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Lost Planet Spin-Off Coming to 3DS From Capcom

by Neal Ronaghan - May 16, 2012, 9:24 am EDT
Total comments: 8 Source: (Famitsu (via Andriasang)), http://andriasang.com/con10y/capcom_extroopers/

EX Troopers is a shooter that is curiously also coming to PlayStation 3.

EX Troopers, an anime-inspired "beginner's shooter" from Capcom, is coming to 3DS later this year in Japan, according to a Famitsu article.

The game is related to the Lost Planet series, and is being overseen by Shintaro Kojima, who previously worked on the Monster Hunter series. Kojima is hoping that this shooter will introduce players to the Lost Planet series courtesy of lighter gameplay and an accessible school setting.

The main character is Bren Turner, who is newly enrolled in an academy on EDN-3rd, the main location in the game. At the outset, players choose one of three unique bases for their version of Bren to hail from. In addition to the shooting action, players will also progress through the story using interactive cut scenes.

EX Troopers is about 60% done according to the article, and will be playable at Capcom Summer Jam, which is on June 30 and July 1 at Tokyo Big Site. There is no word on a North American or European release.


TheLastMetroid21May 16, 2012

Sounds like its another game capcom will never bring over. I'm glad a have a Japanese 3ds.

EnnerMay 16, 2012

This game is (probably) a person shooter so it has a better chance of coming over.

An academy on EDN III? Given that Lost Planet 2 had groups banding together to prevent the destruction of EDN III (I think) and Lost Planet 3 is a prequel to the series, my first thought that EX Troopers will be the set in the latest point yet in the Lost Planet timeline. Then again, EDN III is a big enough place for Capcom to fit an academy nearly anywhere in the series' timeline.

Well Enner, you know way more about Lost Planet than I do. If there is any clarification to what I wrote about the game's story that you think is important, I'd be very willing to update the story accordingly.

EnnerMay 16, 2012

Ha ha. I don't know that much. I've only played Lost Planet (1) and never played Lost Planet 2 beyond the demo. Granted, I get the impression that Lost Planet 2 is very light and disjointed in its story.

I don't think there's anything wrong with what is written. I've always heard the planet referred to as "E.D.N. three", but EDN-3rd  might be a new version.

For the game, I hope it gets rid of the heavy animation delays that the series is notorious for. There are bunch of other problems with Lost Planet and Lost Planet 2, but the animation delays are at the forefront.

Added trailer to article.

EnnerMay 16, 2012

The trailer looks nice. It also looks very dissimilar to the Lost Planet series. I don't mind it since seeing the mecha and akrid in cel-shaded form looks really neat.

Still, the action looks like this game has some of the problems the Lost Planet series has. The grapple seems to be only available in specific situations. The animations and speed of the action doesn't seem to have a nice and quick pace. This is only early footage so hopefully the end result will be much better.

broodwarsMay 16, 2012

"Ex Troopers".  Now there's a name that'll be remembered, right up there with last year's "Space Marine" (yes yes...I know.  Warhammer 40K.  It's still an incredibly generic name).

EnnerMay 17, 2012

Ignoring the "Warhammer 40,000" robs the title of what makes it special. That's not fair to the game. Then again, the "Space Marine" subtitle is in pretty big font.

While EX Troopers isn't very specific, it is a bit silly. It's the sort of silliness that you expect a Japanese video game to have.

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