Welcome NWR Community to our 3DS Friend Code Thread! I ask that everyone who owns a 3DS and is looking for a group of great people to play games with over the internet to post your system friend code here. As time goes by, I will continually update this original post for ease and convenience. Normally friend codes and the like are put in your forum profile, but currently there is not an option for 3DS.
When posting your code, please post the name of the Mii you are attaching to your system profile. When I update the thread, I will be sure to post everyone's forum name next to their Mii and Friend Code so that you know who's who.
The 3DS Friends List is limited to 100 registered friends and is a mutual add system. This means that the only way you can populate your friends list across the internet is by having both parties enter each other's friend code after which you will immediately be able to see the other person. With that in mind, it will be assumed that everyone who posts their code will also be entering all the others that are also listed into their system.
Let the first real attempt at a Nintendo online community begin!
Forum Name { Mii } Friend Code
Yoshidious { Yoshidious } 0001-3290-7742 NWR_Neal { Neal } 4081-5475-2147
Professor Clayton { Clay } 4038-5996-7209 Spaghetti { Lakipo } 3995-6501-1149
Leroypantweather {Leroy } NeoThunder {NeoThunder} 3695-0022-7407
UncleBob { UncleBob } 2707-1597-8509 Thatguy { PixlJason } 1676-3676-0695
Oblivion { Evan } 4682-8455-6750 nhaines { Nathan } 0602-6258-7103
RazorKid { Remus } 2621-2618-1481 Halbred { Zach } 1590-4699-1012
Caliban { Quim } 3909-7521-2462 ThomasO { Thomas } 1461-6211-5605
Chiramii { Chiramii } 4682-8467-2345 LittleIrves { Cakes } 4682-8453-5026
Justin Nation {MAMEiac } 0344-9277-1213 NWR_DrewMG { DrewMG } 0559-6778-1205
ZedAxelC { Johno } 2578-3115-2071 MegaByte { MegaByte } 3265-5077-4343
latterdayrasta { Deluxe247 } 1934-0665-7362 Pandaradox { Pandaradox } 2234-7148-8072
bhurak { } 4682-8944-2297 Yoshi1001 { Steve } 0559-6761-1963
Journeys { CharlyTuna } 0344-9305-2268 Myxtika1 Azn { Vagraunt } 0774-4262-1869
NJha01 { NinJha} 1934-0663-0868 GoldenPheonix { Sophia } 0173-1318-8387
Fatty_The_Hutt {Sensei-K} 2793-1250-9786 Insanolord { Insanolord } 0860-3274-2210
Nintendad { Jason } 4596-9491-5681 Deadeyes { Juan E.} 0602-6300-1929
Delebreaub { Brock } 1032-1242-5594 Greybrick { Nathan } 3093-7111-7329
Flames_of_chaos { Luke } 4124-5011-7289 Killer_Man_Jaro{ Thomas M }4210-4023-5515
Gojira { Michael } 5069-3940-1530 Indie08 { Jeremy } 4811-6954-5139
Ceric { } 4596-9710-4135 MyticGohan { Jason } 0989-1796-5630
Eman5 { } 3566-1583-4684
Brandogg { Brandogg } 5026-4493-1617 Zachs1997 { Zach } 0173-1609-8043
Supakirb { Supakirb } 0301-9793-9035 Pan_cakes { Pancakes } 5198-2421-3949
FZeroBoyo { Cody }2148-9474-1775 Mr. Adolph Vega { } 0989 1728 5370
Jonnyboy117 { JonnyNWR } 2191-8928-3236 TheYoungerPlumber { TYP } 2964-8597-2741
Penguin_Of_Thyme { Jared } 1332-7702-6263 Traveller { Nick } 0774-4269-7120
The_Dan_X { Danny } 0774-4196-9125 Kwolf { Kwolf } 2406-5138-0670
KeyBilly { Kevin } 4511-0481-9661 Miyamoto { } 2921-9080-9743
GameBoy Freak { Josh } 1547-5203-2701 Pajamas { Pajamas } 0044-2803-2317
Seacor { Seacor } 1676-3769-5353 Mataata { Mata } 2964-8599-6875
Apdude { Mr. T } 3780-9127-7461 Mop it up { Kathrine } 4038-6104-5683
Stevey { Stevey Duf } 5112-3538-1413 TJ Spyke { TJ Spyke } 1676-3693-4480
Tybo68 { Tybo } 1246-8711-8726 Dannymcl { Danny } 5284-1545-2485
gbuell { gbuell } 3265-5208-3110 Adrock { Dan } 1719-3330-0063
Drizzt {Matt} 1461-6362-5023 NeoStar9X {NeoStar9X}4768-7464-8745
syn4aptik { Dave } 3265-5215-4945 Sundoulos{ Jeremy } 2921-9259-0860
D_O_G87 { Stoffe } 5198-2582-1395 ejamer { Eddie } 0001-3482-5503
Kikori { YM } 1160-9669-6809 LAAG64 { Chris } 1461-6213-4040
leahsdad { Gamerhood } 4124-5014-0265 TrueNerd { Nate } 1289-8338-3211
Caterkiller { Matty } 0044 2811 9045 TheFleece { The Fleece } 1762-2808-0367
Quadran { Quadran } 1762-2693-7787 cflo { C } 5155-2930-6637
mario64911 { Sean } 2878-9586-0583 iNintendo { Drew } 5284-1402-9237
TheBigK { Kristian } 1203-9264-7719 BlackNMild2k1 { BlackNMild } 1934-0814-4051
Eyothrie { Eyo } 1977-0216-0237 noname2200 { noname } 4639-8960-9092
WaTanooki { Techman } 5413-0062-2052 TalesOfFan { } 2148-8142-5423
Kon { Ricardo } 0387-8768-8711 oksoda { Scott } 5284-1449-7471
Peteychu { Petey } 0430-8317-8290 Tizona { Dan } 3437-3054-5259
BlkPaladin { Blkpaladin } 4468-1294-2160 mudjah { jbz } 3566-1652-1241
Shaymin { Donald } 0387-9650-0210 Olimar77 { Ron } 0903-2753-3568
Deguello { Deguello } 2750-1598-3807 Bill Aurion { Akai } 2062-9152-0365
JovialJeffer { Jovial } 3007-8090-2404 Damaba { Damaba } 4554-0361-0619
Disco Stu { Disco Stu } 0344 9671 2339 professorlayton { David }4682-8476-0061
Morcant { Redtusk } 5370-1004-4080 1takauchiha {Taka } 3866-8814-7746
pureval { } 2921 9252 1737 HeyItsMe { Handro }3179-6231-8102
evolution4life { Adam } 4253 4138 8501 zerocustom { Rob } 4296-2979-1990
shinray01 { Edward } 0559-6856-4282 Laroquo { Pierre } 5412 9894 0632
olimar2905 { Dan } 0259-0283-6958 SonofMrPeanut { Peanut! } 4339-3120-6417
Nesticales { jerk } 0130-1836-5656 xcwarrior { } 1289-8376-3350
Racht { Racht } 4210-4707-8092 InsaneKefka {Jim } 0473-7823-7692
mr_lakitu { } 4511-0448-7181 Dan Laser { Kristine } 1075-0983-1401
connor12511 { Ray } 0301-9872-6585 StrawHatChopper { } 2363-5672-8390
classicnintendo { } 1332-7621-3891 MistaH { Harper } 2320-6297-7176
RoiDS { Roi } 5112-4137-2486 ProGamer01 { ty } 0001-3610-8243
oohhboy[{ }3222-5727-4873 tendoboy1984 { } 4012-4288-6002
terribledeli { } 0645-5771-9850 Kroeger { } 0173-1426-4166
geo { } 0430-8282-1486 GrabMyBoomstick {Woody} 3566-2383-7682
jrlibrarian { Jeffrey } 0473-8578-0367 Ochan30 { Ochan30 } 3652-0527-9804
Zacko { } 2019-9753-7573 Blitzace10 { Cory } 1246-8942-1712
Karmacode { Kayla } 3866-8385-5554 DeadPix1119 { Kevin } 3222-6500-3080
GenDeath { } 4596-9493-1619 Justin123 { Justin }4682-8453-8789
vinniebrock { vinnie } 5284-1410-9454 scrawnton { Scrawnton } 0173-1290-1356
ChazF { Chaz } 4339-2492-7745 TopSpen { SP } 4596-9493-3460
Picoli { BeejN } 1633-4357-0851 Nub { SSJ Nub } 5155-3032-4812
LOZman {Nathan} 5413-0073-6691 Art_de_Cat { Art_de_Cat } 3781-0087-3326
kraken613 { kraken613 } 5214-9250-6646 Phil {Phil} 1805-2338-1133
DEDwyer64 {Donnie} 4468-0972-2141 Pixelated Pixies {Marty} 2320-6142-0678
TK Thunder { TK Thunder } 3265-5844-6656 mamaweegeenacho {Joshua} 1719-3400-4778
Three4Flinching {Lars} 0473-8793-3927 awesomeandy {Andrew} 3780-9058-9319
NintendoAsh3DS { } 0301-9821-0606 superdarkstar9000 { darkstar } 2234-7163-0227
pokepal148 { } 3566-1678-7150 goldenracerty { Ty } 4468-1632-7092
iPlayer64 {Kevin} 5198-3566-0905 CobraJSF {CobraJSF} 5069-3975-8822
kbaker2002de { Kyle } 0430-8370-7737 mjafx {Mathieu } 4167-4829-4300
Jaden123 { } 0559-7900-0869 blackfootsteps {Black } 2380-2412-4127
Ozz236 { } 3222-5910-4302 ZabeMusic { Stephen } 1993-7086-1480
Shingi_70 { } 3093-7342-3454 bleachsreapers { Flavor } 5327-2188-5977
Damaba { Brian } 4613-6949-3462 DigitalGem { } 5086-1402-2277