To elaborate, this is what will happen:
Upon reaching $5000, which is $1000 more than our 100% goal, I will release the URL of the "lost" drunkcast from PAX East 2011 which, up until now, has only been circulated among the NWR staff for our own amusement. This podcast is the origin of the term "Red Velvet" and has the original telling of the accompanying story, along with the reactions of the rest of the crew as I tell it.
This is actually a way better deal for you guys since, in addition to hearing the original telling of Red Velvet, you'll hear an additional hour of other drunkcast stories, including musings on:
- The firing of Tim Rogers
- The origin of our poutine obsession
- Many many fancy beers (this episode doubles as an unofficial Rough Draught)
- Using a toilet in Zero-G
- Noise complaints from the hotel management
- Machete mishaps
- Drunk rambles from Lindy, Neal, Jonny, Mike Gamin, Lauren, Mike Sklens and, of course, myself.
So start pushing those donations! The minute we hit $5K, I'll release the URL into the chat. It's already hosted and ready, so all we need is the cash.