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Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2016 Edition.
« on: February 09, 2016, 08:13:20 PM »
As NWR's pre-eminent film critic, (with only Plugabugz my potential equal) I have seen all 8 of this years Best Picture nominees.

The good news is that this year, there is no weird stinker like Beasts of the Southern Wild or Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close nor is there some overwrought drama like The Imitation Game or The Theory of Everything. Everything this year is pretty solid and worth checking out.

So here's how I would rank them this year.

8. Mad Max: Fury Road

I'm surprised that Fury Road has so much praise this year. It's definitely the best Mad Max movie so far but then I don't think it's that hard to surpass what has come before. Something's got to be last and this year it's Mad Max. Maybe it comes from having watched the 2nd and 3rd Mad Max films in the same week leading up to my watching Fury Road but it didn't strike me as all that different from those films, especially more the 2nd one. For the most part, it just felt like a really long car chase. Visually it looks great and the colors really pop. The world looks more believable and mad than previous films and it has some interesting stunts and action sequences. Yet, the characters are mainly kept in broad strokes and there was one characters changing allegiance that I just never really bought into. For a world that went mad over oil, it's amazing how many vehicles it can keep running after all this time. It's a decent enough action flick though I find myself still preferring the Bourne Trilogy as the action movies to beat and this film did not clear that benchmark. Heck, I'd probably watch Mission Impossible 4 or 5 again before this. It's worth a viewing but not something I plan on returning to anytime soon.

7. Spotlight

Spotlight has been compared to All The President's Men and it is easy to see why with its focus on reporters slowly uncovering a huge scandal and cover-up in both films. The difference is that ATPM is able to create more excitement and tension whereas Spotlight takes a more thoughtful approach allowing the reporters to react and ruminate on the story as it continues to grow. It's understandable that there would be the difference as All The President's Men focuses on a cover-up with the highest source of power in the President of the USA whereas Spotlight is on the cover-up of the sexual abuse of children which doesn't really lend itself to thriller material nor would that be the right vein to take. While it is interesting to see the investigation unfold and how it was all finally brought into the light, the movie is limited scope in that it only really focuses on one town and even then, as the credits reveal, doesn't fully get to the full extent of the problem it would continue to uncover. Thus, it almost feels like an isolated problem in one city when it really is global. The other issue is that it keeps things tempered and not trying to exploit those involved or hype things up, the movie doesn't really make a lasting impression aside from a couple scenes and I keep forgetting that I saw it or that it is even nominated for Best Picture which isn't the best sign for any movie. It's worth a viewing though and its something I could see myself watching on TV again sometime but I don't think I'd actively seek it out. When it comes to a big global scandal, I feel The Big Short did a better job in showing the cause and effects while keeping the large and global scale of it all in the forefront along with the smaller players that would be affected by it.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 08:17:43 PM by Khushrenada »
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2016 Edition.
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2016, 09:18:36 PM »
6. Bridge of Spies

A solid well told tale. My brother summed it up well. He said that Spielberg was able to take a piece of rather insignificant history and make it feel big and important and more exciting than a lot of other directors can do with films that actually deal with big important moments of history. Ultimately, the fact that it is a sort of footnote in the pages of the cold war is what holds me back from fully embracing this movie. I think I'd chose Lincoln over this one as a top Spielberg historical piece. As much as the ads for the film want to make it look like an exciting esponiage mission, the reality is far from that. It is a lot of talking as Tom Hanks character negotiates to the best of his ability to bring about as a favorable result for all as possible while clearly doing the right thing because that's what America's values are. Mark Rylance's spy is the character that will probably stick with you the most even though he's sort of dry and somber. Yet that was the performance we talked about the most. Hanks does his usual good work of the noble every guy thrust into important and thorny situations. The look of the film is more subdued representing more of the drabness of the Soviet era Germany. In the end, I just never could buy into the stakes being that high perhaps in part being 50 years removed from the events and knowing the outcome as well. It's a nice morality play about setting the right example to win over your enemies and because it just may benefit you in the end as well.

5. The Revenant

This is a tough one to rank. It's almost tied with my number 4 pick but as I go back and forth between them, I just feel The Revenant is held back by its style. Watching this movie felt like a mash-up of The New World and Jeremiah Johnson which are two films I'm sure all you NWR users have seen. (But seriously, if you do watch them, I think you'll agree its a pretty good analogy.) As it turns out, the cinematographer, Lubezki, worked on The New World which may be why it triggers up memories of that film. The movie tries or wants to have this spiritual sort of journey wrapped in with DiCaprio's physical stuggles and journey but it doesn't work. It's like Terrence Malik light and even Malik can't always pull it off or 100% succeed when he does it. The spiritual stuff is too vague with very little meat to it that it would have been better to cut it from the film or present the backstory in a more traditional method. That said, the parts that do focus on the various characters actual real journeys are very well done. From the native American and bear attacks, to Glass's sheer determination to survive any way he can, and everything with Hardy, that's when the movie is most engaging. The movie is full of great images. Even at the end, in a sort of western showdown that I wasn't expecting, it's punctuated with an avalanche or the growing rays of sunlight along a stream that just further elevates the material to high art which is what makes such a disappointment when it misfires with the spiritual journey. Despite the misfires, I do highly recommend checking this movie out and I could see myself easily watching it again. In the end, the misfires end up dragging this movie down to 5th place and lessens the great potential this movie had and fulfilled.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2016 Edition.
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2016, 04:08:44 AM »
4. Brooklyn

I've already talked a bit about this movie in the Rate the Last Movie You Saw thread so I'm mainly going to repeat what I said there. It may also be surprising that I consider it very close to The Revenant in ranking it when The Revenant has some great set pieces and some magical visuals. With Brooklyn, the movie is more subdued. It's not like the movie looks awful but there's nothing in it that I'd say wows the eyes like in The Revenant.

There's really nothing flashy about. Unlike The Revenant, it doesn't really have any major high points or low points. There's nothing that drags but there's nothing that greatly soars in the movie either. I can't say I really felt a lot watching it although it did have moments that made me laugh from time to time. I also thought the conflict that arises late in the film felt rather unnecessary and could have easily been avoided although I do get the motivation for why it takes place. The Revenant doesn't always work but even if I think the late conflict so-so, it doesn't detract or derail the movie but aids in making its ending points. Moreover, I can't really say there's anything that should have been removed or could have been done better (aside from the child actor playing a young outspoken Italian boy). Plus, when the movie spells out its message at the end as the main character talks to another character that reminds them of a time earlier in the movie, it really stuck with me and impacted me.

Despite its seeming subtleness, the movie has stuck with me and I'm still thinking of it from time to time despite having seen it over a month ago now. It might be because I've gone through a bit of that situation in the past year myself with moving to a new place. I just can't figure out how a movie that plays out as unassuming as it does managed to find its way under my skin and stick with me so much. It's a puzzle but a pleasant one nonetheless. And it's interesting to see Emily Bret Rickards from Arrow pop up in other media. For having such staying power and not really suffering from any glaring faults, I give it the fourth spot and could see myself watching this again a few times which is a successful movie in my book.

3. The Big Short

The Big Short is brash, it's smart and it will probably leave you questioning how secure the financial systems of the US/World are. Like most people, I never understood a lot of the details about the recession of 2008 aside from banks giving out bad loans or mortgages. Because it resulted in a lot of people's wealth being wiped out, all manner of industry was affected so it was hard to see how mortgage defaults were the cause. This movie is able to cut through a lot of that complication and jargon and let you understand and follow the paper chase as it were. Christian Bale turns in what might be may favorite performance of the year. It's a personality a bit different from his other work of an awkward socially insecure person who is smart with numbers and sure he is right despite not seeing immediate success for his conviction.

At the same time, Ryan Gosling works pretty good as the narrator of the film and his fratboy/bro banker suggests that this type of role may suit him better than some of his other dramatic work. There's some 4th wall breaking going on with this movie with Ryan Gosling's narration talking direct to the audience. At one point, when two people learn the news that the housing market may not be that stable after all by looking through someone else's portfolio on a lobby table, he informs the audience that this isn't how these characters actually learned about the potential housing crisis and it is for dramatic effect. He then informs us how it actually went down. It seemed like a weird thing to bring up but its payoff is seen later in the film when we see a couple more outlandish type moments but Ryan Gosling informs us that this time, the scene is correct and what we are seeing is the truth this time. By telling us what is true and what is false, it makes the viewer more trusting in the narration. Plus, it helps impress on you how bonkers some of this situation was with the sillier things being true and a more believable scene being false. There's a lot of wild stuff to this story from how most of these guys learned about betting against the financial market to their investigation of the claims and then how the market continued to push on despite the evidence they all had.

At the same time, it's not perfect. The biggest disappointment is probably that the cast never really get to interact with one another. Christian Bale's character is sort of the catalyst that gets everyone else involved in shorting the market but they other characters never meet him. He just exists in his own bubble in the movie. The same goes for the group of John Magaro, Finn Whitrock, and Brad Pitt. They come in last and they have the least interesting narrative although Brad Pitt does deliver a speech that I'll get back to. Carrell and Gosling are the two bigger stars who actually get to collide and interact with one another throughout the film and they end up being our de facto main characters but you do keep hoping they'll all meet up somehow like a banking Avengers Assemble.

As well, the financial crisis affected a lot of people and impacted many. Both good and bad people. Brad Pitt's character gives a brief speech that outlines what the coming financial storm means and that the guys he works with shouldn't be so excited about the potential money they'll be making. That's the fine line the film tries to walk because, while it wants to make you understand the crisis and explain it so that hopefully viewers will be outraged at those responsible, the movie is still about people that profited greatly from the failing of the American Market and who could only succeed from that disaster happening. As such, the movie sort of tries to portray these guys as sort of heroes from getting this financial justice against the banks greed and negligence. Making the banks pay by the only thing they really value. As well, they fuss and stress and express outrage at all the fraud and rampant greed they encounter and see and are shocked by it all, particularly Carell's character. Even when they get their money, they aren't really happy it aside from maybe Gosling's character. All in all, I think they may have overdone that a bit too much. It started making me reject the notion that they are that upset about everything or really fretted about it that much because it felt like they were trying to push this aspect so hard to keep our sympathies with them more than I think it needed to.

Even though this isn't a perfect film and doesn't really have a lot of jokes for a movie billed as a comedy, this is still a strong movie and I really think everyone should see at least once. Of all the Best Picture nominees, this has been the hardest one for me to review and to gather my thoughts on it. Often, I can make a comparison of a movie to another movie but this one feels more original and unique than anything else nominated this year. This a movie that knows what it wants to accomplish and what the challenges it has to overcome to do that are and does very well in keeping the viewer up to speed with everything that's unfolding. Despite knowing what the ending kind of is, it keeps you engaged the whole way and its ending spells out the injustice of the whole situation. With no one from the financial industry having been punished or put in jail, the same forces that brought this crisis are still out there and may be trying the same fraud practices again. Not the funniest ending for a comedy but one that may be as powerful as Spotlight's final endnotes listing the extent of its scandal.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2016, 10:18:32 PM by Khushrenada »
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2016 Edition.
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2016, 04:29:59 AM »
khush youre not dead! ;D
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2016 Edition.
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2016, 05:37:32 PM »
Leo does not deserve an Oscar for his performance in the Revenant.

Tom Hardy did some of his best work in it, though.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2016 Edition.
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2016, 11:06:49 PM »
2. The Martian

I like survival stories. They can make for some thrilling and engaging stories because they have a great immediacy to them. In some ways, they are sort of like a heist movie. In both cases, the characters have a clear goal and have to assess what all the challenges are preventing them from that goal and then finding tools and methods to get past those challenges. However, while a heist allows for more leisure in its set-up and the tension comes from seeing if the planning pays off, survival films can be like whack a mole with a problem arising and a solution being needed followed by a new problem causing another solution to be required which keeps taxing the ingenuity and smarts of the person trying to do the surviving.

The Martian takes the survival story and has it take place in one of the most extreme examples and conditions by stranding its character on an inhospital planet with only his science skills to save him. I know The Perm wasn't a huge fan from his post on the movie in the "Rate the Last Movie You Saw Thread". However, he also read the book which gave him a different understanding of the story and details. As such, he found the movie deficient compared to the book. I haven't read the book but I did not find the movie lacking. Although The Perm may wonder how anyone could follow or understand what was going on, I had no such problem and thought it explained everything well although it may not have gotten into the finer details.

To the film's credit, it seems to recognize that the main draw of this film is the question its very premises raises of how can a person survive on Mars if they were to get left behind there. As such, the movie wastes no time with Mark Watney's team leaving because of a storm and him getting stranded and cuts right to the chase of this survival story. The evacuation still gives time to establish some quick broad strokes of the NASA crew and we meet a few of the principal players on Earth in NASA as they get the news. Then we stick to Mark as he develops and enacts a survival plan. This is the narrative that's most engaging and successful to me. As Mark becomes more successful at securing his immediate survival, the story then shifts to Earth and the political and physical situations NASA faces in being able to help Mark and what kind of aid is best. Mark's team is also involved as they grapple with the dilemma of whether to add in more space time to rescue him or stick to NASA's orders.

Of all the conflicts, Mark's team is the one I find least successful in that their situation wasn't as engaging as Mark's yet the time and distance needed to travel back and forth to Mars and that toll space travel could have on a person is something that could make for a strong narrative. However, this movie is about Mark's survival and the crew is just a tool to help in that. As such, not much depth or attention is given to most of them nor do we see any concerns by the media on what that double journey could have on them. The media is only focused on Mark's survival and condition just like the movie.

The parts with NASA fare better because they are involved in the science and logistics of how to rescue Mark far more than the space crew. Plus, it gives us the view from Earth on the situation and the added wrinkles of the politics involved of how to navigate the media, keep up NASA's image for future funding and projects and negotiate with other space programs for help. That latter part, though, struck me as the weakest thing in the film as the Chinese Space Program just happens to have a secret rocket that would be perfect to help them that they just decide to let NASA have. It's just a convenient Deus Ex Machina and something I don't see actually happening in real life. Far better are the various press conferences that Jeff Daniels would have throughout the film. I loved those scenes a lot.

There are times where I felt the movie stretched believability such as puncturing the suit to fly Iron Man style. I just feel that once a hole is created, the oxygen would rush out of there with such force into space that he'd be dead in seconds and not actually able to open and close the hole to navigate. However, I haven't looked into the science of it all to know if I'm right or wrong. The movie keeps moving fast enough and presenting new challenges that I was able to let go of any hang-ups that might arise in my mind as I watched and kept enjoying the ride. One thing little thing that struck me right after watching it was how much disco / 70's music was in the movie. It was done in part because of Chastain's character personality but I couldn't help and wonder if it was an effect of Guardians of the Galaxies success and how so many people commented about loving the soundtrack to that film. Here's another sci-fi film a year later full of a lot of popular music from that era as though it was mandated by some studio executive that this is what the people want. Considering the success of The Martian as well, I wonder if other directors or producers are going to start copying this potential trend in a belief it will get mass appeal and box office success.

To wrap up, there have been a lot of good survival stories over the past few years. Life of Pi, All is Lost and Gravity all great films. Even this year, there is The Revenant and its survival/revenge story. Yet, despite that core narrative, they all do different things and are different experiences which helps make this survival genre so rich and engaging. Is The Martian better than those films? I'd be inclined to say no but again it's from the different emotions and narratives the other films give. What makes The Martian so highly rated for me is that it is a fun sort of film. It's a movie I'd be willing to just recommend to people without any caveats like some of the other films I listed because it wants to be a crowd pleaser. Although the Globes got flack for nominating it in the Comedy category, it is a light drama. It's not as heavy or dark or grappling with spiritual / existential themes. It's an entertaining ride with poignant moments, comedic moments, moments of suspense and wonder. It's the kind of movie I'd be willing to watch a few times more and could see myself watching it over and over on TV if I saw it playing. That's a pretty good film in my book.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 05:37:57 PM by Khushrenada »
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2016 Edition.
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2016, 09:50:07 PM »
Well it looks like Trumbo is your number 1. I saw Trumbo last night. I both liked and disliked how quickly it got rolling. It felt like a story someone should already know but have never seen portrayed. And as someone who didn't know this story or the man, it felt a little too quick, but it was still interesting because of how the story develops.

I wish it could have given examples of the guy's work, rather than trusting his genius. Again, it felt like I should already know him, and that's the main problem I had. Once I finally just took his genius for granted, I was engaged in how he used it to make a mockery of his enemies. He was funny, endearing, brash and ultimately strong. He was a good man. And now I want to watch his movies.

As far as acting goes, Bryan is phenomenal. He knows what he's doing in every scene. The last scene especially is fantastic. Does he deserve an oscar? More than Leo and Matt, though I think Fassbender was equally good, and I haven't seen the other nominee's movie.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2016 Edition.
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2016, 07:28:31 PM »
Actually, Trumbo isn't a best picture nominee. So, it is not my number 1 choice. Plus, I have yet to see it so I can't really comment on it. The final best picture nominee and my number one choice is:

1. Room

Not to be confused with Tommy Wiseau's The Room which is a completely different animal altogether. Roger Ebert said, "The movies are like a machine that generates empathy." Of all the Best Picture nominees this year, Room is the film that I believe proves this belief to be true. There's only one other movie released this year that impacted me as much emotionally and that was Inside Out but I'm not here to talk about that. After watching Room, it probably took me an hour to sort of decompress from it all because it had affected me and my mood that much. I found it to be a very powerful movie. I don't want to scare people off from this film by stating this. It's my hope rather that others will check it out and watch it because of the experience I had with it. Unlike The Martian, I'm not sure this is a movie I'd watch over and over but that doesn't negate its value. I've only seen Whiplash and Nightcrawler once but I'd still highly recommend them.

Unlike a few of the other films I've written about, I don't want to go into great detail with this film. There's a site I like to visit called which will keep track of the Oscar race and what films may end up nominated or winning awards. When I checked it back in October, it had a movie in its top 5 prediction called Room which I'd never heard of up to that point. As October turned to November, it stayed up there and looking over films released this year at Rotten Tomatoes at that time I saw it was in the top 10 of highly ranked movies there as well. When it began playing in my area, I finally went to check it out but I wasn't that interested in it. All I knew about it at that time was from some blurbs about a young boy making the big discovery of the world after being in a room for some time and it was about the power of a mother's love. Something like that. I hadn't seen a trailer or any film footage of it at all. I knew it involved a mom and a boy in a room who were most likely there against their will but wasn't sure. In any case, I went in pretty blind and not expecting much. The movie began with the child narrating it and showing questionable mothering making me wonder if this was going to be a long slog of a film but I was soon proven wrong. Going through this journey of the film, I don't know how anyone couldn't have empathy for the main characters and even many of the secondary characters. I think this movie may have the best performances of the year in both Brie Larson and Jacob Trembley. I don't know if entering this film mostly blind about its storyline helped aid in the experience or not but if it did then I want to try and keep it that way for all of you who have yet to see it. It may not be possible with the movie having been nominated for so many awards and getting much more attention now but I'm going to stick to keep things pretty vague.

If I had to compare this movie to something, I would compare it to Life is Beautiful and To Kill a Mockingbird. To Kill a Mockingbird is narrated by a child with that innocence a child can have of not fully comprehending the world or events happening around them and describing it in their terms. Life is Beautiful is a bit like this with the young boy's father finding ways to shield his child from the horrors of the holocaust happening around them and the boy seeing the world in the fantasy / heightened reality his father creates. It sort of showed the resilience of a child being able to go through such an event and yet not really be scarred by it and rebound from it. This film illustrates this resiliency children can have as well and is just another layer in this very well done and well made film. A masterpiece.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 08:21:42 PM by Khushrenada »
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2016 Edition.
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2016, 08:30:16 PM »
Now, while this thread is a rundown of this year's Oscar flicks, I thought I would also broaden the conversation a bit to the films of 2015 in general. After all, the supposed point of the Oscars is to take a look at the films released that year and bring attention to and celebrate the best of those films. Doesn't always work that way but that is another topic entirely. Instead, like the Oscars trying to whittle down the year of films to a select few, what I thought I'd do is take a moment to go through the list of films I've seen and let you know what my favorites were and what I would recommend from 2015. If you would like to share your picks of 2015 here as well, go for it. Maybe we'll find some screen gems we missed or skipped over in the past year.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2016 Edition.
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2016, 08:41:57 PM »
To start with, I'll list the 2015 movies I have seen so far. This way, you know what my selection pool is in case you are wondering what I have and haven't seen when making my top ten list.

Films I've seen:

Avengers: Age of Ultron
Pitch Perfect 2
Inside Out
Jurassic World
Mission: Impossible -  Rogue Nation
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
The Martian
The Walk
Bridge of Spies
The Peanuts Movie
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2
Kingsman: The Secret Service
The Good Dinosaur
McFarland, USA
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Far from the Madding Crowd
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Revenant
The Big Short
Ex Machina
Mistress America

2015 movies I've yet to see but am interested in checking out at some point:

The Look of Silence
Steve Jobs
Project Almanac
45 Years
Mr. Holmes
Love & Mercy
In the Heart of the Sea
The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials
Son of Saul
The Intern
Irrational Man
The Assassin
San Andreas
Terminator: Genysis

As you can see, I'm pretty open to a lot of different kinds of films.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 06:46:19 PM by Khushrenada »
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2016 Edition.
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2016, 06:55:19 PM »
My top ten of 2015 are:

10. The Revenant
09. The Big Short
08. Brooklyn
07. Kingsman: The Secret Service
06. The Martian
05. Creed
04. Room
03. The Walk
02. Jurassic World
01. Inside Out

I was going to comment on some of this but this thread doesn't seem to have much interest besides my own so let's move on to Oscar Predications!
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2016 Edition.
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2016, 06:59:41 PM »
Oscar Predications:

Best Picture - The Big Short
Best Director - Alejandro G. Inarritu
Best Actor - Leonardo DiCaprio
Best Actress - Brie Larson
Best Supporting Actor - Sylvester Stallone
Best Supporting Actress - Alicia Vikander
Best Original Screenplay - Spotlight
Best Adapted Screenplay - The Big Short
Best Cinematography - The Revenant
Best Film Editing - Mad Max: Fury Road
Best Foreign Language Film - Son of Saul
Best Animated Film - Inside Out
Best Documentary - Amy
Best Production Design - Mad Max: Fury Road
Best Costume Design - Mad Max: Fury Road
Best Make-up and Hair - Mad Max: Fury Road
Best Original Score - The Hateful Eight, Ennio Morricone
Best Original Song - Til it Happens to You, “The Hunting Grounds”
Best Visual Effects - Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Best Sound Editing - Mad Max: Fury Road
Best Sound Mixing - The Revenant
Best Short Film - Ave Maria
Best Animated Short - World Of Tomorrow 
Best Short Documentary - Body Team 12
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2016 Edition.
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2016, 07:12:22 PM »
The boldest choice is probably my Best Picture prediction. The smart choice seems to be The Revenant and I'm probably going to take a loss on it but I just feel like it could be an upset. There's certain factors that I think give The Big Short a chance but I'm not going to get into them now.

The acting categories seem to be pretty locked up although the Supporting Actor categories are a bit closer with Stallone vs Rylance and Vikander vs Winslet. If Bale beats both Stallone and Rylance and actually wins best supporting Actor, then I'm going to feel very confident about my best picture prediction.

Most other picks I feel very sure about although there are a couple of them that are a two horse race but one nominee seems to be further ahead than the other to make me feel safe enough choosing them.

It's the last 6 choices I've listed that seem to be a wild west and I could see myself totally bombing out on. If you want to play along and try and beat me, choosing different winners there will probably be your best chance. Or you could just choose The Revenant as Best Picture winner and choose everything else the same as me. But what's the fun in that?

I'm looking forward to the show and seeing how well I do. The dream is still to get 100% right. Even though I'm going against the grain with The Big Short, I'm still choosing it in the hopes I get that mythical 100%. Best I've done is 22/24. Last year was a setback for me so here's hoping for a rebound performance this year which won't be easy in a year with a lot of unpredictability.

For now, I'm going to go and get some Chinese food and settle in for the night.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2016 Edition.
« Reply #13 on: February 29, 2016, 01:33:50 AM »
And the final results:

Best Picture - The Big Short

Wrong. (All though I was right to bet against The Revenant. I just chose he wrong topical film.)

Best Director - Alejandro G. Inarritu


Best Actor - Leonardo DiCaprio


Best Actress - Brie Larson


Best Supporting Actor - Sylvester Stallone

Wrong. (I knew it was a two-horse race between Stallone and Rylance but I believed the Stallone hype train even though I knew Rylance had the more memorable performance having seen Bridge of Spies and Creed. Rylance steals the show from Tom Hanks somehow.)

Best Supporting Actress - Alicia Vikander


Best Original Screenplay - Spotlight


Best Adapted Screenplay - The Big Short


Best Cinematography - The Revenant


Best Film Editing - Mad Max: Fury Road


Best Foreign Language Film - Son of Saul


Best Animated Film - Inside Out


Best Documentary - Amy


Best Production Design - Mad Max: Fury Road


Best Costume Design - Mad Max: Fury Road


Best Make-up and Hair - Mad Max: Fury Road


Best Original Score - The Hateful Eight, Ennio Morricone


Best Original Song - Til it Happens to You, “The Hunting Grounds”

Wrong. (I thought about going with the Bond song but Gaga seemed to have all the support in Oscar predictions and Skyfall won best song a few years back and Writing on the Wall didn't seem as strong as that one. Gaga performed bits from The Sound of Music a year ago to great reviews and it seemed like the Oscar community was embracing her. The great thing about this upset is that Sam Smith's singing seemed to be a bit of a mess whereas Gaga's performance was spot on and got the crowd the most emotional from what was shown. When Sam Smith won, the crowd seemed pretty shocked.)

Best Visual Effects - Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Wrong. (This is probably the biggest upset to me. It was already a tough category and I can't think of anyone who had chosen or suggested Ex Machina as the potential winner in this category. It would have been my last choice here. Just wow.)

Best Sound Editing - Mad Max: Fury Road


Best Sound Mixing - The Revenant

Wrong. (That's what I get for splitting the sound categories between Mad Max and The Revenant to ensure I'd get one right.)

Best Short Film - Ave Maria

Wrong. (Not a surprise. Support was all over the place for nominees in this category and it was the only one I considered a 4 way race.)

Best Animated Short - World Of Tomorrow 

Wrong. (A lot of pundits were predicting Bear Story but I chose World of Tomorrow because it had gotten some high critical praise and I thought that might translate to a win.)

Best Short Documentary - Body Team 12

Wrong. (I also didn't see this one coming. Predictions seemed to be divided between this film and Memories of the Shoah but somehow A Girl in the River pulled out the win.)

End Result: 16/24. Unsurprisingly, the 6 categories I was most worried about kicked my butt with only 1 correct choice in them. Combined with the misses in Supporting Actor, Song and my Best Picture risk, it was just an average performance by me. Better than a poor performance but still so short from what I was hoping for.

I hope you all enjoyed this year's Oscar thread and I look forward to wasting your time with one again next year.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2016 Edition.
« Reply #14 on: February 29, 2016, 07:30:36 AM »
you got enough right that you should call in and play the odds with your local bookie next time and get paid for this.