Even though I just mentioned to view this as a personal quest, a funny thing happened in the first Backlaugust event. Let's go back to everyone's favorite year (2020) and review. A third of the way into the month, I had finished a couple games that I'd already been playing before the event started which were Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition. About a third of the way into the month, I decided I could do my part to contribute to the thread and post those two games as part of the total.
I guess one might as well use this thread as a temporary "What was the last game you beat?" location. Wrapped up Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition over the weekend by finishing up the Extra Story content. So that is done and dusted from my backlog. And tonight I beat Yoshi's New Island for 3DS. Just have 3 extra/bonus levels to complete. So, rack up another couple for NWR.
RABicle, who had totally gotten on board with the idea as soon as he saw it and had been on a gaming tear, replied to my post with:
Sounds like you're trying to compete with me! I know it's not a competition, but I'm winning!
But for real just announce your intentions to clear off some other games here in this thread. Join the fun!
That comment of I'm winning and then the added you guys will never catch me suddenly ignited a competitive fire inside of me. Having known RAB a long time on these forums, I knew it wasn't a personal attack on me and it was all friendly banter but I wanted to see if I could pull off an upset he didn't see coming after that comment. I then went on a gaming tear of my own. In the end, I ended up beating 14 games to RABicles 17 for the month but I still enjoyed making him sweat once he saw someone else begin to start racking up a bunch of finished games. That spirit of competition may also give you some extra motivation in getting through games in your backlog.
However, the idea of making Backlaugust a competition raises some new questions about rules which came up in the 2020 thread. If a game has multiple endings, does getting a different ending each time count as beating a game? What if a person has multiple copies of a game? For instance, I have Kirby's Dream Land on my 3DS but I also have Kirby's Dream Land on the Switch Game Boy app and Kirby's 25th Anniversary collection for the Wii? How much can one "game" the system here?
Let's go back to the first rule. When is a game done? That's up to you! Mark a game off your backlog when you've seen the ending or end credits, or once you've seen enough of the game in a game without a "proper ending" (like an arcade-type game). You don't have to do or get everything unless you want to. Thus, getting multiple different endings in a game would suggest do everything in a game which one doesn't have to do for this event. Likewise, the website Backloggery only gives two options for finishing a game which is
Beaten -
The main objective has been accomplished. Usually marked by the defeat of a final boss and/or viewing of credits and
Completed -
For games which are 100% done. All extras and modes have been unlocked and finished. All significant items have been collected. For this event, we are mainly interested in just accomplishing the first goal of beating a game. Therefore, if a game has multiple endings, we only care about you achieving one of those endings to beat the game. If you want to keep playing for it and go for completion that is up to you up but you can only count it once from the first time you beat. I know that I've gone back to some games I've beat in Backlaugust to complete them in the months after so you may want to do the same.
Since you can only count completing a game with multiple endings once, it only makes sense that, in the case of a game having been released on multiple systems, we only allow a title to be beaten once in the month by a player. Going back to the example of Kirby's Dream Land, if I beat the copy I have on my 3DS for the month then I can not also play the version on the Switch app and the version of it in Kirby's 25th Anniversary and have that all count as three games beat during Backlaugust. Only one copy/version/port of a game may be allowed to be added to your total for the month. In my backloggery account, I have some cases where the same game is listed on different systems like DKCR on Wii and 3DS. I count each version separate in that I don't list the Wii version as done until I beat it on the Wii and I don't list the 3DS version done until I beat it on the 3DS. But for this event, I'd have to chose either to play and beat the Wii version or the 3DS version as one of the titles I'd like to take off my backlog but not both versions. (If I hadn't beaten them both already in this example but I have.
Once more, this isn't a real competition against other users. There is no prize for whoever may finish the most games this month aside from any "bragging rights" that one may personally feel for doing so. With a new judge in town
, I can help clarify any other questions that might arise but the main thing is to just play and finish more games than RAB this month since he started this whole competition aspect in the first place.