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NintendoDS.com Relaunches

by Mike Sklens - November 5, 2004, 8:57 am EST
Total comments: 7 Source: http://www.nintendods.com

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Nintendo has revamped and relaunched their website for the Nintendo DS. The site is no longer just a teaser page. It is now a full-on site, themed after the adventure of playing games on the DS. The site starts in a field, and you can look around and click on various DS icons to learn more about the system. There is also a link to a DS Store Locator which, when updated, will list the locations of stores with DS trial units.


Hostile CreationNovember 05, 2004

Cool site, very stylish. I like it. The music's relaxing, I'm listening to it now face-icon-small-tongue.gif
If anyone knows where to find an mp3, that'd be awesome.

bubicusNovember 05, 2004

I don't like the site. Too much "mystery meat" (buttons, often unlabeled, that you have to hunt down). The amount of content is pretty small, compared to the amount of work a visitor has to do to find the content.

ArtimusNovember 05, 2004

Excellent site. Very...dare I say it...Sony? If this is how Nitendo is going to continue treating the DS, it'll be much more cool.

pyrokamileonNovember 05, 2004

it's a nice looking site, but but it didn't have any new info. for a person not accustomed the DS it's a nice place to learn, but for someone who's been watching the japanese site for a while it's kinda dissapointing. I hope they start adding new content soon...

PaleMike Gamin, Contributing EditorNovember 05, 2004

The site is good for what it does...something "fun" to explore...I Just wish nintendo would include a nicely laid out content rich site with it as well.

NinGurl69 *hugglesNovember 05, 2004

Reminds me of those prescription drug commercials. People always out on the beach or flying kites or something.

"Do you ever wake up tired in the morning?" -- "OMG I have this disease, gotta write this one down...!"

"Whoa, how do I get that disease?! This disease comes with a hot chick and a puppy!"

VideoGamerJNovember 05, 2004

(As I said before while bringing up this in the DS section of the forums)

I love the atmosphere this website gives. I love how the music is always the same, yet changes subtly. Nintendo is advertising the DS very well, not in the sense that I see advertisements everywhere, but when I do see them, I'm not saying "Come on NOA, you can do better than this".

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