So finally a new episode of Heroes aired. If you don't already know these thread contains spoilers.
The episode was called Cold Snap, and it was pretty epic.
Basically, the corrected 1/4 of the problems I had with the show, and did it in a great way. The show had an epic feel following SEVERAL characters, but doing it in such a way that it didn't feel too rushed, nor did it drop the central story arc of the single episode.
What happened.
We finally got several of the cast of characters back to their normal selves. Matt, and Suresh are back on the streets. I don't know why they didn't try to free the others, but hey at least the main cast if free for more stories.
2 characters died, which is pretty darn big for a Heroes episode because too many people seem to die and come back to life in the show. This time the players are definitely dead, and its was really good for the story arc, not needless deaths at all. Although, some may debate that, I definitely see it as a balance least with Daphne. They wanted to get rid of time travel in the show, and they showed her having the ability to move throughout time...unfortunately it meant she had to go. But wait you quickly say what about...
Hiro has his power back, finally. Or rather Hiro has a modified version of his power back, exactly what I said he needed to have. He has time manipulation without teleportation. Which means he can't time travel, so his ability should be safe....but he can speed up time, slow down time, and stop time. It is a pretty darn good balance, because Hiro is powerful, but not unstoppable. Hiro has the more interesting Time Manipulation which to me is the ability that defined the show and Hiro, but doesn't have the teleportation to really muck things up. Of course this is unconfirmed, it is just my speculation of what it means with his power.
So what else happened? Because so far it isn't that epic? Well, we find out who Rebel is...and it isn't a shocking reveal, in fact it is fairly obvious, and what more, perfectly balanced and reasonable for the story. And best of all, we get to continue the story of a classic Hero in such a way that he won't be annoying or is an amazing reboot. Yes, I am talking about the weakest character from season 1 and 2: Micah. Rebooted, more mature, and definitely ready to have his story told again.
Also, not so obvious things revealed. Sylar is working with "The Hunter." In the previous episode it shows Sylar in his apartment at the end, and the beginning of this episode is with the Puppet Master captured for "The Hunter." Only 2 people could have caught him...and I believe the most logical solution is Sylar. So why is he doing this? I think he wants to get rid of all the abilities so he can be a god...but does the Hunter know this? Who will betray whom first? This is of course my theory of what is going on.
It appears the Petrelli's are good for a family reunion and a rejoining of sides, which means that we have clearly defined sides us vs them. Humans vs Abilities. How very X-men, but then again I am ok with that.
Now for my big over the top prediction. A Petrelli will die this season. And, although I wish it was Nathan, I believe it is going to be Angela...but by whom we don't know, and perhaps won't know this season.