Author Topic: Another console war poll (on EA's Site)  (Read 9752 times)

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Offline pudu

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Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« on: May 30, 2005, 09:40:00 PM »
Well I've ran into another poll >>>HERE<<<

Interesting enough at the time inwhich I'm typing this:

Based on what you know, which Next Gen Console will you buy?
Nintendo Revolution
Sony PlayStation 3
Microsoft Xbox 360
Total votes: 50107

Wow this is pretty insane, 50,000+ votes and the Rev is dominating!

Offline PaLaDiN

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RE: Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2005, 10:36:44 PM »
Don't take any stock in it.

For some reason Nintendo always ends up winning in internet polls, and for some other reason the people making the polls never end up caring.
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Offline bmfrosty

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RE:Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2005, 10:47:56 PM »
Here's a theory.  Many many Gamers (yes with a capital G) spent the last generation looking at the gamecube, and seeing games that they've wanted to play, but didn't for various reasons like the peer reaction of "LOL I LOVE HALO 2Z!!", the fact that they had already purchased a PS2 or an XBOX, or even didn't want to pick up another console so late in the cycle.  A lot of these people have seen their current console stagnate a little in repeated Halo and Tom Clancy games and want to try something a little bit different.  A lot of people want to play mario again.  If Nintendo shows a very exciting looking new Mario game at E3-2006 and maybe a version of Zelda with some fur effects on the horse.  I also see the fact that the API is the same between the two consoles being of HUGE effect.  Would you purchase RE4 again on the Revolution if it could go full HD, at a full 60fps, with a few new modes?  If Nintendo can continue to make it's presentations based on real in-game graphics, and avoid the stupid lies that Sony wrapped itself in this latest E3, I think that Nintendo stands a real chance of coming out on top this next generation.

Offline MrMojoRising

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RE:Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2005, 11:21:16 PM »
Good theory, but what's more likely is that mostly "hardcore" gamers are the only one's who frequent gaming websites and Nintendo seems to have it's fair share of "hardcore" gamers.  A majority of the people who own a PS2 are more of the "casual gamer" crowd.  X-box has begun to find something of a following in it's own right, with online and graphics nerds jumping onboard; however, not only is the 360 not as powerful as the PS3 but it was first shown on MTV, which would seriously turn off most "hardcore" gamers.  So my guess is that most of the people who have voted are people exactly like us.

Offline Dasmos

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RE:Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2005, 12:45:59 AM »
The voting gamers/people are obviously very strange...........i mean seriously who would want to go to EA's website??????

w00t! 300th post!
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Offline Terranigma Freak

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RE: Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2005, 05:03:22 AM »
Did you guys also know that the Revolution won the poll on Famitsu as well? I think they have the article on The Magic-box.

Offline LuWoo75

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RE: Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2005, 05:10:41 AM »
I don't take much stock in those polls.  I've seen other polls on and other techie sites were the 360 trounced everyone.  It just depends on the people that go to that site effects the results.  

Offline Pale

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RE: Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2005, 07:15:29 AM »
Guys, all this is is the difference between dedicated gamers that actually look stuff up on the internet about games, and people that just go to the store and buy what their buddy tells them to buy, who bought what his buddy told him to buy, and so on and so forth.
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Offline pudu

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RE:Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2005, 07:17:57 AM »
I know this poll is pretty much useless in terms of being a valid assesment of population's opinions.  Truth be told if there was a real scientific survey of the U.S. taken I'm guessing the majority of people surveyed wouldn't even know about any of the next gen consoles, especially the Revolution.  I just found it amusing to see Nintendo ahead.  Maybe it's that people are rooting for Nintendo this generation and have high hopes given it's the last still containing huge secrets?  At any rate, this poll gave me a good laugh.

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2005, 07:29:11 AM »
Nintendo usually does well in internet polls because they have such devoted fans (or in this case "insane" might be a better word).  So a poll goes up and second Nintendo fans find out about it they all rush and vote on it which skewers the results in their favour.  Sony and MS don't quite have as strong of a fanbase so they don't get the same results.

One thing though that I think kind of helps the Revolution is that nothing bad has been revealed yet.  Very little relevent info has been revealed at all but it's all good stuff.  Nintendo's going online now and they've got DVD playback and their console doesn't look like a toy.  That suggest improvement and that Nintendo is learning from mistakes.  Plus we have that download service which so far sounds amazing.

The price for downloads could be too high, the specs too weak, the release date too late, and the controller too weird.  But we don't know that yet.  The unknown aspect of the Rev allows one to speculate how great it could be which can make it look superior.  I still think Nintendo needs to reveal more info though because the longer the wait the further from reality expectations will be.

Offline MrMojoRising

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RE:Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2005, 10:31:46 AM »
Wow this explains how crazy Nintendo fans are.  Overnight the poll doubled it's votes and Rev went from 10% to 50% apparently.

Offline Arbok

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RE:Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2005, 11:02:56 AM »

Originally posted by: MrMojoRising
Wow this explains how crazy Nintendo fans are.  Overnight the poll doubled it's votes and Rev went from 10% to 50% apparently.

I for one love the mob mentality

Anyway, the Rev got my vote there, of course.
Toho Kingdom


Offline jasonditz

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RE:Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2005, 11:25:33 AM »

Originally posted by: MrMojoRising
Wow this explains how crazy Nintendo fans are.  Overnight the poll doubled it's votes and Rev went from 10% to 50% apparently.

Nintendo has fans who are willing to do that, Sony and MS don't.

Is that our problem, or is that their problem?

Offline Deguello

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RE: Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2005, 01:06:09 PM »
It begs the question as to why they even asked.  I mean, what did they want to find out?

I am not going to casually explain away the results as Nintendo fans freeping the poll because that explanation makes it sound like only Nintendo has psycho fanboys, which is a very Tallarico-esque assertion.

And maybe it could be explained... wait for it, guys... that people actually ARE more excited about the prospects of the Revolution as opposed to the other two.
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2005, 01:44:56 PM »
"It begs the question as to why they even asked. I mean, what did they want to find out?"

Yeah, because EA is going to release Revolution games anyway.  It fits their whole business plan of making generic junk and porting it to every platform available.

Offline mantidor

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RE: Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #15 on: May 31, 2005, 01:49:12 PM »
"And maybe it could be explained... wait for it, guys... that people actually ARE more excited about the prospects of the Revolution as opposed to the other two."

oh noes! thats impossible! the only explanation is we Nintendo fanboys run into every internet poll like mentally insane people, thats why in IGN the Rev lost : rolleyes:
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Offline LuWoo75

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RE: Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2005, 02:51:55 PM »
It's all about demographics, certain type of people hang at certain websites.  People of "The Colony" in general fit a certain demographic, they tend to be mainly pc gamers converts and hang in techie websites for example.  If a poll was taken over pc world it would be slanted toward the 360.  

Nintendo's demographics are younger (know i'm going to get slammed for that) and hang out in websites that are more geared toward their culture.

Offline stevey

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RE: Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #17 on: May 31, 2005, 04:58:38 PM »
"Wow this explains how crazy Nintendo fans are. Overnight the poll doubled it's votes and Rev went from 10% to 50% apparently."

"I for one love the mob mentality "

"Nintendo has fans who are willing to do that, Sony and MS don't.

Is that our problem, or is that their problem?"

It be there problem if we unite! but it never happen . But if reggie came and united the fanboy into a great army that srupass any thing that come befor it muhahahahahahahaha muhahahahahahahah all hal reggie :reggie; :zoid; :reggie; :zoid;

But really nintendo fan out number sony and ms fan 1,000 to 1 but why is nintendo still losing?
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Offline nickmitch

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RE: Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2005, 08:02:10 PM »
So, if someone took a poll at a school, it'd probably lean towards the PS3 and most of the casuals would hear 'PS3' and get all excited because that'd be the first of any next-gen console at all.
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Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #19 on: May 31, 2005, 08:45:53 PM »
I think we can take stevey and Gamebasher as the definite proof that a number of Nintendo fanboys is certifiably insane. I wonder, is there an entire website/forum full of these somewhere?

Offline IceCold

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RE:Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #20 on: May 31, 2005, 09:12:44 PM »
"Good theory, but what's more likely is that mostly "hardcore" gamers are the only one's who frequent gaming websites and Nintendo seems to have it's fair share of "hardcore" gamers"

But it's an EA site...
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Offline MattVDB

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RE:Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #21 on: May 31, 2005, 09:24:07 PM »
Two polls within the week show what I said almost a year ago.  Ian told me I was wrong then, but let's try this again...

I still believe Nintendo fans hold the majority of gamers, both HC (hard-core) and casual.  I made the point last year thought that I hadn't bought a game though for almost a year.  I, by definition, am a Nintendo fan.  I have never owned a competitors console, and still have a working NES and Virtual Boy.  I have convinced 50+ percent of my friends to buy a Gamecube, and all but one have it as their only console.  The only console of theirs I haven't owned is the DS, which I actually just ordered online this week.  I'm a HC Nintendo fan, but here's the catch.  They haven't _sold_ me very many of their products over the past few years.  Maybe it's because I'm now in college and am having a harder time affording it, or there is something else here.  It's hard to say, but when the last game I've purchased has been Metroid Prime 2, and the one before that, Viewtiful Joe, it's easy to see why their sales are dropping.  (Wait, that's not true.  I got Jungle Beat 2 weeks ago, and that game ROCKS)

I've been a huge advocate of the DS, and have sold quite a few of those, actually, but it has taken me 6 months to personally buy one.  I thought it was gold the moment I first played it, but for some reason it has taken me this long to get the initiative to buy one.  What I proposed last time is for Nintendo to do nothing different with their games, they're doing all the right things.  The consensus though needs to be changed from an illustrated "want" to "need" item.  Sony has the need part down.  They don't mind telling everybody that, even if it isn't actually true.  Nintendo has been trying to say "no guys, this is what you really want" and that has been losing steam.  The SNES days had a different message being sent out, the definitive "need" and that is the model I feel they should return to.  It's nothing different with the games, but just a slightly different marketing push.  I'm proud of Reggie.  He's been pushing that way, and I love it.  I have a GBA, and soon a DS, but I still look at the Micro thinking I NEED it.  That is what I'm talking about.  Kapeesh?  (Oh, and for the record, the Rev is definately at "need" status for me)

Offline BranDonk Kong

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RE:Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2005, 06:58:54 PM »
Wow. 60,000+ and Nintendo's still at 50%. I really wish 3rd parties would pay attention to stuff like this, and cater their products to what people actually want, instead of making stuff and telling us it's what we want. I remember a very similar poll on Tecmo's site about 3 years ago, asking which system Ninja Gaiden should be on, and Gamecube had like 65% of the vote, but Tecmo didn't care.
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Offline PugGTI

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RE:Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #23 on: June 02, 2005, 07:55:08 PM »
but if you sent out the same survey to everyone who owned a console it would have a completely different result
Reggie is a sad, mentally challenged man...

Offline 31 Flavas

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RE:Another console war poll (on EA's Site)
« Reply #24 on: June 03, 2005, 06:09:16 PM »

Originally posted by: PugGTI
but if you sent out the same survey to everyone who owned a console it would have a completely different result
Or maybe Nintendo would still be on top. What would you say then? That the PS3 is coming out first so it doesn't matter? Or that its just not possible that 'Of course everyone just wants Blue-Ray or the TFLOPS (or whatever) that MS will provide'.
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