A futuristic first-person shooter that aims to be “a Wii game that looks like a 360 title.”
The Conduit, introduced by High Voltage Software, is a futuristic FPS that is drawing influence from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Medal of Honor: Heroes 2, and is being built on top of Quantum3, the engine built by the same team from the ground up for Wii.
The Conduit takes place during present day and is set in Washington, D.C. The capital has been attacked by extraterrestrials, and it is the job of Agent Ford, our story’s protagonist, to discover the truth hidden behind the attack. The game will be a straight run-and-gun shooter with advanced enemy AI and some simple puzzle solving involving what the studio calls the “All Seeing Eye.”
High Voltage Software aims to have the game running at 60 frames per second with graphics that parallel those found on the Xbox 360. The company also plans to smash the preconceptions that Wii owners are not looking for great graphics and visceral shooter gameplay.
There is currently no word on a release date for The Conduit.