Is bigger better? Are two better than one? Read on to find out more about the upcoming 3DS add-on.
The news of the Circle Pad add-on for Japan has surprised many and left others wondering about the inevitability of a hardware re-release (a 3DS Lite or 3DSi). Regardless of what games are going to use it or if a second Circle Pad will be included in a future hardware redesign, this add-on is coming nonetheless. Although it wasn’t available for compatible titles on the show floor, the Circle Pad add-on was still at the show and I had a chance to get my hands on it.

Obviously, the biggest addition to the unit is an additional Circle Pad, or Slide Pad as it is referred to here in Japan, to the right of the 3DS face buttons. The add-on also adds about an inch (about 2.5 cm) to the control space, giving the 3DS a more controller-like feel. The right top side of the 3DS is covered by the unit, which adds not only it’s own R button, but an RZ and LZ button as well, essentially giving it all the functionality that was found on the Wii Classic controller Pro. The back is also designed to fit more comfortably in your hands, veering away from the original flat design to something more rounded and contoured.

The size of the Circle Pad add-on is very comfortable, and it using it for titles that are more console-like in nature (Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, etc) will feel a lot better and less cramped during long gameplay sessions. The additional Circle Pad itself is a different story. The placement feels awkward, and if you are playing a game that makes use of both the second Circle Pad and the right should buttons, it could potentially be a uncomfortable. The shoulder buttons are digital and feel a little stiff and the add-on also makes it a little bit difficult to reach the L button located on the 3DS. As it stands right now, the use of the additional shoulder buttons are shrouded in mystery.

The Circle Pad add-on will make playing lengthy 3DS games more comfortable, but the placement of the additional Circle Pad and the stiff shoulder buttons have the power to counteract this. That said, it is clear that some 3DS games (Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D and Monster Hunter 3G) will benefit from the additional functionality. As of this writing, there are no plans to bring this add-on outside of Japan.