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Rock Band 3 Pro Guitar Price Revealed

by Neal Ronaghan - November 2, 2010, 3:44 pm EDT
Total comments: 8 Source: (Rock Band Aide), http://www.rockbandaide.com/9550/rock-band-fender-...

You take the realistic Fender Squier home next year for under $300.

Fender announced that the Fender Squier Pro Guitar for Rock Band 3 will be available on March 1, 2011 for a price of $279.

Pre-orders for the instrument will start on January 1, 2011. The Squier has real strings on it, and can be used as a real instrument and a video game controller.

The Fender Squier guitar will require the MIDI adapter, priced at $39.99 and coming in November, to use. The other Pro Guitar, the Mad Catz-made Mustang, is priced at $149.99 and uses many buttons to simulate strings.


Ian SaneNovember 02, 2010

Very niche appeal.  For that price plus the MIDI adapter I could probably get a better guitar than a Squier.  Yeah this is a real guitar but if I wanted to get a new guitar I would want to get something a little nicer than this.  Squiers are Fender's budget priced brand that you can find in Wal-Mart in a cardboard box that comes with a small amp for $150.  It's more of a beginner's electric guitar to learn with.  It's fine for that purpose.  So if you're starting out and you want to play with Rock Band 3 as well this might be worth it to you.  But as an experienced guitar player, it's just not up my alley.

I was somewhat interested in this, but that's probably more money than I'd be willing to spend, especially so close to the 3DS launch.

BranDonk KongNovember 02, 2010

It's *almost* worth it. Sure, Squier is basically the beginner's guitar, but still, it's much more than just a regular Squier strat. It's $200 w/ an amp, btw, at least on Musician's Friend. Wal-Mart probably gets the cheapest of the cheap production models. Wait...if it's $40 more to be able to use it in the game, then that's bullshit. It must be a universal guitar though, with an adapter for each console. I'll wait for the price to drop, but I *will* buy this. I already have 6 guitars...but there's always room for more.

That's slightly cheaper than I expected. If I get a very good-paying job in short order, I will seriously consider this thing. I want to buy a guitar anyway, already have an amp, will already have the MIDI adapter (for keyboard), and could benefit a lot from the game's built-in lessons and having all those songs to practice.

TJ SpykeNovember 03, 2010

So $320 to really get it? There is a total rip-off, this product will be very niche and I doubt many people will be willing to pay that much. I would this they would have learned their lesson after the total mess that the $250 version of The Beatles: Rock Band caused.

It's not a rip-off if the guitar is worth the money. You don't have to buy it, and they're even providing a cheapter Pro alternative (the MadCatz button guitar).

MorariNovember 03, 2010

No, it's actually still a ripoff.

I wasn't too impressed with what I played of the game the other day anyway. Without shelling out for some silly keyboard peripheral, it's just more of the same. It's nice that QuickPlay adds to my character's money, but that's about it. I've noticed that the menu fonts seem VERY small as well... I also had that problem with GH: World Tour.

They had to do some crazy tech magic to get it to be able to sense what you're doing as accurately as it does, so you can't compare the price directly with a standard guitar. It's for a very niche market, which I'm probably in, but like I said, I'm already spending $300 plus on the 3DS in March, so there's no way I can get it then, and I can't imagine they're going to make enough of them for it to be available for long.

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