade was. Each enemy has a certain detection range. His back was turned. Happened all the time in Xenoblade.

god damn casul

geckog7February 13, 2014

1)  I hope this game actually releases this year in N.A.
2)  I hope they keep British voice acting!!!!
3)  I wonder if Monolith can top the world of Xenoblade. I absolutely loved the idea of the two warring giants.  Having lightning flash and seeing the outline of the Mechanis in the distance was so cool.

jarodeaFebruary 13, 2014

Need.  Not much more else I can say.

Kytim89February 14, 2014

Considering how the Wii U needs games this game will be out in all territories by the end of the year.

ejamerFebruary 14, 2014

Quote from: Kytim89

Considering how the Wii U needs games this game will be out in all territories by the end of the year.

Not likely. I'd much rather they take their time and polish to perfection before releasing anyway.

Also, even though X will be freakin' amazing it won't be enough to save Wii U - no chance of a niche game like this turning around that situation. So there isn't enough incentive to rush it to market anyway.

(If I'm wrong on either count, that would be awesome. But I'd rather take a realistic view than end up being disappointed because the game is delayed.)

LudicrousDa3veFebruary 14, 2014

Quote from: Adrock

They're using the When-You-Give-****-Wii-U-Games-Look-Bangarang engine.


ShyGuyFebruary 14, 2014

Bangarang? Somebody cue the Sonic Boom Skrillex!

AdrockFebruary 14, 2014

I'm not familiar with Skrillex. I'm assuming he got it from the movie Hook like I did.

StratosFebruary 14, 2014

I thought the word in Hook was Mangarang. Like a boomerang made out of a mango or something. Shows how much I know...

I am excited this has multiplayer.

PhilPhillip Stortzum, February 14, 2014

Mecha no mistake-- I'm interested in this.

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