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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2775 on: June 05, 2021, 08:10:40 PM »
Before I reply to everyone, I feel like there is a fundamental misunderstanding of how the NBA works. At the risk of sounding like a well-actually, let's clarify a few things:
  • The Commissioner of the NBA, Adam Silver, is the acting representative of the NBA Governors (owners). He is their mouthpiece in negotiations with the unions. In short, Silver works for the NBA Governors, meaning all 30 of them are his bosses. Imagine having 30 people you have to answer to daily.

    That said, the claim that Adam Silver/the league doesn't support or help small market teams is 100% objectively incorrect. That is literally the Commissioner's primarily responsibility because he answers to them, not the other way around. Even when Silver fines a team Governor for saying some dumb **** in public (e.g. any number of Mark Cuban's comments about 🤷‍♀️), he's technically fining them on behalf of the other Governors based on rules all 30 of them agreed on. He decides on the monetary amount though I believe there's a ceiling (I think it's $2.5 million).
  • The Commissioner of the NBA has very little actual authority. All rule changes, including what is proposed in the CBA, requires approval from an over 2/3 majority, currently a minimum of 21 teams. Mathematically, that also means several large market teams have voted against their own self-interest on countless occasions for the benefit of the league (i.e. a lockout helps no one).
  • What the Commissioner of the NBA actually mostly does is draft proposals that he presents to sub-committees of the teams until the proposals eventually reach the team Governor who have final say. In CBA negotiations, for example, the Commissioner speaks directly to the NBPA Executive Director and President then takes that back to the governors and advises them to accept A and B, reject C and D, counter with E and F etc. etc. Here's the kicker: the Governors don't have to listen to him. Like, at all. In those instances, Silver kind of just hopes he has the votes to not deal with that ****.
I'm a firm believer in the NBA Draft being rigged, and I think both times New Orleans got the #1 pick, there was a concerted effort to get a star to New Orleans to keep a team there for reasons.
I respectfully disagree. The drawing process of the lottery machine with the ping pong balls in the NBA draft is very transparent. Last year notwithstanding due to the pandemic, league officials, representatives from each team, several members of the media, and members of accounting firm Ernst and Young are physically in attendance for the drawing. To believe the draft is rigged, you'd also have to believe every single person in that room is in on this conspiracy. That doesn't track for several reasons. First and foremost, why would any team agree to give up the top pick to another team?
I think the NBA might have more leverage in TV negotiations than you give them credit for, and it's possible they're just not pushing to have certain matchups on prime time TV the way the could.
In what way? The league partners with the networks but doesn't have any authority over what the networks broadcast that isn't included in contracts. Also, those contracts are reviewed/approved by the teams themselves. There are likely stipulations on the kinds of advertisements the NBA allows networks to accept. That's neutral enough to not ruffle any feathers with team Governors. However, Adam Silver can't simply write in a stipulation to show more Timberwolves games without 29 other teams independently yelling "WTF is this, man?"

The basic problem with the current CBA is that it strongly empowers players to the extent that it's very difficult for small market teams to pay high talent players while keeping the rest of the team competitive in regards to the salary cap. Players can also just refuse to play and demand trades to big market teams now, as was recently the case with Anthony Davis and James Harden.
Okay, but you're aware that the team Governors have to sign off on the CBA, right? Again, 21 is the magic number, and there are more small/mid market teams than large market teams. New rules that help small market teams are introduced by, surprise, small market teams primarily as well as the Commissioner whose job it is to help them. Fans of struggling small market teams want to pass the buck on the league, but keep in mind, the league has very little authority and teams must approve everything. How is "the basic problem with the current CBA" anybody's fault but small market teams who have accepted the terms of the CBA in writing?

As for the bolded part, I'm tired of explaining to you why this is demonstrably false. Keep running with that narrative if it makes you feel better.
As for the Supermax contracts...they may have been intended to help small market teams, but they certainly have their issues.
Again, teams voted and signed off on this. That was their idea so back to the drawing board, I guess.
The league does not promote small market teams. Hell, it seems to barely even acknowledge them at times, as seen in this year's playoffs where the league had every team on TNT & ESPN for the first few games, and then small market teams got pushed onto NBA TV. There is an active push in the media for big name players on small market teams to abandon them for big market teams (especially so-called "Super Teams" like the current Nets), and the league does nothing to push against that or to prevent trades that will severely unbalance the league.
I don't think you understand how this works. I covered this above so I don't want to repeat myself.

As for the bolded part, THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. Preventing trades is 100% completely outside of the Commissioner's/league's abilities. If Team A wants to make a **** trade with Team B, Silver cannot do anything unless one or both of them breaks any CBA rules (i.e. the salaries don't match). He can't even advise for/against it; he can't take sides because once again, he works for the Governors of both teams.

as for the low rating joke and Adam Silver... I think it was covered sufficiently already, but the league thrives on the TV contracts, and if the only team left (after tonight) that gets a national tv buy for regular ass games is the Nets, then the networks may be nervous about getting their money back in viewership which may affect the next round of negotiations... therefore Adam Silver must be sweating knowing that the golden ticket Lakers are out in the first round.... the Warriors got Play'd-out in the Play-in (as I'm sure wasn't expected*), the Knicks blipped into the wrong reality for a brief moment (and then snapped back out), the Clips about to join the Lakergirls in having no one to root for this off-season, and all that's left are the Nets.
Alright, so I didn't get the joke because the above overstates a lot of things and no offense, isn't entirely true. Adam Silver does care about ratings, revenue etc. because he's chief executive of the NBA. Is he sweating if small market teams make it to the NBA Finals? I can't imagine he is even a little bit.

First, the NBA is the second largest professional sports league in the United States, and it's been growing domestically and abroad. The league's standing and popularity is not worrisome. The current national television contract with ESPN, TNT, and ABC is for $2.7 billion per year. The previous contract was signed in 2007, notably after the lowest rated NBA Finals (Cavs vs. Spurs, two small market teams) and still saw a 22% increase per year ($765 million to $930 million). Obviously, everyone (league, teams, players etc.) wants the largest increase possible because that means raises across the board, but if a previous contract still increased in far less than ideal conditions, I don't think there's much to sweat about. Sound the alarm if all networks draw a line in the sand and firmly offer less than the current rate. How likely is that to happen though?

Second, the team Governors unanimously voted to appoint Adam Silver as Commissioner in 2014 then voted to retain him as Commissioner in 2018. If ratings dip because small market teams made it to the Finals, what argument would there be against retaining Silver in 2023? "Oh no, our teams succeeded!" His job is not in jeopardy. Again, not much to sweat about.

Third, it benefits everyone if small market teams succeed, and the uptick in fans would primarily start in those markets because they start seeing and hearing more about the teams locally. A frightening amount of fans like to perpetuate this narrative that the league/Commissioner doesn't care about small market teams when that couldn't be further from the truth. They can't admit that their team sucks, the people running the team suck, the (likely) billionaire who owns the team and treats it like a hobby instead of a business is too cheap to fucking fix anything or take responsibility for their failings, choosing instead to whine to the league/Commissioner to do something even though any proposal still has to go through the process of getting approved by the other teams. There is a wealth of widely available information but these fans are too ignorant to read any of it, like to pout about **** they don't understand yet won't educate themselves about, and will blatantly disregard facts when presented to them. And yes, I am aware that this was a colossal waste of my time.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2021, 08:33:46 PM by Adrock »

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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2776 on: June 05, 2021, 08:27:04 PM »
Looks like James Harden faked another hamstring injury and has been ruled out for the rest of the game. What a lazy **** for load managing in the middle of the playoffs.

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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2777 on: June 05, 2021, 09:34:13 PM »
I'm a firm believer in the NBA Draft being rigged, and I think both times New Orleans got the #1 pick, there was a concerted effort to get a star to New Orleans to keep a team there for reasons.
I respectfully disagree. The drawing process of the lottery machine with the ping pong balls in the NBA draft is very transparent. Last year notwithstanding due to the pandemic, league officials, representatives from each team, several members of the media, and members of accounting firm Ernst and Young are physically in attendance for the drawing. To believe the draft is rigged, you'd also have to believe every single person in that room is in on this conspiracy. That doesn't track for several reasons. First and foremost, why would any team agree to give up the top pick to another team?

For New Orleans specifically, there were times when the team was basically gonna fold if something didn't happen.  I also think team owners like keeping New Orleans in the all-star game rotation for reasons.  As to why teams might agree to this, I think it's because those decisions can occasionally be seen as "what's best for the league" and extending grace to other teams can always come back around to them.

But the drawing itself is done in private, and even with and EY auditor there, the possibility of rigging still exists.  The EY partner isn't exactly signing an opinion on it.  Plus, there's the time the 76ers winning the first pick got leaked ahead of schedule or Magic Johnson ("allegedly") promising a top 3 pick for the Lakers before they actually received the #2 pick.
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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2778 on: June 05, 2021, 10:32:38 PM »
No offense, but this is next level tin foil hatting.

The NBA isn't a charity. Teams are in direct competition with each other all the time. The Knicks were licking their lips over the prospect of drafting Zion Williamson for a year, and you think they'd quietly hand over the pick to the Pelicans? Come on, man. If anything, what would have been "best for the league" at least from a ratings and revenue perspective would be for Williamson to be the face of the Knicks.

The drawing is private, but there are witnesses who have no stake in who wins the lottery. Also, do you want that televised? I guess it could replace the dais. I don't even watch that; I just wait for the list afterward. Personally, I don't think the actual lottery procedure would make for compelling television.

I'm not familiar with the 76ers thing. Magic Johnson was not employed by the Lakers during the three years they drafted second thus him promising a top three pick carries no weight and likely has more to do with the fact that the Lakers were a dumpster fire during those years. Also, have you ever looked at Johnson's Twitter? It's a mess. One would think he's shitposting except he's completely serious. A few pages back, I was complaining about Mark Jackson's commentary. Magic Johnson's feed is that in Tweet form.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2779 on: June 06, 2021, 10:08:10 AM »
I think you missed the point of a joke....  regardless of the facts of what's going on or how it works, the joke was that Adam Silver, the corporate face of the NBA is sweating because his big ticket in viewership teams have mostly been exited from the playoffs.

I appreciate the deep dive into the details of how everything works, but it wasn't needed to address a joke about potential viewership and network favortism. It was some interesting info... still doesn't take away from the joke though.

switching topics though... I meant to drop my vote tonight, and it completely contradicts my hopes for the outcome. But I was gonna predict Nets for game 1.... and then James Harden went out with a hamstring injury...  I thought if the Bucks were gonna steal home court, this was the time.
I really want Giannis to take this series... but I'm just not so sure, the Nets are potentially too much to handle, but not impossible to get by if you can shut down their role players and make the stars work extra hard for it.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2021, 10:10:21 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2780 on: June 06, 2021, 05:44:01 PM »
Well, looks like the Luca Doncic show (and no one else) wasn't enough to take out the Clippers, so now it's up to the Jazz. I hope they're ready.
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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2781 on: June 06, 2021, 06:36:16 PM »
Someone get Dončić some help.

Sixers lost too. They’re my forever second team because I’m from Philly. I should stop liking teams.

If not the Sixers, part of me kind of wants the Nets to win the title this year for the salt. I don’t want to support James Garden’s style of basketball though.

I feel like the Jazz should lose in the Finals like Goku lost to Master Roshi/Jackie Chun in the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament only to use the loss as motivation to train harder than ever. All future basketball analysis will use Dragon Ball comparisons.

Offline nickmitch

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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2782 on: June 06, 2021, 07:28:50 PM »
No offense, but this is next level tin foil hatting.

The NBA isn't a charity. Teams are in direct competition with each other all the time. The Knicks were licking their lips over the prospect of drafting Zion Williamson for a year, and you think they'd quietly hand over the pick to the Pelicans? Come on, man. If anything, what would have been "best for the league" at least from a ratings and revenue perspective would be for Williamson to be the face of the Knicks.

The drawing is private, but there are witnesses who have no stake in who wins the lottery. Also, do you want that televised? I guess it could replace the dais. I don't even watch that; I just wait for the list afterward. Personally, I don't think the actual lottery procedure would make for compelling television.

I'm not familiar with the 76ers thing. Magic Johnson was not employed by the Lakers during the three years they drafted second thus him promising a top three pick carries no weight and likely has more to do with the fact that the Lakers were a dumpster fire during those years. Also, have you ever looked at Johnson's Twitter? It's a mess. One would think he's shitposting except he's completely serious. A few pages back, I was complaining about Mark Jackson's commentary. Magic Johnson's feed is that in Tweet form.

No offense taken.  As with all conspiracy theories, you gotta get a little tinfoil hatty.

To me, the timing of New Orleans winning those drafts was really, really lucky and couldn't have come at better times for the team.  Same year the team is bought from the league, and traded away Chris Paul, Hornets get the number one pick and draft AD.  AD demands out, NO gets #1 pick, AD gets traded in summer.

But with the lottery being in private it at least lends to the possibility of rigging, despite witnesses.  And no, I wouldn't want that televised.  I certainly wouldn't watch it.  They would have to de-complicate the process to make it watchable.

The Magic Johnson thing happened when he was President of the Lakers in 2017, so it at least jives with him having some sort of relationship (a fake job he didn't actually want) with the team.

Plus, there's D-Rose going to Chicago with their 1.6% odds.

I can't really explain why every team would go with it every year.  The best I can come up with is that the goodwill can come back around eventually.
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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2783 on: June 06, 2021, 07:55:53 PM »
You’re right. I got the timing wrong. I forgot Jeanie Buss fired her brother in February, not when the season ended. The Lakers had the third worst record in the league that year. Predicting a top three pick when you explicitly have good odds of getting a top three pick is exactly the type of not-shitposting-shitposting I expect from Johnson. “Good win by the Hawks who scored more points than the Sixers! Trae Young’s 35 helped his team!”

Anyway, the chance that a team with lower odds can still win the lottery is the entire point of the lottery. Teams have been tanking for better odds for decades. I can’t even imagine how bad it would be if draft order for non-playoff teams was by record.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2021, 08:20:55 PM by Adrock »

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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2784 on: June 08, 2021, 03:45:52 PM »
Utah Jazz rule PG Mike Conley out for Game 1 vs. LA Clippers with hamstring strain

Looks like James Harden Mike Conley faked another hamstring injury and has been ruled out for the rest of the game Game 1. What a lazy **** for load managing in the middle of the playoffs.

Offline broodwars

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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2785 on: June 08, 2021, 05:54:19 PM »
Utah Jazz rule PG Mike Conley out for Game 1 vs. LA Clippers with hamstring strain

Looks like James Harden Mike Conley faked another hamstring injury and has been ruled out for the rest of the game Game 1. What a lazy **** for load managing in the middle of the playoffs.

Unfortunate, but sadly this has been expected for the last few days. I swear, Mike Conley is nearly as injury prone as the Corpse of Dante Exum.

Well, hopefully the rest of the Jazz bring it tonight. It would really suck to lose 2 playoffs in a row because one of our best players was injured.
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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2786 on: June 08, 2021, 08:31:53 PM »
TIL: The NBA gave fans a single cumulative vote for MVP. They used it on Derrick Rose.

If anything, I’m surprised the vote didn’t go to Hoopy McHoopface.

(BTW, Nikola Jokic won MVP)

Offline broodwars

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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2787 on: June 08, 2021, 10:37:04 PM »
Looks like I might as well cancel my Sling streaming subscription. Tonight's Jazz-Clippers game is just completely unwatchable, with constant buffering and horrendous resolution. It could be an issue with Sling. Doubt it's an issue with my internet, as everything else is working fine. It could be all the goddamn LA viewers clogging up the stream. I'm just going to have to check the score later, because this is unwatchable.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2021, 10:44:52 PM by broodwars »
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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2788 on: June 09, 2021, 12:57:37 AM »
Well, thought I'd try the stream again once last time before I went to bed. It was working for the 4th quarter.

The Jazz were playing just a little bit better than they were when the stream failed in the 1st quarter.  :P

Donovan Mitchell is a sight to behold.
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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2789 on: June 09, 2021, 01:18:15 AM »
I didn’t get to watch the games. I was checking the box score and was irrationally upset with the Jazz’s first quarter performance. As for the final result, just imagine I edited the Sickos meme again.

Regarding the Sixers game, three-peat Danny Green dream is still alive.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2021, 12:18:25 PM by Adrock »

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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2790 on: June 09, 2021, 02:01:16 AM »
I saw the final play of Jazz vs. Clippers on The YouTube. Woof. Why the heck would they pass to the corner? Y’all are going to force Marcus Morris to be the hero and facilitated that by *checks notes* trapping him between Rudy Gobert, the last person you want defending the ball in this situation, and the baseline? Gobert’s deficiency at guarding on the perimeter is nullified by the fact that the Clippers need a three-pointer to tie (and Morris isn’t quick anyway). He just needed to be tall out there and pressure the ball. Not that I’m upset with the result; it’s just a little baffling. Morris should have passed it back out as I’d rather have Leonard shoot over Ingles. I guess in the heat of the moment, he felt there wasn’t enough time (there was).

Offline broodwars

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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2791 on: June 09, 2021, 07:09:31 AM »
I saw the final play of Jazz vs. Clippers on The YouTube. Woof. Why the heck would they pass to the corner? Y’all are going to force Marcus Morris to be the hero and facilitated that by *checks notes* trapping him between Rudy Gobert, the last person you want defending the ball in this situation, and the baseline? Gobert’s deficiency at guarding on the perimeter is nullified by the fact that the Clippers need a three-pointer to tie (and Morris isn’t quick anyway). He just needed to be tall out there and pressure the ball. Not that I’m upset with the result; it’s just a little baffling. Morris should have passed it back out as I’d rather have Leonard shoot over Ingles. I guess in the heat of the moment, he felt there wasn’t enough time (there was).

Well, I'll remind you that they tried the same play back at the end of Clippers-Mavs Game 5, and it ended pretty much the same way. The Clippers aren't known for their playmaking ability, or for being a successful team in general. I think the entire internet was stunned that the Clippers coach didn't call a time out when they caught that rebound off Mitchell's last shot, instead choosing to rush the ball up, where the Jazz defenders were already waiting.

The game shouldn't have been that close to begin with, but the refs awarded the Clippers an out of bounds that bounced off one of their players that led to a 3 pointer in the final minutes.
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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2792 on: June 11, 2021, 01:03:21 AM »

Offline broodwars

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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2793 on: June 11, 2021, 01:08:35 AM »
Frustrating one tonight as the Jazz defeated the Clippers 117-111, as well as a very foreboding one in many ways. I have a really bad feeling about Donovan Mitchell & Bojan Bogdanovic's health coming out of this game. Donovan seemed to tweak his ankle once starting a drive, and Paul George tripped him hard right at the end of the game. Donovan's shot looked flat ever since the former and he looked noticeably in pain the rest of the game. Bojan landed on a defender's foot following a shot, and had been nursing his ankle ever since.

Video of the Paul George foul on Mitchell at the end of the game:

Beyond the health situation, it's disturbing how easily the Jazz blew a 21 point lead once the Clippers threw up a Zone and started double-teaming Mitchell (who was pretty much a non-factor the entire 2nd half). It's baffling to me how a Zone worked when the Jazz are one of the best 3 point shooting teams in the league, but there you go. Thankfully, Ingles; Bogdanovic; and Clarkson stepped up tonight, particularly on Defense.

I suspect that after what happened in this game, Conley's coming back for Game 3. If we can win one in LA, this series is over.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2021, 01:25:22 AM by broodwars »
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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2794 on: June 13, 2021, 10:12:11 PM »
2021 NBA MVP Nikola Jokić was ejected in the third quarter of an elimination game. May we finally put to rest the bad and stale “Silver put the call in” joke. Never in a million years would the league MVP get tossed in a winnable elimination game for a Flagrant Foul of all things in a rigged league.

The Suns were already ahead of the Jazz/Clippers series in terms of games played and now they might have like a week off. I think the NBA likes to start the conference finals around the same time which might give the Suns even more days off because the Nets lost so that series is now tied (even if the Sixers advance, everyone would have to wait for Nets/Bucks to finish). All that down time can hurt teams. You have to hope you shake off the rust early in Game 1.

EDIT 1: Right now, Suns vs. Nuggets is a six point game with like 3:30 to go.

EDIT 2: Suns advance.

I need the Jazz to take care of business. Suns vs. Jazz would be a good series. Hopefully, Donovan Mitchell’s ankle is fine (seems like he’ll play in Game 4) and Mike Conley returns soon.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2021, 10:41:19 PM by Adrock »

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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2795 on: June 14, 2021, 10:48:14 PM »
Hello, friends. Please take a moment to listen to this song I wrote:


Thank you.

Also, WTF was that last possession, Sixers?

Is this the darkest timeline?

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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2796 on: June 14, 2021, 11:31:51 PM »
Long day, so went to bed early. Woke up to see the score and that Mike Conley's still out, so he's injured far more seriously than the Jazz management have let on. The Jazz's season is over. Even if we did somehow get past the Clippers with as terribly as this team has played, we'd get swept by the Suns with the way THEY are playing. Time to blow up the team and rebuild around Donovan and a few key pieces. The bare minimum this year was getting to the Finals, and they're falling apart in the Semis.
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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2797 on: June 14, 2021, 11:35:54 PM »
I went to the Bay to watch the end of the Hawks, and watch the Jazz ... I left at halftime. And honestly, if it wasn't for the bar tender, I would've left after the 1st Qtr.

That poster dunk by Kawhi tho 🤯
« Last Edit: June 14, 2021, 11:42:58 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2798 on: June 16, 2021, 10:24:26 AM »
The Jazz's season is over. Even if we did somehow get past the Clippers with as terribly as this team has played, we'd get swept by the Suns with the way THEY are playing.
Sources: LA Clippers' Kawhi Leonard could miss rest of series with knee injury (Expected to miss Game 5)

Phoenix Suns' Chris Paul out indefinitely, placed in NBA health and safety protocols

Time to blow up the team and rebuild around Donovan and a few key pieces. The bare minimum this year was getting to the Finals, and they're falling apart in the Semis.
I was going to tell you to settle down the other night (frustrating loss, I get it). If the Jazz can't get past the Clippers without Leonard and the Suns without Paul, banned from the league until they get their act together.

Semi-related: I know I'm on an island on this, and it doesn't bother others as much as it bothers me. If the Jazz advance, I really don't want to hear any if-Kawhi-Leonard-didn't-injure-his-knee-the-Clippers-would-have-won nonsense. Mike Conley will probably miss the entire series. Donovan Mitchell came back from injury in the first round then re-aggravated it in Game 3 of this round. Every team deals with injuries. Suck it up.

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Re: NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto
« Reply #2799 on: June 16, 2021, 11:21:37 AM »
WTF CP3!!?

This was his year. His best shot so far. Suns absolutely on fire and everyone else dealing with injuries.... Just had to self sabotage instead of getting injured....
I guess we wait and see how long he's out for, but I need the best possible team to beat the Nets in the Finals.

Durant put on a show in the second half yesterday, which I mostly missed (only watched the first half), and I'm surprised because I wasn't sure if he could lead and create for the entire team, but he pulled it off.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2021, 11:31:37 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »