Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
The treasure hunt in this game is atrocious. There are nine INVISIBLE small bug things scattered throughout the huge map and you are given zero indication of where to find them. It's indefensible and a sin of game design. There are some things Metroid Prime does well, like it makes platforming in first-person work and there are really fun movement options with things like the morph ball. However the last part of the game ruins any goodwill with it's pseudo remake of Milon's Secret Castle. Prime 1 also had a treasure hunt though I remember it's macguffins were all placed in rooms you've not visited yet, and if you simply explore the entire map you will get to fight the final boss. In Prime 2 this isn't the case with it's INVISIBLE items placed in hard to reach areas of placed you've already visited making it near impossible to finish the game without a guide. Lastly another thing that bugs me is the kill rooms where enemies with too much health lock you in a room and force you to kill them, it doesn't help that the shooting mechanics feel dull, like it's missing something that I can't quite put my finger on.
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
This game gets heaps of praise but going back to play it for the first time in 2018 it doesn't hold up. There isn't really a story, or even any characters that you can get invested in, in addition to the most annoying dungeon design I've ever come across with invisible teleport puzzles every few paces. The game rarely gives you a good indication of where to go making it extremely difficult to play without a guide. For it's time the battle system would have been revolutionary but there are games released now that do it better and in terms of soundtrack Digital Devil Saga runs rings around it.
I feel like the dungeon designers should have taken to the motto "Do No Harm", I honestly would have rather had more long boring corridors rather than the "puzzles" that feel like they are designed to actively annoy the player.
Yakuza 0
The story telling in this game is phenomenal, the game has so many characters but they manage to make every single one of them unique and feel like they have a presence in the world. The game contrasts a high stakes drama, with a (to the point of comedy) hyper-violent battle system, with lighthearted set of extremely silly side quests and mini games.
Storywise I think I preferred the build up and journey compared to the pay-off at the end, I feel it's a lot to do with this being a prequel and being constrained by having to fit in a timeline. Inside the Yakuza is a big game of politics and I can see how easy it would have been to fall into the trap of making all the Yakuza members feel the same, but they all have their own backstories and motivations and personalities that really make you invested. During the game knows how to craft a mystery and there were many points where I was screaming at the TV things like "Oh my God!" or "Nooo how could you!" or "Whooooah". The writing is just that good.
The game has a real sense of humour, plenty of memorable story missions and there's enough side content to keep you going for 100+ hours. It's cheap too! Highly recommended.