A portable version of Runbow sounds fantastic, but will it all work out in the end?
Before Gamescom the main game I was excited to check out was Runbow Pocket. I really liked the original Wii U release which guaranteed fun for everyone with simple mechanics, wacky characters and a large variety of modes. How would this all translate to a handheld release? Sadly, I only got a small fraction of my questions answered.
The demo on display let us play a few levels from the Adventure Mode. The simplistic controls of the Wii U version perfectly cross over to the handheld, and new players will quickly grasp them. I used the D-pad to move about, the B button to jump and Y to beat down any enemies in my way. Adventure Mode is filled with quick burst challenges and that makes them a great fit for the New 3DS. Take the mission ''Push My Buttons'' for example. This mission requires making platforms appear by activating switches . Miss the time window for this and everything beneath the character disappears. The movement requirement feels just fine for on the go.
The setup on the two screens also makes a lot of sense. All the clutter has been removed from the top screen and moved to the bottom one, which shows the time in the mission and its objective. This leaves the upper screen for the action, which is a nice touch. The winning and losing quotes, which made the original so funny, are on the top screen as well. The touchscreen will just have a basic animation, which helps keep the focus on the top screen where the action will restart.
Graphically, there doesn't seem to be any comprises in quality. The game is still a colorful spectacle that deserves to be seen. The only knock I would give it is that it seemed sort of blurry at times. Runbow Pocket has a little while to go before its release, so hopefully we will see this issue fixed by then. . The great Runbow music sounds just as catchy coming through the New 3DS’s speakers as it does on the Wii U.
For the moment, Runbow Pocket is hard to pinpoint. It shows a lot of promise, but I don't have any clue what the final experience will be. How will multiplayer on the system play out, and will there be any serious downsides? Outside of some blurriness, the handheld version seemed perfectly playable and enjoyable. The Adventure Mode missions reeled me right back in and made me want to start the game all over. This is the niche that Runbow Pocket can perfectly fill.