I gotta get back to this game, including making more levels!
But I must admit, I am already tired of the autoplay levels, even though they are very clever. And I don't like the yeah-buddy-super-hardcore-punish-you-threefold levels either. I like reasonable, good, completable levels. Are there any of those being made anymore?
I also do not care for those types of levels. Unfortunately, traditional-style levels can be difficult to find, and tend to be not as popular, though you know the old saying, "90% of everything is crap." It's worth it if you can find it, though.
I still make more traditional-style levels and I also don't try to make them difficult or overly difficult, though sometimes it happens on accident since I have no idea how people will play my levels. Nothing comes close to Kaizo-style or whatever, though. I've also made various more gimmicky levels that still use the traditional values (example: progressive difficulty). I have never made an auto level, and have only one music level just as a curiosity piece.
If you (or anyone) are interested, you can check out my levels here:
https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/profile/Mop_it_up?type=postedI've made a whole game's worth!
The traditional levels are fun to make! Thanks for playing, Mop It Up! Do you have any comments or suggestions for me to improve my levels?
I've never been good at thinking of things to leave in comments, so I don't think I can be much help. I also like to encourage people to make things with their own style, so I don't want to base comments on just my own preferences. I at least didn't feel like anything stood out as needing more polish, for example you tend to do a good job of spacing obstacles so nothing gets spammy. Some of your levels could probably be a little lengthier without detracting from them, if that's what you wanted to do, but, that's getting into preference territory.