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Offline NWR_Neal

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New York Comic Con Report
« on: October 10, 2010, 03:42:37 PM »

Capcom stole the show with a sneak Virtual Console Arcade announcement, but how was the rest of the show?

New York Comic Con, the growing convention that has been steadily growing for five years, had a strong gaming presence this year. While most of the titles were ones we covered at E3 and other events, booths from Nintendo, Capcom, Square Enix, Activision, and Disney all had Wii and DS representation. There was also a lot of swag, but I need to hanker down and take pictures of all the goodies that may or may not show up as a prize in an upcoming contest. Additionally, we've got an interview with Warren Spector on the way, as well as a chaotic video tour through the gaming highlights of the show floor.

Nintendo brought most of their E3 lineup, including Kirby's Epic Yarn, Donkey Kong Country Returns, and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. They gave away Kirby patches and a sweet Golden Sun t-shirt.

Capcom had Ghost Trick, Okamiden, and Sengoku Basara demos playable, as well as a Wii setup with SonSon and Exed Exes. I played a little bit of SonSon, which I had never heard of before the show. You play as a little monkey boy who has to maneuver across six different platforms while the screen automatically scrolls. Along the way, you have fend off enemies and obstacles. Mega Man Universe was playable at Capcom's booth, and I enjoyed what I played, though the art style is ugly in my opinion. Apparently all of Mega Man 2 will be playable in the game, which is kind of awesome.

Square Enix had Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light and Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded playable, but I get little to no joy out of playing RPGs at conventions.

Activision had a weird GoldenEye setup involving two couches that were a little too cramped for four people. Winners got a t-shirt, and everyone got lanyards. Still, GoldenEye with three other players on split-screen is fun.

Disney had a surprisingly small booth where players had a small amount of room to play Epic Mickey. Sega also had Sonic Colors for Wii playable, and Ubisoft had a big stage with Michael Jackson: The Experience playable. I have to say, while I don't care too much for the game, the art style for Michael Jackson: The Experience is neat. It's a little bit abstract, but looks rather nice for Wii, playing to the system's strengths.

Neal Ronaghan
Director, NWR

"Fungah! Foiled again!"