Author Topic: Metroid Live action movie=sucks , All CGI Metroid Movie= not to shabby  (Read 14458 times)

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Offline MickeyD

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Ever since it wa annouced that metroid was to be made into a movie I like many people was excited and diisappointed at the same time. Excited because its one of my favorite games of all time and has a great story and mood about it that could make a good film. But like many others I was also dissappointed because I know it will most likely not be done right and suck ass. The more I think about it even if they took a serious as possible effort it would still look cheesy live action. Just look at the metroid commerical look at samus's costume. I though they did a decent job and looked cool for a commericial and all but it still looked cheesy especially the morp ball. The job they did for the commerical doesn't cut it for a box office film we demand better quality.  Even though they would most likely would try to make the costume better looking then that in a live action movie it would still not look all that believeable and still look cheesy. I think if they really wanted to make the movie look great they should make it a cgi movie like Final Fantasy. Sure the story wasn't as good as one of the games or even looked liked something from Final Fantasy I'm sure many aggreed it looked awesome and one could only imagne how sweet the world of Samus Aran would look under these kinds of great cgi animation. In my opinion that would be the best way to go. So what do you guys think? CGI or live action?

Offline Grey Ninja

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Yes, I would like to see a CG Metroid Movie, along with my PARASITE EVE movie.    Unfortunately, CG movies cost a fortune, and Nintendo has had little luck with their movies/tv shows in the past.  It's unlikely anyone would want to spend that much money on it.  Games -> Movies rarely work so well in the box office.

But you act as if you have seen a trailer for this movie... does one exist yet?  I wasn't aware it was that far in yet... where is this footage you speak of?
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Offline MickeyD

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No there is no trailer for the movie yet and there hasn't been any movement forward with it other then the same guys who produced america pie and final destination bought the rights to make a movie of it. The commericial I reffered to was for the game metroid prime. I think they could afford an all cgi movie besides nintendo wouldn't be paying for it the movie studio would in fact they will make money off of it if it does well cause they sold the movie rights to them so its up to the producers and the movie studio to bare the burden of the cost not nintendo. The Final Fantasty movie was different cause square took on that burden themselves writing the script, directing, producing and using there own cgi computers all colombia pictures did was distribute it.

Offline Nephilim

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It proberly wont happen
100 diff games proberly have been looked into, from game -> movie
It was even Accounced that Duke nukem the movie was going to be made at 1 stage

Thu who would samus talk to? old person introduced to metroid was adam, and he was just a voice recorded before he died
1 woman walking around talking to herself and shooting the same badguys over and over would be boring

Offline Termin8Anakin

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I don't think anybody knew who Sarah Wynter was until her role as Kate Warner in 24. I think she'd do just great as Samus. Her eys are perfect, sine they're all firey and intense. Just have a look at the last issue of FHM. Cameron Diaz is too much of a pin up girl to be stuck in a suit, I mean, you can't get Charlie's Angels outta your head. Jessica Alba, meh, I guess she's an aquired taste. Who was the fourth one?

But I do agree though about the fact that she'd be talking to herself and shooting baddies all the time. For all we know, the writers are gonna put in a love interest, a talking, malfunctioning computer system (ie 2000 A Space Oddysee), and a traitor. The story and mood would be too much like Alien, although I think that Metroid IS the Alien for the next generation.
I juet hope they don't turn Samus into some independent, feminist, poshy bi*ch like Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider movies. That went a bit too far.

EDIT: An all CG Metroid? Interesting. But have a look at Final Fantasy The Spirits Within. Undoubtedly the coolest CG around (see Sqaure's work in Final Flight of the Osiris), but the story sucked. I thought it was cool, but, like Star Wars prequels, the dialogue was too mechanical and forced. The action was top notch though. I'd actually rather go for a live action Metroid. It would be more easier. But again, I hope there's some genuine humour and action in it, unlike Tomb Raider. I want the movie to be like so you can watch it over and over without getting bored, like the Mario Movie.
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Offline John Squire

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I just think they need a good director.  Ridley Scott is good at action/entertaining stuff like this.  Maybe they could go for someone like Ang Lee.. that'd be interesting too.  

Offline KrazyJ1098

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rebecca romijn stamos would make a perfect samus in a full live action movie. she's silent and deadly, just watch the x-men films when she plays mystique.
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like a f***ing atom bomb!!
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i've seen it all along
in books and magazines,
like a twitch before dying,
like a pornographic sea.
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Offline The Omen

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I'd like to see mr. Tim Burton take a live action Samus on.  He is perfect for this dark kind of movie.  How about Uma Thurman as Samus?  I hear she is kicking serious ass in the upcoming Tarantino flick, Kill Bill.  Her eyes are perfect, as well.  
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Offline deminisma

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Should be in Genral Chat, but oh well...

I'd go Winona Ryder for Samus (she kicked serious alien ass in Alien: Ressurection) and director, perhaps Terry Gilliam (12 Monkeys, Brazil, Time Bandits).

Offline Mr Bloober

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I'd like to see mr. Tim Burton take a live action Samus on.

I was JUST going to say that. His creepy nightmare-ish style would work really well in the Metroid universe.

Offline The Omen

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I was JUST going to say that. His creepy nightmare-ish style would work really well in the Metroid universe


Plus, if you got somebody like ridley scott, it would be more of an action blockbuster.  I think it needs to have more of an underground feel, maybe gain a cult following.  And Burton would capture that feeling of isolation that the Metroid games are famous for.  Oh well, thats just my wishful thinking, i guess.  
"If a man comes to the door of poetry untouched by the madness of the muses, believing that technique alone will make him a great poet, he and his sane compositions never reach perfection, but are utterly eclipsed by the inspired madman." Socrates

Offline CRiXy

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CG Metroid movie > LiveAction Metroid movie
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Offline nonjagged

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Ridley Scott or Tim Burton are the only 2 I can think of that could pull of the movie to satisfy the worst of all critics being Samus fans. However it appears this movie will go the mainstream way.

As for Samus actors: They most likely have already got their lead to play Samus, but Id really want to see a newbie, someone to play Samus that we have never seen act before and just gives us all the exotic fixation on who is this new lead.

As for typecasts for Samus I would chose:
-Meg Ryan (check her out in the movie where she stalks her Ex and you'll see a glipse of some prospective nomination),
-Possibly some of the firm-breasted Star Trek spinoff actresses would fit into Samus' Suit real easy like a glove,
-Nicole Kidman is tall/slim enough to play the role would you believe but now that she won an oscar or whatever she would probably ask for the entire budget for pay.
-Actually Meg Ryan, Cameron Diaz, Angelina Joli, Bruce Willis' Ex are technically too short for the role, you need a tall actress like Nicole Kidman or some newbie model that can act also.

There's my rupee's worth of opinion.

Offline Termin8Anakin

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Meg Ryan? Meh. I think we should see her star in other action films before Metroid, since her 'Romantic Comedy' mask is not off yet.
Nicole Kidman? Meh. Don't think so.
I don't mind her height. If she's shorter, that only adds to her appeal, whoever she is!
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Offline reivned

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I'm very afraid about this one ... because it has tremendous chances of terribly sucking.

They will for sure put in some love affair ... I can easily imagine Samus  freeing some space soldier from the pirates and falling in love with him (but she'll be in denial of it, of course ... she's proud an a lone gun) ... add some cooperation between them to fight the pirates with a growing sexual tension between both ... and, at the end, the guy will be knocked off almost dead, then Samus will remove her helmet and kiss him until he regains consciousness ...

AAARRGHHHH !!! Damn you Hollywood !

Offline EggyToast

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Yeah, tim burton.  Maybe he can cast Mark Wahlberg as Samus, too.

Offline MickeyD

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I think one of the reason's making it all CGI would be better cause not everyone will be happy with the actress they choose. Another reason is because no matter how hard they try the chozo suit will look kinda fakey and lord knows how hard it will be to make samus look good and believeable changing into the morp ball. They will most obviously have to use CGI effects to make the morp ball effects and make samus look more agile then she really is in a metal outfit. The  problem with this is it alot of times this looks awkward when adding really intense CGI effects to live action it doesn't blend so well together alot of times that why if the whole movie was CGI it would blend together seemlessly. I like the ideas for having Tim Burton or Ridley Scott directing but I think they could still direct it if it's CGI I mean some of it looks real photo realistic like Final Fantasty so it wouldn't be too different all they would have to do is tell the animator what kind of camera angles they wanted and how the scene would play out.

Offline The Omen

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  I disagree about the female lead being a detriment.  If they kept it true to the games, she wouldn't speak, and we wouldn't see her.  Now, of course CG can be integrated into live action movies, and i think they could do the suits justice.  The only problem i see is, what movie will succeed with virtually no voice from the lead role?  And if they did give the actress a speaking role, wouldn't that go against the game?  I still think Burton as director, with Uma Thurman as Samus, would be incredible, but any movie with no voice from the lead role would be an extreme risk, and the studio would have to have realistic expectations for a movie of this type.  If they released it expecting a summer blockbuster, i'm sure that would indicate our fears realized-they would've ruined our favorite adventure.  

Maybe i'll start the damn script myself...and show you guys snippets of it, to see if i'm staying true to the story...
"If a man comes to the door of poetry untouched by the madness of the muses, believing that technique alone will make him a great poet, he and his sane compositions never reach perfection, but are utterly eclipsed by the inspired madman." Socrates

Offline Ninja X

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I could already imagine how corny this movie is going to be...

A CGI movie would be great, but Nintendo is scurred.  Yes, scurred.  Look at Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within and you can see why they are scurred.  

The Final Fantasy movie, besides having forced dialogue and a terrible plot, did poorly because the mainstream moviegoers did not care about it.  Almost all video games movies released did not generate enough money to break the $50 million level in the box office.  The only exception I could think of Tomb Raider, but then again, that movie was marketed HEAVILY, and I emphasize HEAVILY, and Angelina Jolie always attracts moviegoers.  Mainly the male moviegoers.
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Offline Syl

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disagree about the female lead being a detriment. If they kept it true to the games, she wouldn't speak, and we wouldn't see her. Now, of course CG can be integrated into live action movies, and i think they could do the suits justice. The only problem i see is, what movie will succeed with virtually no voice from the lead role? And if they did give the actress a speaking role, wouldn't that go against the game? I still think Burton as director, with Uma Thurman as Samus, would be incredible, but any movie with no voice from the lead role would be an extreme risk, and the studio would have to have realistic expectations for a movie of this type. If they released it expecting a summer blockbuster, i'm sure that would indicate our fears realized-they would've ruined our favorite adventure.

Samus says *ALOT* she has spoken since the first metroid, its always been her perspective.

In metroid 3, the opening is her speaking, she explains what she did the previous 2 games.

In metroid fusion: she says ALOT of stuff, which gives more into her past and the way her psyche works, shes a very interesting character.  In prime what she says is very little, but considering *you* are supposed to be samus in Prime (an effect that was done with an amazing effort, i honestly felt like i was "samus" just the way the information in the game is given to you...)

I believe, for a movie, it would have to be heavily chozo related, because the chozo's are quite talkative fellows (If i remember correctly, from the 2 comics) and Ridley also speaks, this I also know.  I'm not sure how it would turn out, but it would most likely use the same live action/CG that something like "Hulk" is using, where its almost believable*cough*, but the main character is heavily CG.

I can see it working decently well, as long as her suit is nearly full powered from the get-go.  I'd love to see how they get around "morph ball" technology this time.  It's still never said on how it works =p.

Massive editage/update.

Now that i think about it, the way that Samus gets her suit could be turned into a *quite* good movie.  Her colony is invaded by space pirates(lead by Ridley), who kill EVERYONE.  Then a chozo finds her nearly lifeless body, gives her chozo blood + the suit, she comes back and kicks some serious pirate ASS.  It's much more involved than that, but i can see how it would be a good movie.  And show her with a decent amount of "out of the suit" time.

Offline Armed

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Yes CG movies cost a lot look what happened to Final Fantasy the movie, the net income didn't even come close to covering the production cost of the whole movie, it was nice looking but was expensive.
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Offline SatansNemesis

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Could always pull stuff from the Samus cartoon. I remember there was zelda, mario bros 3, mario world and metroid...were there any more? and i'm sure that there were a fair amount of people in the samus cartoon if my memory serves me right. Ah yes, the good old days...I wonder if there is a way you could find clips of the old shows online or on a special dvd? I'd buy it for the nostalgic value.
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Offline Grey Ninja

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I would like to see something along the lines of the NP comics they did a few years back to celebrate the release of Super Metroid in terms of plot and style.
Once I had, a little game
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Offline PIAC

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there was a metroid cartoon? since when?
i know there was Captain N (had elements from all nintendo games (big ones anyway) Super Mario Bros. Super Show (that had Zelda cartoons once a week) and another Mario cartoon, didn't know there was a metroid one :\

Offline The Omen

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Samus says *ALOT* she has spoken since the first metroid, its always been her perspective.

In metroid 3, the opening is her speaking, she explains what she did the previous 2 games.

True.  I never think of it in that way, since i'm usually reading the text, but now that you mention it, yeah, she does.  But i still don't know if it would work in the movie setting.  Plus , whoever they use would 'become ' the voice of Samus, which i 'd rather imagine .

"If a man comes to the door of poetry untouched by the madness of the muses, believing that technique alone will make him a great poet, he and his sane compositions never reach perfection, but are utterly eclipsed by the inspired madman." Socrates