Ok, this one is getting pretty interesting. Here's the
Joystiq review for ExciteBots that just went up. The reviewer was totally busted for having no idea there was an online component to the game. He's sounds so depressed in the video too, probably played it 10-15 mins tops.
Here's the comments section where he's outed:
Dopple Boppler
Have you played wifi for this David? Because from the other reviews I've read that's really where the game sounds like it shines.
David Hinkle
Nope, no online, sadly. I would've mentioned it in the review.

Wait David,
You're stating there's no online in the game? Or you didn't have access to go online from whereever you were reviewing the game at? Because both seem questionable (teh inturnetz are everywhere!).
We all know the former is not true, as it is very clear this game has an online component, so if the latter is the case, why not state that in the review instead of the complete lack of acknowledgment of the the online aspect of the game?
Moptimus Slime (Play me out, Keyboard Cat)
he meant he would have mentioned his online experience in the review IF HE HAD ONE
....right Moptimus, and what I'm trying to discover is WHY he didn't have one.
His statement only makes sense if he thought there was no online. If he knew there was online and didn't try it he would have said:
"Nope, didn't try online, too lazy. I would've mentioned it in the review.

Fernando Rocker
The answer why he didn't plya online is very easy... he didn't play enough to be able to play online.
Fernando Rocker
David... you need to complete School Cup to unlock the WiFi mode... I bet that's the reason why you didn't play online...
So... you basically are reviewing a game without having played a lot.