Author Topic: Pokémon Smash Shows off New Pokémon Black and White 2 Footage  (Read 3678 times)

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Not many details were shown, but we finally have some really good footage of two new routes.

New footage of Keldeo, Pokémon, and early areas were shown off in the latest episode of Pokémon Smash.

During the footage, the legendary Pokémon Keldeo was shown fighting against Sewaddle in a new route as well as Growlithe in a new route surrounded by multiple towers and raised platforms connected by bridges. In a seperate double battle, Magby, Manemite, Koffing, and two Sunkern were taking part.

Not much other information could be taken from the episode, but it has been revealed that Keldeo is #298 in the updated Unova Pokédex, and that the Pokémon summary screen now looks slightly different to the one in the original Black and White.