At first I was against just re-releasing more GC games remastered in HD but then I remembered two things that changed my mind, first all those PS2 games remastered on PS3 are actually pretty good bargains, and two the Game Cube had some of the best games around at the time.
If they can do 1 new remake HD remaster a year that would be fine by me, I would love to do a full redo of Mario 64 instead of Sunshine though. If they tackled Sunshine it would just make the Wii U lose more of it's identity instead of a botched follow up to Wii it will turn into the proper follow up to Game Cube but with too many rehashes it will be harder to get it's own identity.
IF they could do one HD remake a year, or do it like Sony has been and get some collections going I would like the following:
Metroid HD Saga, kind of like the Metal Gear Solid collection, go all the way back to NES, include everything up to and including Other M, all remastered in HD on one disc if they can do it. None of that voucher crap for the Virtual Console version either.
Super Mario All Stars Remix HD, something like the one on Wii but a full HD remix that includes a few more extra games.
Kirby Super Star HD
In fact just do a bunch of HD collections on all their big franchises just to get some damn games out the door. Forget the virtual console I want remixes and in HD because even with good filters some of those games look terrible on an HDTV.
If they were going to do something from the Game Cube era I would like a full HD remake of Star Fox Adventures bundled with Assault and throw F Zero GX for the hell of it. Even a Pikmin 1 & 2 HD remake bundle would be nice.
Being more realistic here, I am hoping Hyrule Warriors comes out this year, if so that is the game that might push me into getting a Wii U.
I think they will quietly retool Yarn Yoshi into a more Yoshi's Island type game.
Dreaming here but I would like to see a Final Fantasy X*** style HD remake/sequel to Super Mario RPG. I would be down for a full HD remake/remix of Super Mario RPG also.
For new franchises I would like to see Nintendo try something like a Shining Force style game but not a Fire Emblem.