Author Topic: Nintendo Downloads - April 18, 2024  (Read 1521 times)

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Nintendo Downloads - April 18, 2024
« on: April 15, 2024, 04:00:00 AM »

A week that dares to ask what the five fingers said to the face.

Things we missed last week: Previously Japan-only Famicom game Super Xevious: Gamp no Nazo (Mystery of Gump) was the Archives game, apparently eligible due to being a Nintendo Vs arcade series machine.

The biggest game of the week is Microsoft's Grounded crossing the aisle to come to Switch, as featured in the opening of the last Partner Showcase. After that, though? It gets WILD, largely due to the Western release of "the slapping game", the Rose and Camellia collection which includes among its games a LA MULANA crossover. Dana White can't even. As revealed last week with a demo, we also have the Picross Logiart Grimoire (a darker take on the franchise, as featured in Steam Early Access).

Other titles of note: A new version of Ikki that even the eShop description admits nobody really wanted, Hydlide II finishes the... story? from the EggConsole line, and a technological take on Reigns from Devolver. Also from Disclaimer Corner: Sokobond Express is a title from Draknek and Friends, which includes frequent NWR contributor Syrenne McNulty as a producer.

North America

Grounded (US$39.99/C$49.99: Tuesday)

Bunny Garden ($22.99/$29.9)

Rose and Camellia Collection ($19.99/$26.99: Tuesday)

Planet of Lana ($19.99/$24.99: Tuesday)

ArcRunner ($19.99/$25.19: Wednesday)

4 In A Row ($19.99/$26.49)

Picross -LogiartGrimoire- ($19.99/$25.99)

Dream Tactics ($17.99/$23.49: Monday)

A Tale of Paper: Refolded ($14.99/$19.99)

Sokobond Express ($14.99/$19.99)

Stone Age: Digital Edition ($14.99/$19.99)

Ikki Unite ($14.99/$18.99)

Ready, Steady, Ship ($14.99/$19.99: Friday)

Trackline Express ($12.99/$17.49)

ZooKeeper ($10.99/$14.90: Monday)

The Mildew Children ($9.99/$13.99: Wednesday)

Unboxing ($9.99/$13.99)

Aery - Cyber City ($9.99/$12.99)

Where Is Drake? ($9.99/$13.99: Friday)

Risky Chronicles and the Curse of Destiny ($9.99/$13.00: Saturday)

Corn Kidz 64 ($6.99/$8.99: Friday)

EggConsole Hydlide II PC-8801 ($6.49/$7.34)

Pretty Girls Escape Plus ($5.99/$6.99)

Reigns Beyond ($4.99/$6.49: Wednesday)

Archer 3D ($4.99/$6.99)

Lunar Axe ($4.99/$6.99)

Sokobalien ($4.99/$6.83)

Epic Dumpster Bear 1.5 DX ($4.99/$5.99)

Magical Girl Dash ($4.99/$6.99: Friday)

Scheming Through The Zombie Apocalypse Ep.2: Caged ($4.99/$6.99: Friday)

Odd Hue Out ($3.99/$5.39)

False Dream ($2.99/not released)

Which Country Is Larger? ($2.29/$3.11)

Revealed Later

Sagres ($19.99/$25.99: Wednesday)

stitch. ($14.99/$19.99: Wednesday)

Knight's Redemption: War for Freedom ($12.99/$17.59)

Sticky Business ($9.99/$13.49: Wednesday)

Cst Piano ($5.99/$8.19: Friday)

Exit 8 ($3.99/$4.99: Wednesday)

Helichapter X ($2.99/$3.99: Friday)

Ping Race ($0.99/$1.29: Saturday)


Emeraldia ($7.99/$9.87)

Sales and Price Drops

Highlights: In recognition of the income tax deadline in the United States, Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is a record 75% off until the 24th. PSPrices, DekuDeals


Grounded (€39.99/£34.99: Tuesday)

Planet of Lana (€19.99/£16.99: Tuesday)

Rose and Camellia Collection (€19.99/£17.99: Tuesday)

ArcRunner (€19.99/£16.99)

4 In A Row (€19.99/£17.99)

Picross -LogiartGrimoire- (€19.5/£16.75)

Dream Tactics (€17.99/£14.99: Monday)

Ikki Unite (€14.99/£13.5)

Ready, Steady, Ship (€14.99/£13.49)

Sokobond Express (€14.99/£13.49)

A Tale of Paper: Refolded (€13.99/£12.99)

Stone Age: Digital Edition (€13.99/£12.59)

Trackline Express (€11.99/£10.99)

ZooKeeper (€10.99/£9.89: Monday)

The Mildew Children (€9.99/£8.99: Wednesday)

Aery - Cyber City (€9.99/£9.99)

Unboxing (€9.99/£9.99)

Risky Chronicles and the Curse of Destiny (€9.99/£8.99: Saturday)

Mars Assault: 3D Shooter (€7.99/£7.99: Tuesday)

Corn Kidz 64 (€6.99/£5.99: Friday)

Pretty Girls Escape Plus (€5.99/£5.49)

EggConsole Hydlide II PC-8801 (€5.59/£)

Reigns Beyond (€4.99/£4.49: Wednesday)

Archer 3D (€4.99/£4.99)

Scheming Through The Zombie Apocalypse Ep.2: Caged (€4.99/£4.99)

Lunar Axe (€4.99/£4.49)

Sokobalien (€4.99/£4.49)

Magical Girl Dash (€4.99/£4.99: Friday)

Epic Dumpster Bear 1.5 DX (€4.49/£3.99)

Revealed Later

Sagres (€19.5/£16.75: Wednesday)

Spirit Swap (€15.9/£14.9)

stitch. (€14.99/£14.99: Wednesday)

Knight's Redemption: War for Freedom (€12.99/£12.99)

Sticky Business (€9.99/£8.99: Wednesday)

Cat Piano (€5.99/£5.39: Friday)

Exit 8 (€3.99/£3.39: Wednesday)

Helichapter X (€2.99/£2.69: Friday)

Ping Race (€0.99/£0.99: Saturday)


Emeraldia (€6.99/£6.28)


Fae Farm (Â¥5980)

Classmates Remake (Â¥5940)

Whisker Waters (Â¥4290)

Grounded (Â¥4092: Wednesday)

Bunny Garden (Â¥2980)

Ikki Unite (Â¥2420)

Sokobond Express (Â¥2220)

Planet of Lana (Â¥2200: Tuesday)

Dream Tactics (Â¥2000)

Trackline Express (Â¥1999)

Picross -LogiartGrimoire- (Â¥1980)

Sunsoft Is Back! Retro Game Selection (Â¥1980)

Ready, Steady, Ship (Â¥1900)

Aery - Cyber City (Â¥1600)

Risky Chronicles and the Curse of Fate (Â¥1499)

The Mildew Children (Â¥1499)

Unboxing (Â¥1490)

EggConsole Hydlide II PC-8801 (Â¥880)

Lunar Axe (Â¥750)

Archer 3D (Â¥749)

Magical Girl Dash (Â¥749)

Motorcycle Extreme Driver (Â¥749)

Pretty Girl Escape Plus (Â¥700)

In-Vert (Â¥550)

Evil God Korone (Â¥480: Sunday)

Criminal Profile: Who Is The Culprit (Â¥420)

Difficult Kanji For Children (Â¥420)

Learn About Asuka Nara (Â¥420)

Learn About The Three Kingdoms (Â¥420)

Which Country Is Larger? (Â¥400)

False Dream (Â¥350)

Revealed Later

Beauties Unveiled 2 (Â¥3000)

Ruff Ghanor (Â¥2899)

stitch. (Â¥2380)

Sagres (Â¥2300)

Stone Age (Â¥2260)

Spirit Swap (Â¥1980)

Beach Girls: Sports In Bikinis (Â¥1650)

Sticky Business (Â¥1200)

Hentai Girls: Steamy Maid (Â¥900)

Emeraldia (Â¥838)

Reigns Beyond (Â¥580)

Exit 8 (Â¥470)

Courageous Reasoning Nori 6 MikiEdition Laat (Â¥150)

Donald Theriault - News Editor, Nintendo World Report / 2016 Nintendo World Champion
Tutorial box out.