Author Topic: Hey! DC's got stuff too... (Official Thread for the DCU of Movies and TV)  (Read 357802 times)

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Offline Stratos

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Re: Hey! DC's got stuff too... (Official Thread for the DCU of Movies and TV)
« Reply #925 on: February 15, 2023, 08:38:34 PM »
Actually the Burton Schumacher anthology is actually something to look at for reboots. They kept on Alfred and Commisioner Gordon, and Robin for the second set, but the villains changed, even batman changed, and it really didn't matter. Not great movies, but the general public were a lot more capable of moving on with new casting at the time.

The general movie-going public absolutely can move on with new actors. That is how movies used to be done (and in a few cases still are). James Bond and Dr Who still make a bit of a deal about new actors taking on the mantle of the old. It was generally expected there would be changing of the guard when it came to actors. I think the dawn of the "franchise film series" with the likes of Lord of the Rings and especially Harry Potter where it grew to be expected that the actors would stick around. I remember the behind the scenes interviews for Potter had multiple creators of the series saying it was a pipe dream that the core actors would stick around and that still happened.

Now with major series like the MCU and Star Wars making such a deal of the actor equaling the character to the point they decided to never recast T'Challa or Princess Leia, they will back themselves into an awkward corner either requiring even more acrobatic multi-dimentional logic or pure reboots to allow certain stories to happen in the future.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Blue Beetle got a Trailer.... and it looks pretty good.

Suit looks great.
I don't know much about Blue Beetle, but the trailer has me sold. This looks fun.

Offline ThePerm

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I hope this trend of that type of music in trailers goes away. I'm not a fan. It's just so generic sounding. And it's like taking a specific section of a track, that could be good as a piece of a larger whole, and then making the whole track that but repetitively. It's like playing as Liu Kang and just doing the bicycle kick.

The costume looks ok. Somewhere between Green Lantern and Iron Man.

Great casting, Xolo Maridueña was great in Cobra Kai.
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Offline nickmitch

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I'm with Perm, the music in that trailer was taking me out of it a bit. The suit's ok to me too. Something just feels a bit off, but it's still comic-book-y.

I had started reading the Jamie Reyes Blue Beetle at some point, but I've completely forgotten what was going on. I might have to go back and take a look.
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Offline Stratos

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Yeah, looks neat, agree music is meh, but trailer music is rarely indicative of the final product. And why is BatMan a fascist? Did I miss something about that or were they trying to be funny because "LOL billionaire bad"?
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Offline ThePerm

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Yeah, looks neat, agree music is meh, but trailer music is rarely indicative of the final product. And why is BatMan a fascist? Did I miss something about that or were they trying to be funny because "LOL billionaire bad"?

Batman was sort of made to have fascistic qualities in the Frank Miller run. He is a vigilante who enforces the law using violence. He's also a rich guy, and the villains are usually poor people. Though you would only know he's a rich guy from our omnipresent observer perspective. Though Mr. Reese figured out what Wayne Enterprises was spending its black fund on in The Dark Knight. Another thing that could be said about a rich guy enforcing Gotham law is, the law in Gotham is corrupt. Even good cops like Jim Gordan turn a blind eye to a guy in a Bat suit beating up poor people.

In the case of the Blue Beetle trailer, it was just a low blow.
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Offline nickmitch

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Yeah, looks neat, agree music is meh, but trailer music is rarely indicative of the final product. And why is BatMan a fascist? Did I miss something about that or were they trying to be funny because "LOL billionaire bad"?

Batman was sort of made to have fascistic qualities in the Frank Miller run. He is a vigilante who enforces the law using violence. He's also a rich guy, and the villains are usually poor people. Though you would only know he's a rich guy from our omnipresent observer perspective. Though Mr. Reese figured out what Wayne Enterprises was spending its black fund on in The Dark Knight. Another thing that could be said about a rich guy enforcing Gotham law is, the law in Gotham is corrupt. Even good cops like Jim Gordan turn a blind eye to a guy in a Bat suit beating up poor people.

In the case of the Blue Beetle trailer, it was just a low blow.

I think the label still fits without knowing that Batman is or is funded by a billionaire. He's upholding the law using hyper-violence, coming just shy of killing his targets. He's a cop on steroids who looks more like he's helping an incompetent police force by acting outside the law than overcoming department corruption.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Hey! DC's got stuff too... (Official Thread for the DCU of Movies and TV)
« Reply #932 on: September 10, 2023, 11:55:25 PM »
Aquaman: The Lost Kingdom (teaser trailer)

Offline ThePerm

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Re: Hey! DC's got stuff too... (Official Thread for the DCU of Movies and TV)
« Reply #933 on: December 25, 2024, 02:09:01 AM »
Yeaaaaah! I'm sure ya'll seen the trailer. I'm excited.
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