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Messages - The Omen

Pages: 1 ... 80 81 [82] 83 84 85
Nintendo Gaming / More FF Games Coming ...?
« on: March 17, 2003, 10:22:45 AM »
  Square isn't developing anything for the cube, Game Designers Studio is...wink wink

Nintendo Gaming / Sigh, some biassed Nintendo Bashing!
« on: March 17, 2003, 10:17:11 AM »

I don't agree with all the MS bashing going on here. MS have done some great (and new) things, like the harddrive and Xboxlive. Blinx was a good idea, bad execution.

Thats exactly the point.  Nintendo games, if anything, execute perfectly. To me, just having a good idea is not innovative if it fails to deliver.  Countless great ideas have ended up in the toilet, with nothing more to show for it.  While at first , it would seem NIN hides behind it's characters, I would argue that each incarnation adds many unique, and yes, innovative elements to it.  SMS gets bashed, but I really enjoyed it.  Look what it had to live up to.

   Although Zelda , Metroid, Pokemon, and Mario can always be counted on, they've introduced Animal Crossing, Pikmin and Luigis Mansion (seriously, I would like another installment) just this past year.  How many companys can you say that about?  

Nintendo Gaming / Sigh, some biassed Nintendo Bashing!
« on: March 17, 2003, 09:57:44 AM »

dead or alive : xtreme beach volly ball

cant get a more milked franchise than that

Hey, c'mon!  It did get a rating of 9.2 from IGNXbox!  LOL

This guy mentions rehashes, but states he wants a 'true' Sin and Punishment sequal.  I guess if you say 'true', it's not a rehash?  Moronic

General Gaming / System Failures?
« on: March 17, 2003, 04:47:33 AM »
  Don't forget the Turbo Duo.  It was Turbo graphix cd and card games on 1 console....and it sucked.  Also, I think it was known as PC engine(turbo grafix) in Japan.  As for there being more Dreamcasts then Cubes, hasn't Dreamcast been out for about 5 years?  

Nintendo Gaming / I don't like metroid prime. Heres why:
« on: March 17, 2003, 04:40:48 AM »
  I love Metroid, and I recommend everyone give it a good month of playing.  Having said that, I accidently erased my file (thinking I copied it to my other card).  I was pretty far in the game. (18 hrs) I haven't picked it up since.  I want to some times, but i can't get started, for some reason.  I still rank it as 1 of my favorite games.  I really was in love with it when I was deep into it for a 3 week period.  So, maybe it's because i'm aggravated that I erased it.  Also, I enjoyed reading the Log book, and I felt it really added some background to the game and series, as a whole.  On another note, I think the feeling of isolation would be lost if they added movies throughout, for me anyway.

General Gaming / Theory on why MGS2:Substance was named what it was
« on: March 16, 2003, 06:53:12 PM »
  Actually, Mountain Dew :Code Red can be rather refreshing.... if only the same could be said for MSG2.....

Nintendo Gaming / Sigh, some biassed Nintendo Bashing!
« on: March 16, 2003, 06:22:17 PM »

Good points or no, this article was in fact not a BIASED article, but another example of an older gamer whose outgrown Nintendo. Simple as that.

If you mean to infer that he outgrew Nintendo and grew 'into' ps2 and xbox , I firmly disagree.  That doesn't happen.  If he outgrew games in general, then you might have a point.  Or if he said he was burned by the N64, and didn't feel the same about Nin, then I could see that. I look at his 'editorial', and to me he sounds like either a kid who grew up loving Sega and hating Nintendo, or he is a freaking fanboy.  He could have made some valid points without showing what system he's 'loyal' to, but he showed his hand by bringing up Microsoft innovation.  It corrupted his whole article.  He did exactly what fanboys always do, pretend they USED to be a fan of a certain system or company, so it has more merit when they bash it. ....Just play which games you like and be done with it.  ....By the way, i really like that poll he has on there, too.

General Gaming / EA not supporting Live
« on: March 16, 2003, 06:10:05 PM »
  Live isn't doing as well as MS would have you believe.  I'm sure it's doing okay, but I seem to remember some serious questions regarding the numbers being released by MS.  If you enjoy it , good.  My argument was if PS2 and GC were online with EA sports, and xbox not, it would hurt xbox.  I do not game online.  I was merely speaking in terms of Nintendo gaining some switchover fans.  Obviously, if GC isn't online, then it's a moot point.  However, I seem to remember around the release of MADDEN 2003, EA stating that all versions for '04 would be online.  So now that they dropped out of Live support, I took that as the other 2 systems are still going online.  And of course, this could all change tomorrow, but thats how it stands right now.  God forbid I mention the x Box in a negative light (albeit, barely negative).  

Nintendo Gaming / RTX cancelled
« on: March 16, 2003, 04:36:58 AM »
  On Nintendos RTX :RR page, it says the game is cancelled.  Kind of wierd , considering it was being made for GC first, but now it's only coming to PS2[according to Cube-europe].  I have to say, I don't think it's that big of a loss, but we'll never know now.

same day as Zelda....24th

General Gaming / EA not supporting Live
« on: March 15, 2003, 06:32:54 PM »
  EA sports and EA big have huge followings, whether or not you like them.  Now imagine if they're online for both ps2 and GC, but not xbox.  Which version would you buy?  I should have stated earlier that EA has just OFFICIALLY announced that it will not be supporting live.

TalkBack / Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against Acclaim
« on: March 15, 2003, 12:26:09 PM »
  I should file a lawsuit for those horrible QB club games.

General Gaming / EA not supporting Live
« on: March 15, 2003, 12:15:12 PM »
Obviously, since EA announced they're not supporting live, when they previously planned on it, doesn't that infer that they were going too?  It is news , because if Nintendo gets the EA games online it will attract more people to the GC .  And if it's not news, then why did you read and respond to it?  Blah BLAH blah  

General Gaming / EA not supporting Live
« on: March 15, 2003, 11:45:06 AM »
  EA has announced that as of right now, they will not support Xbox live.  The reason is they couldn't reach an agreement.  Eidos also has declared MS business practice unfair, and will not support live either.  I read it on, so they're pretty sh!tty site, but it does quote both of them.  This might be good for the GC if Nintendo can expand on their 'agreement' with EA .  They should give EA a great deal and get those games online.  Also of note, isn't Eidos responsible for Timesplitters ?  The next installment is supposed to be online, so that could really hurt the xbox.

Nintendo Gaming / The Nintendo Difference
« on: March 15, 2003, 11:29:24 AM »
  He could just want to proclaim his satisfaction that Nintendo doesn't let him down in the games department.

Nintendo Gaming / Mr Gannondorf, the bell toll's for thee..
« on: March 15, 2003, 11:05:46 AM »

Again Omen if it was just a mistake and you don't actually believe that's how it's spelled I'm sorry.

No problem, just a bad day

Nintendo Gaming / Mr Gannondorf, the bell toll's for thee..
« on: March 15, 2003, 10:09:00 AM »
I guess we humans can't be as perfect as yourself....You know what annoys me?  People being so damn nit-picky about everything.  Gannon, as a last name is usually spelled GANNON.  It's just a habit.  Sorry, maybe I watch too much football. [oops, why do we call it football? We messed up again!]  

Nintendo Gaming / Mr Gannondorf, the bell toll's for thee..
« on: March 15, 2003, 08:48:50 AM »
 No spoilers from me.  I'm dead set against anything that'll ruin a game for anyone.   ....You guys down under are getting Metroid and the Wind waker in the same month?  WOW... how will you accomplish anything not game related?

Nintendo Gaming / Mr Gannondorf, the bell toll's for thee..
« on: March 14, 2003, 11:19:20 PM »
  I just beat ZeldaOT for the first time in 4 years.  It is by far the best game i've ever played. Now onto Master Quest.  Hopefully, LOZ:WW will be just as incredible....9 days left!  (yes I realize it's 5:17am EST,  but i'm old and working leaves me with no time whatsoever to rip into my games collection.) yawn...

Nintendo Gaming / PLEASE tell me the GCN is not dying in Europe.
« on: March 14, 2003, 07:50:36 PM »

Think of Dixon's as Gamestop in the US, or even what EBgames stores are right now. They are far from being that large of a distributor.

Isn't Gamestop the biggest software chain in america?  ....At any rate, the Gamecube will be fine.  Theres alot of dis-information out there right now (we know who from) trying to sway consumer confidence.  It's really standard rhetoric.  Cube's doing better than the N64 ever did, and it's only going to get better.

Nintendo Gaming / P.N. 03 & Soul Calibur 2 scores
« on: March 12, 2003, 10:32:46 AM »

Sometimes you can't just believe all of the hype surrounding a game - you have to pay attention to reviews and your gaming peers for a comprehensive preview of what to expect.

Did it ever occur to you that reviews are what create the hype?  Games in the 5.5 to 7.0 get the shaft because thats considered bad.  These are some of those middle-of-the-road games we will all miss because we let reviews guide our decision.  It isn't impossible to enjoy a game that your favorite site rated a 6.  Test drive all games yourself then read the reviews and see if you agree with them.  That will prevent your thoughts being 'shaped' by reviews. As far as PN3 and SC2, i'm not really surprised, but i'm importing them anyway.

Nintendo Gaming / good news
« on: March 11, 2003, 08:49:16 AM »
  Interesting, indeed.  Perhaps this 'partnership' with EA involves more than meets the eye?

Nintendo Gaming / Wrong about Metroid?
« on: March 08, 2003, 11:19:21 AM »
  The graphics are beautiful(ecspecially the drifts) and this guys a jackass-that about sums it up....

Nintendo Gaming / Reservoir Dogs for Ps2, X-box and...
« on: March 07, 2003, 07:49:19 PM »
...of course not the GC.   SCI, who developed the 'italian job' games has bought the game rights to Mr. Tarantinos master flick.  If done correctly , this game could be great, but it probably will be done horribly like most movie to game endeavors.  Maybe the Cube will get a port since SCI is porting over 'Italian Job'.  Give me a 'True Romance(Tarantino wrote)' game where you can play as Clarence or Alabama in co-op mode, and then i'll be excited.

I hate big mouth punks, just like M$.  Hyping up the xbox prelaunch by downing Sony and Nintendo was borderline ridiculous.  Nobody really hates X-box, but the constant barrage of digs against the other 2 platforms got old real quick,for me anyway.  It doesn't blind me to the fact xbox has a few positives going for it, but i have a bad taste in my mouth with regards to their launch hype.

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