Yeah, we are are really coming from different places. I wouldn't think of describing what LeBron is doing as acting like a spoiled brat anymore than I would a GM lowballing a contract or trashing a player in arbitration.
The issue isn't that Lebron wants to find someone else to lead the team while he and Kyrie sit. It's that Lebron more or less signed off on roster and pay, Lebron more or less signed off on who got resigned, and who got let go, Lebron picked Kyle Korver and the got the GM who was already spending more than any other team in NBA History, to spend more to get him. Now Lebron was publicly mad that the GM wouldn't blindly just spend EVEN MORE, potentially dipping into the $100M Luxury tax range to chase even MORE talent. He belittles his team saying that there are only 3 worthy players on the team (Top Heavy!!) and that's why he needs help, and then he literally makes "bitch" moves to the media with all the whining and crying on and off the court.
He comes off as a spoiled brat. and I don't care if the GM promised to "spare no expense" to win championships. But there has to be a reasonable limit, and I think the GM has already surpassed that in an attempt to please GM Lebron.
Lebron has sufficient talent on his team (they are the
defending NBA Champions afterall), they can't just keep swapping out potential for already established "stars". At some point you need to work with what you have and prove that you truly are the best. And buying in Korver has been pretty inefficient so far. I almost wish they would trade for Carmelo at this point, and I hope that doesn't work out so well for them either.
edit: (and because I'm doing all this talking about Lebron, there is no way I can't not bring up the Warriors

: )
Oh, and there's "No Rivalry" but every action and reaction he makes is to hopefully get an edge over the Warriors.
While Lebron is out here killing himself trying do it all on his team, meanwhile Curry takes a back seat to allow KD to enter the fold (yeah I know, they added an established All-Star to the
developed All-stars already on the team) and the Warriors out here having FUN, and EVERYONE is involved. They make it look so easy, and I know Lebron is jealous of that atmosphere, I mean because who wouldn't be?
GSW is the poster child for what every team wants. They may not all want to be GSW or play GSW's style, but they all want the entire team to be able to come out and fit like another cog in the machine and everyone just out there having fun, playing the game they love, and on top of it all WINNING.
edit: and Barkley responded: