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Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« on: February 25, 2003, 06:15:54 PM »
The screenshots are trying to tell you something.

Multiplayer has been just about the only sure thing regarding Pikmin 2 since the game was first confirmed a few months ago.  Most people assumed the feature would manifest in a split-screen mode, and sure enough, the first set of screenshots released include a look at the horizontal split-screen mode for two players.  You can see separate target icons on the ground, as each player is working separately.  This screen is likely showing a competitive multiplayer mode.

Pikmin Cap - Split-Screen

In the next shot, only one targeting reticule is visible.  It could be a trick of the camera angle, but you’ll also notice that the display is not split-screen.  Every screen released so far depicts both Captain Olimar and his new companion, a fellow astronaut who also seems to be capable of commanding the Pikmin.  Yet only one of these screens shows the split-screen mode.  Of course, it could be argued that Nintendo has simply implemented a smart split-screen feature, in which the two displays merge into one if the players are close enough to each other.  Such a feature has been done in a few games before.  But that can’t be a valid explanation, because the two spacemen are close together in the last screen too, which did have a split.  It's possible that you can select whether to use split or merged displays during multiplayer.  Another reasonable assumption is that the screen is split for competitive multiplayer and shared for cooperative multiplayer.

Pikmin Cap - Cooperative

However, other screenshots may reveal something even more exciting for Pikmin fans.  In the next screen, you’ll see that the standard Pikmin interface is in place, but the other spaceman is also in the shot!

PikminCap - Closeup

There is no sign of a second targeting reticule, so it’s tough to judge just yet, but it’s definitely odd.  Of course, it’s possible that this is just like the last screen, but from a later build that includes the HUD.  But why is there only one?  How is the blue player to control his Pikmin or know how many he has?  The answer lies in this final screenshot…

Pikmin Cap - Zoomed Out

Above, you see the pink targeting reticule, and a pink arrow.  There is no sign of the blue reticule, no split-screen…what’s going on?  There are two possible explanations.  First, the second astronaut could be controlled by the computer, a “bot”, if you will.  The first Pikmin sported some impressive artificial intelligence, and having the GameCube control both the little Pikmin and another astronaut, with his own pseudo-autonomous control over the Pikmin, would be quite a feat for the sequel.  However, bots are typically used to provide artificial competitors, not helpers.  The screenshot above clearly indicates that the other guy is there to help.  Either that, or Captain Olimar is really lacking in the homeland security department.  It is also possible that the second character is under the player’s control via remote control of some kind, but Pikmin is such an involving game that it’s questionable how much good a second controllable character would be.  Plus, there doesn’t seem to be any on-screen information about the second character’s status, which would probably be necessary if the two spacemen became involved in separate tasks at some distance from each other.

The other explanation, and a far more enticing one, is that this second character is being controlled by a real person on a different television screen.  The only way for that to happen is network play…either via LAN or an online mode.  PGC’s own Louie the Cat has already hinted that several GameCube titles this year would enable LAN play over an Ethernet connection and broadband adapters.  And of course, we all expect Nintendo to unveil its online plans at E3 2003 in May.  Pikmin 2 is looking like a very ripe candidate for either one or both of these network features.

Please note that this article is highly speculative and that Pikmin 2 is still early in development; these screenshots may not be indicative of the game’s final form.  We just wanted to point out a few interesting things that you may not have noticed.

Rick Powers collaborated on this article.

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Offline Perfect Cell

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Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2003, 06:43:25 PM »
As much as id like to see net play with Pikmin, the seccond Captain, is probably a Computer controled character in the story mode. It would add to the game, to have another guy with his own band of pikmins possibly helping or hindering you. If it was a guy on another GCN, id reckon there would be a disticntive difference betewen the guys.

Offline RickPowers

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Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2003, 06:50:18 PM »
There is.  Get a good look at their FACES.  The heads are entirely different.
:: Rob "Rick Powers" Stevens
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Offline yeg0

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Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2003, 06:57:50 PM »
The new characters head is hilarious....

Since so little information has been released, it is possible that the multi-player is not set in stone. I'm not sure it is online, but the screenshot is pretty convincing. Maybe you have to network two Gamecubes. (is that still a rumor?)  


Offline olanmills

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Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2003, 06:59:19 PM »
To keep an open mind, there is the possibilty that one player controls both characters. Maybe the player can switch control from one to the other in different situations. Maybe like in a Resident Evil 0 type of way, you're going to want to have two "Olimars" in two different places at the same time, and you'll be able to switch between them. And perhaps the split-screen mode is a cooperative mode.

Offline Perfect Cell

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Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2003, 07:06:38 PM »
Rick you probably didnt understand my point. When you play an online game, generally theres some way to know whose using it. Like a name on top of a character or the like.  Yes hes got a different face, i noticed that. Why couldnt that be a new character in the single player game that would be controled by the computer?  

Offline Jonnyboy117

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Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2003, 07:11:12 PM »
Oh guys, we cover all this stuff in the article.  ;-)

As for networking GameCubes, it can be done.  That's a fact.  I've seen it with my own eyes.  You need two GameCubes, a broadband adapter in each, and an ethernet cable.  And of course, a TV or LCD screen for each.  But the whole reason Nintendo was/is considering releasing the LCD screen is to make networking GameCube easier.

Offline ArtVandelay

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Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2003, 07:42:36 PM »
I'm not sure if any one else noticed this, and I haven't precisely figured out why it is, but in the picture of the Captain Olimar and the other 'Guy' commanding the Pikmin to carry the can, as Jonathan and Rick said, there is only one targeting reticule there. Yet the target itself is Olimar's pink, but the arrow above it is 'Guy's' blue. However, in the other image of them together with only one targeting reticule (where they are standing around spider webs or roots of some kind), the target and arrow are both pink. Perhaps the former represents some sort of teaming up where both characters are going to the same object to be moved, so if it is network, then one player could see that another was coming to the same object. That could explain the latter being only a single pink target with pink arrow because Captain Olimar's opponent, or partner is not headed to the same destination or object. This is just a theory that comes to my head when I observe the screen shots, however it is probably incorrect because the only real Pikmin experience I've had was when I rented it to get the memory card save trophy in SSB:M, but I loved what I played.      
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Offline RickPowers

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Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2003, 07:45:29 PM »
Actually, we thought so at first, too.  Then an eagle-eyed reader quickly reminded us that the floating arrow pointing down is the COLOR OF PIKMIN to be thrown.  
:: Rob "Rick Powers" Stevens
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Offline ArtVandelay

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Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2003, 07:55:22 PM »
Ya, I need to go rent it again. Has it been made into a Player's Choice game? I don't remember the article. If it is, I can save some bucks.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2003, 07:59:45 PM »
Here's something worth mentioning.  In the third picture (the one with a close up of both guys) it appears as if the red Pikmin are following Olimar and the blue ones are following the other guy.  That makes perfect sense if the theory about two different human players is true.  But the HUD data shows Olimar's face and shows a BLUE Pikmin.  If only the red ones are following him (which from the pic it looks like that's the case) and both characters are played by different human players then the Pikmin in Olimar's HUD would be red.  I'm not sure what that means but it's worth noting.

As for any networking capabilities I really hope the game is online.  LAN support is cool but is considerably more inconvenient for me than online play.  I only have one Gamecube so I can't play LAN with my brother.  But I could very easily play online with some of my friends.  Pikmin isn't the type of game that I want to wait until people are over to play and hook up an extra TV for.  Online support would make it much more enjoyable and convenient.

Offline Azule

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Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2003, 12:31:19 AM »
In the 3rd pic, you can see the D-pad is being used. It seems to me that it is used to switch between the 2 characters, just like in RE0.

btw, the split screen shot doesn't have a HUD either.
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Offline fbarbie

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Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2003, 04:40:10 AM »
"In the 3rd pic, you can see the D-pad is being used. It seems to me that it is used to switch between the 2 characters, just like in RE0."

I can see that as a possiblity. the only thing that makes me question this possiblity is that the colors on the D-pad are red and yellow. Where does the yellow come from? Neither spacemen are yellow, and neither are the Pikmin following them. Guess we'll wait and see. Still you could be on the right track.

On a related note, I can't make out what the icon is above and below the D-pad. The icons that precede the "x 5." Anyone have any thoughts?

Offline Azule

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Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2003, 04:51:42 AM »
Speaking of color, Olimar has red gloves and backpack, and the other one has blue.

Maybe the yellow means the other guy is on standby or auto. Olimar is red so the red light on "up" is active. Maybe those icons are little versions of the backpacks.

Ain't speculation fun.
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Offline richwklein

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Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2003, 11:18:50 AM »
It seems to me like the D-Pad control has something to do with controling the different colored pikmin.  That would explain the x5 next to them.  Maybe you can assign groups to each direction on the pad.

Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2003, 01:57:21 PM »
I like the new look, gives it a kind of Mario Bros. appeal to it, with the short fat guy and the tall skinny guy. This is so cool! If it was just the original Pikmin implemented with a multi-player, I'd still buy it! So happy, so happy! Excuse me for a moment... *Gets out his Pikmin pajamas and does his little Capt. O dance...
If you suffer from overactivity and are rather hyper, repeatedly press one.
If you are indecisive and need someone else to do stuff for you, get a friend to press two.
If you have schitzophrenia and any other multi-personality diseases, press three, four, five, six, seven, and

Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2003, 02:03:11 PM »
Oh, I know what x5 might be for! Instead of having to walk up to an Onion to take out more Pikmin, you can just press up and when you walk back you can find more of your little pretties there to help in world domination! It's a theory, anyway...
If you suffer from overactivity and are rather hyper, repeatedly press one.
If you are indecisive and need someone else to do stuff for you, get a friend to press two.
If you have schitzophrenia and any other multi-personality diseases, press three, four, five, six, seven, and

Offline FFantasyFX

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Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2003, 06:23:39 PM »

Originally posted by: HappyMaskSalesman
I like the new look, gives it a kind of Mario Bros. appeal to it, with the short fat guy and the tall skinny guy. This is so cool!

If only the second astronaut were to be named "Igilu," the world would be a perfect place.  

Offline Konidias

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Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2003, 10:18:29 PM »
I'd like to make note of something that hasn't been addressed yet. Notice the GUI. Now look at the pikmin in the bubble, and the number of pikmin the player has currently. The first shot says "10/42" and as you can see, the blue pikmin is in the bubble. This means, that the tall character, is controlling the 10 pikmin, while Olimar is apparently out of the picture. The second shot, it's clear that Olimar is in control, with 13/42 pikmin, and the blue guy apparently has none. This could mean 1 of 2 things. Either it could mean that yes, it's online capable, or it could simply mean that you switch inbetween the two characters, which would explain why you only see on target in the full mode screenshots. Perhaps the other guy just follows you like another pikmin, except you can switch back and forth between the two guys, therefore, accomplishing multiple tasks in different areas.

For example, there is a level where one character needs to be in a certain place and the other character needs to be in a different place. You would simply walk to that place, switch between characters, and walk to the other place. Also notice in all the shots that display the 1 player GUI, the two characters are standing the same distance away from eachother, as if one is just following another. While in the split screen shots, they are farther apart. Perhaps the new character is needed to control the pikmin a different way, or to use different techniques. It's quite difficult to jump to conclusions and assume that because there are two characters on a single player screen, that the other character has to be controlled by another person.

Offline GrAyLaN

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RE:Network Play in Pikmin 2?
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2004, 08:28:29 PM »
The screens look nice...except I got to thinking. The other astronaut could possibly be Olimar's son he talks about in PikMin 1. Maybe he returns to the planet to share the PikMin experience with his son. Just a thought.

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A whole Winchells worth of too many donuts...