Author Topic: What will Nintendo release in 2023?  (Read 36621 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: What will Nintendo release in 2023?
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2023, 04:38:35 PM »
Bold Khushrenada (A little more spicy with a bit more detailed predictions)

1. Game Freak reveals a non-Pokemon IP game. It will release either this year or early next year.

2. Two new Nintendo IP’s are revealed with one released this year.

3. Ring Fit Adventure gets some additional content.

4. Another Game Console’s (i.e. Game Boy, Game Gear, Neo Geo, etc) games are added to the Expansion + subscription.

5. Yoshi’s Woolly World gets a Switch port.

6. A new Donkey Kong game is revealed. It will be scheduled to release in 2023 or 2024.

7. A Mario RPG is revealed. It will be scheduled to release in 2023 or 2024.

8. A Pushmo game is revealed and released.

You know what? It’s getting boring predicting the same Nintendo franchises over and over since we all know is going to continuously cycle through their IP. So screw Nintendo! Let’s talk third party!

9. Square ports over more Dragon Quest games (such as 4, 5, 6) to the Switch and announces Dragon Quest 12.

10. More Third Party talk. The Mass Effect Trilogy gets ported to the Switch. EA needs some cash!
« Last Edit: February 21, 2024, 04:34:43 AM by Khushrenada »
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Re: What will Nintendo release in 2023?
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2023, 04:38:54 PM »
Madness Khushrenada (He’s making the predictions that no other “insiders” are making or talking about. He’s out on the edge all alone!!)

1. SNES Remix (a sequel to the NES Remix games) is released.

2. A Star Fox Mobile game is announced.

3. Fortune Street gets a new entry for the Switch.

4. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is re-released.

5. The Switch successor has a second screen on the controllers

6. Animal Crossing: Style Savvy (a mash-up). You work with the Mabel Sisters in helping create fashion for villagers and become the best boutique in town.

7. More third party talk. A Call of Duty game is revealed for the Switch (or its successor) as Microsoft tries to gain more leverage in acquiring Blizzard/Activision.

8. Even more Square madness. Square brings Terranigma to the Switch.

9. Even more third party talk. Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City get ports to the Switch (or its successor).

10. F-Zero shocks the world with a new game.

11. Everyone else’s predictions go to 10. Not Madness Khushrenada. His picks go to 11. They’re the maddest picks around. That madness also infects Square Enix and they shock the world by announcing Final Fantasy 17 will also be coming to a Nintendo system.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Order.RSS

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Submissions closed
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2023, 05:55:26 PM »
Submission are now CLOSED.
No more insiders!

Offline Mop it up

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Re: What will Nintendo release in 2023?
« Reply #28 on: February 08, 2023, 06:36:51 PM »
D'oh! I had totally intended to predict a Splatoon 3 DLC expansion, but it slipped my mind when I sat down to type things out. :(

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: What will Nintendo release in 2023?
« Reply #29 on: February 08, 2023, 08:31:27 PM »
Arghhh! At one point, in my list of predictions, I had Professor Layton returns from the dead. But then I thought, no, Layton's daughter was supposed to be the protagonist for a new game and frankly Level-5 seemed like it's been hurting financially and might not have the ability to invest in making a new game for the series so I passed on the idea and took it off my list. Oh, I wish I kept it. Madness Khushrenada would be laughing it up right now. Instead I've got Terranigma. What a dumb choice!

Meanwhile, the Metroid Prime 1 remasters and Baten Kaitos remasters did come true after all. Safe Khushrenada may end up kicking himself over not going with those choices and choosing a new MonolithSoft game reveal and Nintendo IP adaptation in other media as choices instead. I just began to doubt the legitimacy of the MP1 HD rumors after so long. Sort of like the DK game by EAD rumors that have never panned out into anything so far.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: What will Nintendo release in 2023?
« Reply #30 on: February 08, 2023, 08:34:31 PM »
Well, I'm glad Nintendo announced the Game Boy libraries coming to Switch. I was getting ready to take the chance to buy a bunch of those games off the 3DS and Wii U VC since I just wasn't sure if they were going to made available or not. Surprised that Link's Awakening DX is included with the Remaster of the game on Switch but I guess Nintendo figures it's not going to hurt sales of that game now. Still, might be some third party releases I should scoop up just in case. Never know how much third parties will go along with having their stuff added to these Apps.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: What will Nintendo release in 2023?
« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2023, 09:12:48 PM »
All in all, an alright Direct. It really did focus on things we already knew though so there wasn't much surprise on the Nintendo side. All the new stuff really seemed to come from third parties. My quick review. For Nintendo:

Pikmin 4 looks like... more pikmin. Obviously, there's a few new wrinkles to mix things up a bit but overall it just seemed to be the usual knocking down walls and navigating terrain and overwhelming enemies to acquire treasures. I'm not sure it will win over any new fans from those who may have tried a Pikmin game before but not really cared for it but it should be comfort food for those who've enjoyed the previous games.

Xenoblade Expansion - Not sure if the ties to XC1 were spoiler-y for XC3 or only just related to this expansion wave but it got me to remember XC3 exists and become a bit more interested in working towards playing this title.

Splatoon 3 - Was this DLC news? I don't follow Splatoon enough closely to know or remember. I guess it would have made sense to guess this considering Splatoon 2 had DLC but then that got added to the Expansion Pak which made me think that maybe the Splatoon 2 DLC just hadn't been that popular and sold much when it came out so Nintendo lumped into give the Expansion the impression of more value. If it didn't sell well, makes me surprised there was DLC for Splat3.

FE Engage DLC - Then again, it seems like games never end. They just keep getting DLC added to them. By this point, I was longing for the SNES - GC days when games were released and that was it. The whole thing in one package. No trying to continuously add small bits of things to games to keep gamers playing the same title for so long instead of letting them move on to other things.

Cereza - Had no plans to get this so and the trailer didn't do anything to change my mind. To me, the idea of not being able to attack an enemy but only bind them in order to let the CPU character attack them does not sound that fun to me. Like co-op but you're not the main character. You're the one holding the bucket in Crystal Chronicles. (I've never played FF:CC so I'm just talking out my butt on that reference.)

Advance Wars - Still wasn't sure if this would come out with the Russia/Ukraine war still happening and now China/Taiwan tensions increasing. People happily going at war just gives off a weird vibe so I left it off my guesses since it seemed like a coin flip as to its release. That said, I really do love the animation and job done by Wayforward in the clips for it. Almost tempts me to double dip. But having finally completed the story of the first game a couple years ago, I know the story ain't great unless this version completely redoes it and the battles lose appeal after awhile, at least they seem to for me. Last battle was a long slog in the first one. Still, I'd watch an animated series or movie for Advance Wars based on the animation for this game.

Kirby Return to Dreamland Deluxe - It's nice that HAL showed how they are making the game Deluxe by highlighting the additional content being added. But nothing that would make me feel like double dipping on this title as I still have easy access to my Wii original copy. Unless the price is right at low cost like $15 - 20 then I'm probably not going to bother.

Metroid Prime Remastered - Same sentiment for this game. While MP1 is a big favorite of mine in the series, I'm still good with my GC copy. I played it through to completion on both normal and hard mode about 7 years ago and haven't had any hankering to replay it since then. While I suppose the updated graphics may be nice for some, the game looked wrong to me in the trailer because of them. ;D It felt almost a bit more cartoony now.

Mario Kart DLC - Definitely eager to try out the Yoshi's Island course. I guess I just like courses that use the theme of an actual game than an abstract original like Water Park or Mushroom Gorge. Sorry Mop it up. I never realized Birdo was missing as a playable character in the game until this announcement. Just thought she was already included.  :-[

Tears of the Kingdom - Really hoped there would be a bigger showing for this game to finally get the hype meter charging for this game but the bits they showed just left more confused as to how they worked or still in the dark about how this thing may end up playing. I guess I'm just coming to accept that this sequel probably isn't going to wow me like the original BotW. In the end, this is still the most wanted game I'm wanting from Nintendo based on what they've been showing so far. I just wish it didn't feel like it was this way by default.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline nickmitch

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Re: What will Nintendo release in 2023?
« Reply #32 on: February 09, 2023, 11:45:51 AM »
2. Advanced Wars ReBootCamp is slotted into the release calendar at the last minute to fill a gap.

Nailed it.

6. Metroid happens in trailer form only.

I meant Metroid Prime 4, but I should've specified. Oh well. I'll take the loss.

9. Two HD GameCube ports are announced this year.

I also meant at least two, but since I didn't say two exactly, this is a win for me.

10. Pikmin 4 does not come out.

I only said this so that it would come out. It worked. You're welcome.
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

Offline Mop it up

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Re: What will Nintendo release in 2023?
« Reply #33 on: February 09, 2023, 11:57:49 AM »
Thanks, nickmitch!

Offline nickmitch

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Re: What will Nintendo release in 2023?
« Reply #34 on: February 09, 2023, 12:15:31 PM »
Thanks, nickmitch!

Anything for the forum folks.
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

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Re: What will Nintendo release in 2023?
« Reply #35 on: February 13, 2023, 11:17:36 AM »
  • Announced Game - Pikmin 4 is released in summer 2023 and has some cool use of joy-cons
  • NSO - Adds DLC for a game and a new (portable) platform e.g. GameBoy

So far so good. No predictions were flat out wrong with the first direct like last year. The two above are half points already.  :D

Offline Order.RSS

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« Reply #36 on: January 07, 2024, 01:35:50 PM »
Hold up, did a new year shadowdrop??
Time to get tallying! Lemonade is first to bat.
1 To build off the hype of the successful release of the Mario Movie, Nintendo will announce a new Mario game to be released by the end of the year.
2 During the Direct in February, Goldeneye will be shadow dropped on Switch and Xbox.
3 At E3 the first DLC will be shown for Splatoon 3. It will be part of the online expansion pack
4 Metroid Prime 4 will not be released in 2023
5 Nintendo will announce the Wii Shopping Channel is completely shutting down. It will be no longer possible to redownload purchased software.
6 There will be no Switch Pro or Switch successor released in 2023
  • GoldenEye did drop on Switch and Xbox, but before the year's first Direct. ½ point.
  • No Metroid, no Switch Pro/Switch 2. 2 points
  • Close but not quite: Splatoon only showed a Splatfest at the E3 Direct
Total score: 2½ points! Lemonade easily doubles their lifetime points tally.

Next up, our lifetime champion, M.K. Ultra!
  • Hardware -No new switch hardware is released in 2023, other than special editions
  • Movie - The Super Mario Bros. Movie is well received by critics, with a MetaCritic average >75, the user score is less than the critics score.
  • Announced Game - Pikmin 4 is released in summer 2023 and has some cool use of joy-cons
  • Announced Game - Metroid Prime 4 - we get a trailer and release window of 2024
  • New Game - A new game from GoodFeel that is not a Yoshi game
  • New Game - A new Mario game that combines 2D and 3D mario
  • New Game - A new party game from ND cube
  • New Game - A Switch port of Kid Icarus Uprising from 3DS
  • New Game - A new Donkey Kong game (focus is on mine cart levels)
  • NSO - Adds DLC for a game and a new (portable) platform e.g. GameBoy
  • Bang on regarding hardware, that Zelda edition coming in clutch. 1 point.
  • Miss on the Mario Movie: it has a 46% critics average, whereas audiences are 80+%.
  • Pikmin 4 did drop in July. The Joy-Con are arguable since you can find them in-game... ½ point.
  • GoodFeel indeed released their Japan-only Goemon-esque game. 1 point
  • Whether Everybody 1-2 Switch is a party game or a curse made manifest is debatable, but ND Cube worked on it. 1 point.
  • Mario Wonder feels like an edge-case, I'm counting it as 2D unless challenged. ½ point.
  • Gameboy and new Mario Kart DLC hit NSO. 1 point
Total: 5 points, boom!

Stratos is next:
  • There will be a brand new Mario game released. (Bet you part of the reason for the delay in the film was to coincide with a new game)
  • Nintendo Switch Online continues the trend of offering DLC to major games as an incentive
  • Advance Wars Remake actually releases this year
  • Prime 4 is acknowledged and even shown with more than a new title screen, but does not release this year
  • New Fire Emblem project is announced; most likely another remake
  • Something Animal Crossing related is announced but not something fans were hoping for
  • Nintendo releases a racing game that is not Mario Kart or Mario Kart DLC
  • Release of a fan favorite game is teased in some cryptic manner and not actually announced or released this year (think like the weird comments about Pikmin 4, but for a series that isn't Zelda, Mario, or Pokemon)
  • We get another hardware revision that is not the Super Switch Pro
  • New Monster Hunter is announced for non-tendo consoles/PC
  • New Mario yes, coinciding with Movie no. ½ point.
  • NSO got more Mario Kart & Advance Wars released, check! 2 points.
  • F-Zero 99 fills your racing slot! 1 point.
  • Monster Hunter Wilds is announced for 2025 at the Keighleys, no sign of Switch. 1 point.
Total: 4½ points, Stratos almost doubles their lifetime score!

Luigi Dude said they were going brief to come for the win:
1.  No Switch successor will be released in 2023
2.  A new 2D Mario game will be revealed
3.  A new 2D Zelda will be revealed
4.  A DLC expansion for Pokemon SV will come out
5.  The rumored new Donkey Kong platformer will finally be revealed.  Not going to predict if it'll be 2D or 3D though since I think it could go either way.
6.  Kid Icarus Uprising HD remaster announced
7.  Regular Gameboy and Gameboy Color get added to basic NSO, while Gameboy Advanced title will be part of the Expansion Pack.
8.  The Metroid Prime 1 HD remaster is finally announced
9.  An HD remaster of F-Zero GX will be announced
10.  A new Wario Land from Good Feel will be announced
  • No Switch 2. 1 point.
  • Mario Wonder dropped. 1 point.
  • PokĂ©mon DLC was a safe bet. 1 point.
  • Spot-on with the Gameboy NSO split over regular & Expansion Pack members! 1 point
  • Again spot-on with Metroid Prime 1. Arguably a full remake, but I'll give the full 1 point.
Total: 5 points! Equaling M.K. Ultra... will it be enough?

Adrock is next!
  • Nintendo will be asked about but will not release a Switch successor.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom will have DLC.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's DLC will not be included in Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pass.
  • Game Boy app will be added to Nintendo Switch Online, probably in the Expansion Pass because y'all aren't getting two generations of PokĂ©mon for $20 a year.
  • Nintendo won't add that Japan-only Satelliview Mario Excitebike game to the SNES app in Nintendo Switch Online.
  • Nintendo will release some ports/remasters to pad the Switch lineup.
  • The Super Mario Bros. Movie will not have a tie-in game. Nintendo knows better than to release new Mario game a month before a new Zelda.
  • Nintendo will not release a Nintendo 64 Classic Edition.
  • Nintendo won't port any games to the Playdate.
  • Nintendo won't release another new mainline PokĂ©mon game this year.
  • Nintendo was asked about Switch 2 and did not comment. 1 point.
  • Gameboy NSO did happen, but splits between both plans. ½ point.
  • Ports and remasters did happen yes, reluctantly giving you 1 point.
  • Right on about no Mario game to coincide with the film. 1 point.
  • You've got 4 pretty obvious non-predictions here, but as your comment suggests you see this as a cheap way to win points. I'll give 1 point for the PlayDate one for originality purposes.
Total: 4½ points! But you can mentally count them as 7½ if you wish - I just need to disqualify these non-predictions so I have a better argument at engineering another loss for Khushrenada...

In fact, let's do that right now:
1. I predict that Nintendo will not release a new 2D Metroid this year.
2. I predict that Nintendo will not release a new Paper Mario game this year.
3. I predict that Nintendo will not release Mother 3 in the west this year.
4. I predict that Nintendo will not release a new F-Zero game this year.
5. I predict that Nintendo will not release a new Ice Climbers game this year.
6. I predict that Nintendo will not release a new Game and Watch system this year.
7. I predict that Nintendo will not re-hire Reggie Fils-Aime as NOA president this year.
8. I predict that Nintendo will not buy Sega this year.
9. I predict that Nintendo will not not have a direct this year.
10. I predict that Nintendo will not not not not not hire NotKhushrenada as their new chief of Social Media
  • 9/10 correct, I award NotKhushrenada 9 not-points.
  • F-Zero did release that's 1 inverted not-point.
Total score: -8. NotKhushrenada once again NotWinning.

Another year of me grading my own homework, when will the teachers step in?!
  • Nintendo will publish a virtual card game (in the vein of Heartstone, or Marvel Snap). It becomes a fairly big deal for a month or two, so they begin producing physical cards, but by the time those release interest will have died down.
  • NSO+ will add the following games: Hybrid Heaven (N64), and Crusader of Centy (Genesis), but will not add any new systems like Gameboy.
  • Advance Wars Re-Bootcamp will remain unreleased. We will see some credible reporting indicating NoA had contracted WayForward to also produce a remake of the 3rd and 4th games, but have canned the project.
  • EA revives the Medal of Honor series with an exclusive Switch game. It's a top-down tactics game, kind of like the Ghost Recon game on 3DS.
  • Yokai Watch 4++ gets localized for Switch.
  • Namco produces a Ridge Racer collection for all major consoles, but the Switch version gets delayed last-minute for unclear reasons.
  • We'll see a Mario Sluggers sequel get announced late in the year, with a tentative release date of Q1 2024. People speculate it will be the last major Nintendo game before Switch 2.
  • Around November a new entry in the Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games franchise releases, ahead of the 2024 Summer Olympics. Someone wears a beret in the trailer since the Olympics will be in France. I'm thinking Luigi?
  • Bayonetta Origins becomes a modest success with the YA crowd. A manga or graphic novel adaptation will be announced.
  • Luigi's Mansion 1 gets a HD remaster which also includes the multiplayer component found on 3DS. Releases around Halloween.
  • Crusader of Centy on Genesis NSO doing a lot of lifting here. ½ point.
Total score: ½ point. Disastrous result. Luigi's Mansion was pretty close, but I got the wrong entry.

  • No new console announcement.
  • Advanced Wars ReBootCamp is slotted into the release calendar at the last minute to fill a gap.
  • Zelda:TotK-specific Direct shows off the game and previews DLC.
  • Two rounds of Pokemon SV DLC.
  • Detective Pikachu 2 is finally talked about again.
  • Metroid happens in trailer form only.
  • Rhythm Heaven comes to Switch as this year's party game.
  • I'm thinking there's a non-Mario, Mushroom Kingdom resident starring game coming out soon, but announced this year.
  • Two HD GameCube ports are announced this year.
  • Pikmin 4 does not come out.
  • No Switch 2 indeed. 1 point.
  • Advance Wars didn't seem super last-minute, but it was short notice. ½ point
  • 3 in a row on Zelda, PokĂ©mon S/V DLC & Detective Chu. 3 points
  • Depending on whether we count Metroid Prime Remastered as a HD port or not, Nintendo dropped either 2 or 3 GameCube titles in HD (the other two being Pikmin 1 & 2). Let's be lenient and say 1 point.
Total score: 5½ points! Rocketing into the lead through a controversial decision by the ref! I'm sure audiences will not complain at all!
EDIT: I somehow missed the Princess Peach showtime prediction, my bad. 6 points it is!

Can Mop It Up mop up some points? [I compressed their post for space].
1. -The new Zelda will release this year.
2. -No new hardware will be released or announced.
3. -A new 3D Mario game will be the big holiday title.
There are some rumours that it will be 2D instead, hopefully I'll still get a half point if that occurs...
4 -A new 2D platformer from Good Feel will be announced, and it will not be another Yoshi game.
5.-A new Mario Baseball game will release in the spring or summer.
6. -Advance Wars 1+2 will release this year and its date will be announced in tomorrow's Direct.
7. -DLC expansion for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet will be announced, will release in two packs a few months apart.
8. -Game Boy announced for NSO+.
9. -Another Rare game gets announced for NSO N64, my money's on Diddy Kong Racing.
I phrased it this way in the hopes that I'll still get a half point if a different Rare game happens instead, such as Banjo-Tooie.
10. -At least one more port or remaster of a Wii or Wii U game.
  • Yes to Zelda, no to Switch 2. 2 points.
  • Sorry, no half points for predicting Mario in the wrong dimensions and release window.
  • Advance Wars was right on the money. 1 point.
  • NSO got Gameboy, but not just the + members. ½ point
  • PokĂ©mon was right on. 1 point
  • Rareware did grace NSO, but it was GoldenEye and JFG instead. ½ point
  • We already knew about Kirby's Wii game getting re-released, so no points for that. Metroid Prime Remastered is a stretch but I guess it was on Wii and the remaster includes motion controls... ½ point.
Total score: 5½ points! More competition in the upper bracket!

Oh no here comes SafeKhushrenada.
1.   Nintendo will finally talk about the Switch Successor, their next gaming system, and when it will launch.
2.   One of the games shown for the Switch Successor will be a game with Mario in it.
3.   Nintendo will release a special edition Switch for Tears of the Kingdom.
4.   Nintendo will release (at least) three non-Smash Amiibo figures for the year.
5.   Nintendo will reveal wearable Amiibo that you can get at the Univeral Studios Nintendo World.
6.   More DLC will be available for free to those with the Online Expansion + subscription.
7.   A spinoff Pokemon game will revealed and released this year.
8.   Metroid Prime 4 footage will finally be shown.
9.   A new MonolithSoft game will be revealed.
10.   Nintendo will reveal another IP is being adapted to a non-gaming medium (i.e. Movie / TV series)
  • Zelda limited edition. 1 point
  • 3+ non-Smash amiibo. 1 point
  • Mario Kart 8 DLC is saving you NSO prediction. 1 point
  • Zelda was announced to get a live-action movie. 1 point
Total score: 4 points! Safe prediction, safe results. SafeKhush headed straight for the middle of the pack.

Maybe BoldKhushrenada will have more luck?
1. Game Freak reveals a non-Pokemon IP game. It will release either this year or early next year.
2. Two new Nintendo IP’s are revealed with one released this year.
3. Ring Fit Adventure gets some additional content.
4. Another Game Console’s (i.e. Game Boy, Game Gear, Neo Geo, etc) games are added to the Expansion + subscription.
5. Yoshi’s Woolly World gets a Switch port.
6. A new Donkey Kong game is revealed. It will be scheduled to release in 2023 or 2024.
7. A Mario RPG is revealed. It will be scheduled to release in 2023 or 2024.
8. A Pushmo game is revealed and released.
9. Square ports over more Dragon Quest games (such as 4, 5, 6) to the Switch and announces Dragon Quest 12.
10. The Mass Effect Trilogy gets ported to the Switch. EA needs some cash!
  • Gameboy/GBA hit NSO. 1 point
  • Not just a Mario RPG, but the Mario RPG! 1 point
  • Kinda whiffed on the Dragon Quest prediction, but they did release a sequel to DQ Monsters
Total score: 2 points! But they were earned in bold!

Let's close out the ceremony with MadnessKhushrenada, while I suitably go mad too:
1. SNES Remix (a sequel to the NES Remix games) is released.
2. A Star Fox Mobile game is announced.
3. Fortune Street gets a new entry for the Switch.
4. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is re-released.
5. The Switch successor has a second screen on the controllers
6. Animal Crossing: Style Savvy (a mash-up). You work with the Mabel Sisters in helping create fashion for villagers and become the best boutique in town.
7. More third party talk. A Call of Duty game is revealed for the Switch (or its successor) as Microsoft tries to gain more leverage in acquiring Blizzard/Activision.
8. Even more Square madness. Square brings Terranigma to the Switch.
9. Even more third party talk. Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City get ports to the Switch (or its successor).
10. F-Zero shocks the world with a new game.
11. Everyone else’s predictions go to 10. Not Madness Khushrenada. His picks go to 11. They’re the maddest picks around. That madness also infects Square Enix and they shock the world by announcing Final Fantasy 17 will also be coming to a Nintendo system.
  • Thousand-Year Door did not release, but was announced. ½ point
  • No Call of Duty shown for Switch, but Microsoft did pinky promise it. ½ point
  • Batman Arkham trilogy did technically release, albeit in dubious state. 1 point
  • F-Zero is back baby! 1 point
Total score: 3 points!

In a first for PredictionPalooza we have a joint winner: congrats to Mop It Up & Nickmitch!!
Same story for the Bronze, which will need to be shared between Luigi Dude & M.K. Ultra!

Thanks for playing everyone, please join us in the 2024 thread!

2023 Leaderboard:
Nickmitch: 6 points [WINNER]
Mop It Up: 5½ points [SILVER]
Luigi Dude: 5 points [BRONZE]
M.K. Ultra: 5 points [BRONZE]
Adrock: 4½ points
Stratos: 4½ points
SafeKhushrenada: 4 points
Lemonade: 2½ points
MadnessKhushrenada: 3 points
BoldKhushrenada: 2 points
Order.RSS: ½ point
NotKhushrenada: -8 points

Lifetime achievements ranking:
M.K. Ultra: 20 points
Nickmitch: 17½ points
Mop It Up: 15 points
Luigi Dude: 12 points
Stratos: 10 points
Safe Khushrenada: 9 points
Adrock: 8 points
MASB: 6 points
Khushrenada: 5½ points
Order.RSS: 5½ points
TopHatAnt: 5 points
Insanolord: 4 points
Bold Khushrenada: 3½ point
Lemonade: 3½ points
Madness Khushrenada: 3½ point
Pokepal: 3½ points
MrGlubGlub: 2 points
Oedo: 2 points
Fawful: 1 point
Broodwars: ½ point
Evan_B: ½ point
Kairon: ½ point
Shaymin: ½ point
NotKhushrenada: -8 points
« Last Edit: January 01, 2025, 05:49:34 PM by Order.RSS »

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Re: What will Nintendo release in 2023?
« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2024, 07:57:56 PM »
Wow how did I do so well?! This doesn't feel right!

As always, thanks for putting this together, these are always to see!

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: What will Nintendo release in 2023?
« Reply #38 on: February 21, 2024, 01:52:41 PM »
  • No new console announcement.
  • Advanced Wars ReBootCamp is slotted into the release calendar at the last minute to fill a gap.
  • Zelda:TotK-specific Direct shows off the game and previews DLC.
  • Two rounds of Pokemon SV DLC.
  • Detective Pikachu 2 is finally talked about again.
  • Metroid happens in trailer form only.
  • Rhythm Heaven comes to Switch as this year's party game.
  • I'm thinking there's a non-Mario, Mushroom Kingdom resident starring game coming out soon, but announced this year.
  • Two HD GameCube ports are announced this year.
  • Pikmin 4 does not come out.
  • No Switch 2 indeed. 1 point.
  • Advance Wars didn't seem super last-minute, but it was short notice. ½ point
  • 3 in a row on Zelda, PokĂ©mon S/V DLC & Detective Chu. 3 points
  • Depending on whether we count Metroid Prime Remastered as a HD port or not, Nintendo dropped either 2 or 3 GameCube titles in HD (the other two being Pikmin 1 & 2). Let's be lenient and say 1 point.
Total score: 5½ points! Rocketing into the lead through a controversial decision by the ref! I'm sure audiences will not complain at all!

Normally, I like highlighting all the ways Order.RSS is trying to rig the game to hold me back but there wasn't much he had to do last year with the poor performance of Safe Khushrenada. However, it seems he still likes trying to manufacture drama and make this competition seem close by pretending there were two winners  ;) when we can all see there was only one. Welcome to the club of trying to screw over the best player, nickmitch!  ;D I think he needs to change his name from Order.RSS to Law.RSS because he doesn't play by the rules and just sets whatever standard he wants. ;) You should have a full point for your number 8 prediction. Princess Peach: Showtime definitely meets the criteria of that prediction and it should be recognized for the bold and smart glimpse of the future it is... or was... er, you know what I mean! Even if you remove the generous half point, you would still have a whopping 6 point score from everything else when adding in that number 8 prediction.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Order.RSS

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Re: What will Nintendo release in 2023?
« Reply #39 on: January 01, 2025, 05:47:10 PM »
Normally, I like highlighting all the ways Order.RSS is trying to rig the game to hold me back but there wasn't much he had to do last year with the poor performance of Safe Khushrenada. However, it seems he still likes trying to manufacture drama and make this competition seem close by pretending there were two winners  ;) when we can all see there was only one. Welcome to the club of trying to screw over the best player, nickmitch!  ;D I think he needs to change his name from Order.RSS to Law.RSS because he doesn't play by the rules and just sets whatever standard he wants. ;) You should have a full point for your number 8 prediction. Princess Peach: Showtime definitely meets the criteria of that prediction and it should be recognized for the bold and smart glimpse of the future it is... or was... er, you know what I mean! Even if you remove the generous half point, you would still have a whopping 6 point score from everything else when adding in that number 8 prediction.

Can't believe I somehow missed this injustice. Nickmitch has been restored as the rightful 2023 champion!