Two polls within the week show what I said almost a year ago. Ian told me I was wrong then, but let's try this again...
I still believe Nintendo fans hold the majority of gamers, both HC (hard-core) and casual. I made the point last year thought that I hadn't bought a game though for almost a year. I, by definition, am a Nintendo fan. I have never owned a competitors console, and still have a working NES and Virtual Boy. I have convinced 50+ percent of my friends to buy a Gamecube, and all but one have it as their only console. The only console of theirs I haven't owned is the DS, which I actually just ordered online this week. I'm a HC Nintendo fan, but here's the catch. They haven't _sold_ me very many of their products over the past few years. Maybe it's because I'm now in college and am having a harder time affording it, or there is something else here. It's hard to say, but when the last game I've purchased has been Metroid Prime 2, and the one before that, Viewtiful Joe, it's easy to see why their sales are dropping. (Wait, that's not true. I got Jungle Beat 2 weeks ago, and that game ROCKS)
I've been a huge advocate of the DS, and have sold quite a few of those, actually, but it has taken me 6 months to personally buy one. I thought it was gold the moment I first played it, but for some reason it has taken me this long to get the initiative to buy one. What I proposed last time is for Nintendo to do nothing different with their games, they're doing all the right things. The consensus though needs to be changed from an illustrated "want" to "need" item. Sony has the need part down. They don't mind telling everybody that, even if it isn't actually true. Nintendo has been trying to say "no guys, this is what you really want" and that has been losing steam. The SNES days had a different message being sent out, the definitive "need" and that is the model I feel they should return to. It's nothing different with the games, but just a slightly different marketing push. I'm proud of Reggie. He's been pushing that way, and I love it. I have a GBA, and soon a DS, but I still look at the Micro thinking I NEED it. That is what I'm talking about. Kapeesh? (Oh, and for the record, the Rev is definately at "need" status for me)