Author Topic: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U)  (Read 452110 times)

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #750 on: April 04, 2017, 01:11:54 AM »
Khushrenada, I have heard of a glitch with the Blood Moon when the game is left on for too long. It will then start to occur more frequently then it should, getting more frequent as it continues to be on. However, I generally hear of this glitch on the Switch, since people tend to put the game into sleep mode instead of turning it off. The solution to fix it is to power off the game.

However, if you haven't been playing for very long and didn't leave the game on, then maybe the update did mess with something that would make this glitch happen more quickly.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #751 on: April 04, 2017, 01:17:05 AM »
What I would really like to find right now is a frostspear. That weapon is holding me in a sidequest and I can't think of where I could find one. I've gone back to some winter zones but none of the enemies seem to have them when I was there.

Also, has anyone been experiencing a glitch with the Blood Moon? When I was playing yesterday, after I left Hyrule Castle I had a Blood Moon right away which I expected because of how long I was exploring the castle and I don't think they can occur while in that zone. However, a bit later in my play session, I got another Blood Moon except it was in the afternoon! I was confused at first because it seemed pretty soon but then it hit me that it was daylight after it was over and looking at my ingame world clock it said it was 2:40 PM. I just chalked it up to me being in Hyrule Castle too long and the game working out its Blood Moon schedule.
In regards to the Frostspear- there's a reason the Coliseum is a really great place for Major Tests of Strength and for completing that particular sidequest, but it might not be available to you right now. Like I said, the weapons that enemies hold, as well as enemies themselves, become better as you complete more Shrines.

I have had some ridiculous Blood Moon shenanigans happen during my playthrough. They say that the more unique monsters you kill (Guardians, Taluses, Hinoxes, Lynels) the more likely it is that a Blood Moon will rise, however, during the lightning trial by Rito village, I had a Blood Moon rise twice within the span of 12 hours, resetting the incomplete elements of the trial because that's how Blood Moons work- they reset any animals, enemies, and interactive elements that haven't been locked into place by a mechanism. While the glitching out of models hasn't occurred, I think the resetting of elements might have something to do with that. I've also had two blood moons occur in the same night, within the span of four hours, if you can believe it.
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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #752 on: April 04, 2017, 01:39:55 AM »
I had a weird blood moon experience as well a week ago, I was making my way to one of the memories (the one around where the white horse is) and the blood moon happened 3 or 4 times all in a span of two minutes.
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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #753 on: April 04, 2017, 05:15:08 AM »
I make a point of holding on to one of each of the elemental weapons. They have their uses. Did you know that you could turn chu-chu into any color? Just attack them with the corresponding elemental weapon and the elements change to that color when they drop. I always kill the big blue ones with an ice weapon since I seem to always be short on ice chu-chu mats. This is great for leveling up the armors as you need a lot for them it seems.
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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #754 on: April 04, 2017, 07:40:01 AM »
So I can't get "that" weapon with only 3 hearts? BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!

I don't understand why you would need that weapon if you're doing a strict 3 heart run.

Also, I can totally understand the gating mechanism used for getting it because without it you could have easily broken the game.

Well even thought I've played over 100hours, at best Ive seen half the map. So when I finally got there it seemed like I only started playing the  game even though I'm over 40 plus shrines or such. Also, I'm guessing I can't beat the game without it...or so I thought?

Offline nickmitch

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #755 on: April 04, 2017, 10:06:23 AM »
I've also had an instance with blood moons occurring too frequently.  I got 4 in one in-game night, which became annoying as I kept getting attacked by the skeleton enemies.  I distinctly remember the last one of those occurring after it was already dawn.

I make a point of holding on to one of each of the elemental weapons. They have their uses. Did you know that you could turn chu-chu into any color? Just attack them with the corresponding elemental weapon and the elements change to that color when they drop. I always kill the big blue ones with an ice weapon since I seem to always be short on ice chu-chu mats. This is great for leveling up the armors as you need a lot for them it seems.

You can even change the color once you have blue mats.  Just hit them with the right thing.  So, if you're sitting on a lot of blues but need white or yellow, don't sweat.

What I would really like to find right now is a frostspear. That weapon is holding me in a sidequest and I can't think of where I could find one. I've gone back to some winter zones but none of the enemies seem to have them when I was there.

Also, has anyone been experiencing a glitch with the Blood Moon? When I was playing yesterday, after I left Hyrule Castle I had a Blood Moon right away which I expected because of how long I was exploring the castle and I don't think they can occur while in that zone. However, a bit later in my play session, I got another Blood Moon except it was in the afternoon! I was confused at first because it seemed pretty soon but then it hit me that it was daylight after it was over and looking at my ingame world clock it said it was 2:40 PM. I just chalked it up to me being in Hyrule Castle too long and the game working out its Blood Moon schedule.
In regards to the Frostspear- there's a reason the Coliseum is a really great place for Major Tests of Strength and for completing that particular sidequest, but it might not be available to you right now. Like I said, the weapons that enemies hold, as well as enemies themselves, become better as you complete more Shrines.

I've actually gotten a frost spear or two from shrines.
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Offline Evan_B

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #756 on: April 04, 2017, 01:26:10 PM »
Yes, but Shrine rewards don't respawn, so if he accidentally broke his Frostspear before that arc of the quest, he's out of luck.
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Offline KeyBilly

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #757 on: April 04, 2017, 01:53:21 PM »
So I can't get "that" weapon with only 3 hearts? BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!

I don't understand why you would need that weapon if you're doing a strict 3 heart run.

Also, I can totally understand the gating mechanism used for getting it because without it you could have easily broken the game.

Well even thought I've played over 100hours, at best Ive seen half the map. So when I finally got there it seemed like I only started playing the  game even though I'm over 40 plus shrines or such. Also, I'm guessing I can't beat the game without it...or so I thought?

The weapon is not that strong, breaks outside of a few areas, and isn't really needed.  I like having it for tradition, but it can be skipped with no impact on game difficulty.  There is a memory associated with it.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2017, 01:56:47 PM by KeyBilly »

Offline nickmitch

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #758 on: April 04, 2017, 02:49:14 PM »
Yes, but Shrine rewards don't respawn, so if he accidentally broke his Frostspear before that arc of the quest, he's out of luck.

True facts.
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Offline GoldenPhoenix

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #759 on: April 05, 2017, 07:57:58 AM »
My current goal in the game is to fully max out a certain armor that requires Guardian cores. So close, I just need 2 more giant cores and I can fully max out the armor set. Also I'm having fun with the monster store and trying to get the head armor for a special armor he sells. I feel now that I have completed the main quest and gotten all the divine beasts that I can play the game more leisurely and just explore. It is a great feeling to hunt guardians rather then being afraid of them like I was early on in the game, getting better and better with the shield parry, still need a lot of improvement with the other special counters though.
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Offline Disco Stu

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #760 on: April 05, 2017, 09:36:33 AM »
MOMENTOUS OCCASION: I cleared all 120 shrines last night!

I kind of consider that to be the true end of the game for me but....yeah nah I'm gonna go back and try to clear all the sidequests and upgrade all the armor :)

I've played this game for "over 110 hours" and there are no signs of stopping!
I got hooked on the white stuff back in the 70s.

Offline GoldenPhoenix

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #761 on: April 05, 2017, 09:39:25 AM »
MOMENTOUS OCCASION: I cleared all 120 shrines last night!

I kind of consider that to be the true end of the game for me but....yeah nah I'm gonna go back and try to clear all the sidequests and upgrade all the armor :)

I've played this game for "over 110 hours" and there are no signs of stopping!

What about all the koroks? Have to say anyone that tries to get all 900 or however many of those has more patience then I'll ever have.
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Offline Disco Stu

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #762 on: April 05, 2017, 10:28:20 AM »
I couldn't give less shits about getting all the Korok seeds.
I got hooked on the white stuff back in the 70s.

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #763 on: April 05, 2017, 06:48:35 PM »
I'm trying to find as many Korok Seeds as I can. I'm sure there will come a point when I won't need the inventory space. I'm mainly using the Korok Seed search as a means to explore the world with a goal in mind. It gives me something to look for so traveling doesn't seem so aimless which I suppose is part of the point of including so many. I have doubts i'll find all of them without help.

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #764 on: April 05, 2017, 11:29:03 PM »
So far I've beaten 63 shrines and found 53 Korok Seeds.
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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #765 on: April 06, 2017, 11:10:50 AM »
I don't have the exact count, but in my recent play sessions, i've found 3-4 korok seeds for every shrine I locate.  The "tell" for korok seed locations become more obvious with every one you come across, so when I've been playing and see one, I take the 15 second detour to grab them and go on my way. 

I'm not sure what i'd do with many more equipment slot upgrades.  I've gotten 3 or 4 now to the point where I can feel good about just tossing out trash weapons, and my weapons are nearly all 25+ damage.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #766 on: April 06, 2017, 12:15:40 PM »
Having frustrated a Moblin by stealing his weapon, I saw one resort to picking up a Bokoblin for use as a projectile. Likewise, if you encounter a Plebbet and don't have a Sledgehammer handy, you can just pick them up and throw them to kill them.

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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #767 on: April 06, 2017, 02:27:02 PM »
Having frustrated a Moblin by stealing his weapon, I saw one resort to picking up a Bokoblin for use as a projectile. Likewise, if you encounter a Plebbet and don't have a Sledgehammer handy, you can just pick them up and throw them to kill them.

It's the little things.

I've heard about the Moblin throwing Bokoblins but have yet to see it myself. However, I've been throwing what I called non-elemental Mini-Taluses for awhile if they surprise me although I usually just prefer throwing bombs at them before they pop out of the ground. On the topic of little things, I do like that if you steal a Bokoblins weapon, it resorts to digging at the ground and throwing rocks at you. There's a never quit attitude you gotta respect. I was also coming upon some Bokoblins in the forest and they were chasing a boar/warthog. They managed to strike and kill the warthog and then one Bokoblin squealed in delight of the meat and picked up one piece of the raw meat and started eating it. After awhile, he finished eating it and then burped in satisfaction. Then he grabbed the next piece and starting eating it. I like how they react to the environment like that.

Going back to something you mentioned earlier, I take it the true reward of the Coliseum is the weapons you collect from the defeated enemies then? Because I didn't think the weapons were all that special from the enemies I defeated. But I suppose beating more shrines may help. I've had more silver Bokoblins appear in the world. There were some on the Great Plateau now when I went back to it. The thing is that it doesn't really make them harder to defeat just longer to defeat. I'd rather not beat shrines and keep enemies weaker to cut down on my wailing of them and breaking weapons. Although I do like that silver Bokoblins give you some ore when defeated. However, rupees aren't that big of an in-game concern for me these days. It's all about certain materials for upgrading armor now. Lynel parts and ancient cores are the rare parts it would seem.

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #768 on: April 06, 2017, 02:32:32 PM »
105 hours in and still going strong! Hey guys what should I look out for when it comes to Koroks?

God bless America! How do I do spoilers! I'm on my phone and can't figure it out. Don't read the next part.

1-Pin Wheels
2-Circle/Pattern of rocks
3-Circle of Lily Pads
4-Metal boulders connected to wells.
5-Lone rocks on top of structure
6-Pile of autumn leaves
7-Colorful whimsical petals of invisible running across land/water
8-Stone cube puzzles
9-Pushin boulders off a hill
10- throwing rocks in a circle of rocks in the water
11- matching of fruit in trees
12- food offerings

What else? I've found about 140 and know I should be seeing a ton more.

I come across really suspicious things sometimes and I feel like something must be there but nothing is apparent so I move on.

One other tip I should mention is to scan your surroundings with the Stasis mode. Stasis mode will highlight the moveable objects in your surroundings making it easier to spot lone rocks in trees or under autumn leaves. It will spot metal objects that can be lifted to uncover a Korok underneath or complete a Korok requirement. It can also identify hidden enemies like a stationary Guardian that hasn't come to life yet or a Stone Talus still hiding in the ground. This way, you don't necessarily have to test every suspicious thing you see.
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Offline Evan_B

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #769 on: April 06, 2017, 04:37:22 PM »
The Coliseum enemies become equipped with each variation of elemental weaponry you so desire once you pass a certain threshold. Likewise, weapons spawned in the overworld begin to have additional traits. Sure, you have to deal with more silver-tier enemies, but the rewards are worth it.
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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #770 on: April 07, 2017, 02:44:00 AM »
105 hours in and still going strong! Hey guys what should I look out for when it comes to Koroks?

I come across really suspicious things sometimes and I feel like something must be there but nothing is apparent so I move on.

The hardest ones to notice are shooting targets like a glowing eye that glows at only at night or a target that has a bunch of arrows in it already.
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Offline GoldenPhoenix

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #771 on: April 07, 2017, 04:04:37 AM »
Managed to max out the armor I needed giant cores for. It is kind of funny I spent a couple of hours going to shrines with giant cores in order to get enough and after upgrading the armor fully a guardian randomly drops one. I guess my next goal is to get the rest of the armor sets.

Also I did have one Moblin throw a bokoblin, the small details like that are what makes this such a good game, there always seems to be something new to see! Oh yeah I also found out you can convert chuchu jelly into different forms by using elemental weapons though you want to make sure you aren't too close to them or you could destroy them.
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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #772 on: April 07, 2017, 12:42:06 PM »
105 hours in and still going strong! Hey guys what should I look out for when it comes to Koroks?

God bless America! How do I do spoilers! I'm on my phone and can't figure it out. Don't read the next part.

1-Pin Wheels
2-Circle/Pattern of rocks
3-Circle of Lily Pads
4-Metal boulders connected to wells.
5-Lone rocks on top of structure
6-Pile of autumn leaves
7-Colorful whimsical petals of invisible running across land/water
8-Stone cube puzzles
9-Pushin boulders off a hill
10- throwing rocks in a circle of rocks in the water
11- matching of fruit in trees
12- food offerings

What else? I've found about 140 and know I should be seeing a ton more.

I come across really suspicious things sometimes and I feel like something must be there but nothing is apparent so I move on.

One other tip I should mention is to scan your surroundings with the Stasis mode. Stasis mode will highlight the moveable objects in your surroundings making it easier to spot lone rocks in trees or under autumn leaves. It will spot metal objects that can be lifted to uncover a Korok underneath or complete a Korok requirement. It can also identify hidden enemies like a stationary Guardian that hasn't come to life yet or a Stone Talus still hiding in the ground. This way, you don't necessarily have to test every suspicious thing you see.

Thats a good idea, I've been doing that for bodies of water but not on land.

130ish hours in, 2 Divine Beasts, just filled in the entire map, 201 Korok's found, 79 Shrines completed, 6 more memories needed and I haven't set foot in Geradu City yet. I am still loving the ever living heck out of this game.

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Offline nickmitch

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #773 on: April 07, 2017, 12:44:48 PM »
I've been saying Gerudo with a soft g, and finding out it's a hard g was pretty jarring.
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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #774 on: April 07, 2017, 04:41:26 PM »
Okay, at one stable, this guys sells you a "biscuit" that you have to eat right then and there. You close your eyes and he feeds it to you. What the heck is that?? Is he feeding you horse manure or something?

Also, I had to take my clothes for an old doctor. I was a little skeeved out.