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Extra Pad 3D Accessory Coming to 3DS in Japan

by Danny Bivens - May 31, 2012, 8:57 am EDT
Total comments: 6 Source: http://www.inside-games.jp/article/2012/05/29/5696..., Inside-Games

A Japanese third-party, GameTech, aims to give 3DS owners a better grip for their Circle pads.

The Extra Pad 3D is coming to Japan on June 7 for 480 yen. Released by third-party company GameTech, the silicon attachment looks to fit snuggly over the Circle pad and give Nintendo 3DS users a better grip, as well as a bit more height for controlling their games.

Each set comes with eight different attachments, with four different grip styles. The grips can be used on the standard Circle pad or the Circle Pad Pro, and can be stacked on top of each other to provide more height.

The Extra Pad 3D will be available in five colors: black, white, blue, red, and pink. The product also includes a small case that fits three grips, which can be strapped to the 3DS. Check out the video below to get a closer look at the accessory.



Chocobo_RiderMay 31, 2012

Possibly stupid question: can you even CLOSE the system if one (or more) of those is in place??

I mean, I've had my share of circle-pad slippage, but nothing so bad as to merit being unable to close the thing.

geoMay 31, 2012

I think thats what the wrist strap container is for:  removing the pad when you're not using it and storing it in there.

IgnoramusMay 31, 2012


TJ SpykeJune 01, 2012

I have never had any problem with the slide pad, so I would not need this. Guess it's good for those who do though.

I think I'm going to pick it up. 480 yen? That's practically free.

@NinSage, geo is right on the money. If you want to take the nubs with you, you can put them in the little case that attaches to the system. You can fit up to three of them in there, if I recall correctly. If that is the case, I don't know why they didn't opt for 4 (two for the circle pad, two for the circle pad pro)...

mamaweegeenachoJune 02, 2012

YESASIA is selling this thing already, but for $14

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