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Have You Played 'Em All? A Pokémon Series Retrospective

by Adam Abou-Nasr, Joe DeVader, Brett Posner-Ferdman, Jordan Rudek, Donald Theriault, and Melanie Zawodniak - November 12, 2019, 8:18 am EST
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Pokéball GO!

It may have started as a humble RPG, but Pokémon has since transformed into a global phenomenon. You may not have first encountered Pokémon through the video games, but there's no denying their importance in getting children and adults alike addicted to catching 'em all. With over two dozen entries - including different versions - the mainline Pokémon video games deserve recognition for keeping us entertained for over two decades. While Sword and Shield are at the top of everyone's minds, let's take an extended look at the games that came before; including our personal experiences with them and the major and minor changes that have kept the series fun and fresh.

John Rairdin contributed to the production of this video.

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