Gaijin Games is aiming to make a retail-released launch game for Nintendo's upcoming handheld.
Gaijin Games, known for their work on WiiWare with the Bit.Trip series, is hard at work on a 3DS game, according to Nintendojo..
"[Gaijin Games] just recently got our 3DS dev kit, and we're working on a 3DS project," Gaijin's Alex Neuse said. "it's not totally decided, but we'll probably go retail."
The world of retail is an unexplored frontier for Gaijin Games, as the company has thus far only worked on downloadable WiiWare titles. Their next game, Bit.Trip Fate, is set to come out in the coming weeks.
Even though the small team at Gaijin just got their dev kit, they have a goal in mind for when their new game will be released.
"The smart company would put [the game] out near launch, let’s put it that way," said Gaijin's Mike Roush